Chapter 15

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Peeta smells good, like strawberries. He leans towards me, making his freshly showered hair drip on me. The tiny water droplets make wet spots on my grey nightgown. "Are you hungry? I could get you something." He says, his eyes filled with concern. I know he's been worried about me. He's worried about how I'm handling this pregnancy, Especially now that the games are starting again. I guess he does have a valid reason to be worried. I know that all this stress isn't good for me or the baby. He's laying down too, propped up on his forearms so he can be on the same level as me. I've been laying in this same position, across the middle of the bed, since he got in the shower. "No." I answer. He sighs, looking at one of the water droplets on my chest. " barely ate anything at dinner." He glances up at me, but my expression doesn't change. "I know." It's hard to eat when you have to sit across from two kids who you know are about to be slaughtered, but I don't tell him this because it would only make him even more worried about me. "You need to eat something." He says, firmly, not breaking eye contact with me. "I will. Later. I promise." He seems to believe me. "Okay." He kisses my cheek. "I'm gonna go help Brooke with her camouflage." He gets up, walks out, and shuts the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

A few minutes later I get up to go to the bathroom. I wrap my sweater around myself as I walk and look down at my feet. The sounds of my bare feet against the floor echos through the hallway as I approach the bathroom at the end of the hall. Once I get to the bathroom, I stop at the doorway. Instead of a dark empty bathroom I see Peeta and Brooke standing by the sink with paint and paint brushes. I find myself smiling involuntarily at the sight of Peeta teaching Brooke camouflage. She smiles brightly at him "Is this right?" She asks, mixing the colors of paint he put on her arm. "Yes, it's perfect. Keep going." With his help she transforms the lower half of her arm into a part of a tree. When I remember why she's doing it I instantly stop smiling. I turn away from them and run back down the hallway, towards our room. I don't and probably never will understand how Peeta can be so friendly towards them knowing that we'll have to watch them die.

For the next two days we discuss their training every evening over dinner. Nathaniel has made some real progress with his knives and has learned how to throw spears as well. Brooke can now tie knots, start a fire, and camouflage as well. I take a sip of my hot chocolate trying not to stare at the glass of wine sitting across the table in front of Brooke. It's getting more and more difficult to stay sober knowing that in a few days they'll be in the arena, but I know I can't drink. Peeta would lose it if he found out I had even one sip of alcohol with this baby in me. I fix my gaze on Peeta, trying to focus solely on him instead of the two kids sitting across from me. I try to imagine that it's just us here and we're on our honeymoon again. I stare blankly at Peeta's hand, letting my thoughts drift off to the few peaceful moments we had together in the Capitol.

We sit in front of the television, in total silence, other than the sound of their prep team talking quietly amongst themselves, as we wait for their scores. I watch the tributes faces and scores flash before me. I try to make a mental note of the ones with the highest scores as they appear before me. The boy from one got a nine, the girl from two got a seven, the girl from four got an eight, and the boy from eleven also got an eight. Peeta tightens his grip on my thigh, causing me to be momentarily distracted by his hand, as they get to district twelve. I look up to see that Nathaniel got a seven, that doesn't surprise me much. If I had to guess which one out of them would have the best chance of surviving it would be him for sure. Everyone congratulates him including me, but I still can't look him in the eyes. Then Brooke's picture appears and everyone stops and turns to the screen. "Six." I hear the word before I see the number appear. That does surprise me. What could she have showed them that made her stand out enough to get a six? I mean sure, she's good with camouflage, but everything else she's merely a beginner. I feel Peeta jump up and he walks over to congratulate her. Everyone else congratulates her as well. Peeta hugs her and whispers something to her that I don't understand. It makes me wonder what kind of deals they've made. I don't understand why he would choose her over Nathaniel. Isn't he the obvious choice? He's stronger than her and better with weapons. But Peeta sees something in her I don't. Something I would've seen if I could've brought myself to look. To get close to her like he did. No matter why he did, I'm sure he's chosen her, the same way Haymitch chose me and that means she might have a chance at coming home.

A/N: Oooh suspense..... Not really. It's obvious Peeta was going to pick Brooke. At least to me it was but I'm the writer so idk. anyways... PEETA SMELLS GOOD

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