Chapter 6

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The door opens, and I jump back. Peeta doesn't seem phased by the disturbance as he laughs, and tightens his grip around my waist. I see that it's only our prep teams at the door and I relax. "Sorry." Venia immediately apologizes in her thick Capitol accent, but all of them are smiling. "C'mon we've got a lot of work to do on you, Katniss." Octavia says, making me groan. I don't want to get up. I don't want to leave the comfort of Peeta's arms. "Oh come on, cheer up it's you're wedding day!" Flavius says. Peeta smiles at me in agreement. I climb out of bed and walk towards the door. "I love you." Peeta says, catching me off guard. "Love you too?" I mumble, still foggy from sleep. That causes a loud squeal from my prep team. I wonder how they'll be able to contain themselves at our wedding if they get that excited over just hearing us saying that we love each other. As I walk down the hall I listen to Peeta's voice as he talks to his prep team about something, still in the bedroom behind us, but I can't make out what they're saying.

After hours of being prepped they announce their done with me. They haven't let me look in a mirror this entire time, set on me seeing only the finished product. I stand up and they bring a full body mirror into the room and place it in front of me. I don't recognize the person in the mirror, sure she has my same features, but that's about where the similarities end. My dark hair is curled, and pinned up with one braid along the side. My eyes are dark, thickly coated with mascara and eyeliner, and have little diamonds on them. My lips are light pink, along with my cheeks. I move side to side and watch my dress as it sparkles in the light. It's loose from my waist down and fluffs out in what I'd guess is at least a hundred layers of sparkly white fabric, but on my chest it's irritatingly tight. I look like a diamond, shining and sparkling everywhere the light hits me. "You look absolutely stunning, Katniss! I can't wait until Peeta sees you!" I smile, thinking of Peeta. Then I start to feel sick. In less than an hour we'll be married, making our love official, in front of all of Panem. All I can do is hope it'll be enough, at least for now.

Once I walk out out of my dressing room I find haymitch, dressed in a suit and seemingly sober. "What are you doing here?" I ask. It comes out ruder than I expected. Possibly because I'm so on edge right now. "Well, somebody had to walk you down the aisle right?" He smirks at me. "I figured you wouldn't mind. Since, you know, you don't care about your wedding." He chuckles. "Here. You look like you need it." He pulls a flask from his shirt pocket and hands it to me. I hesitantly take it from him and take a sip, setting my tongue and throat on fire. It's almost full so he must not have drank very much today if any. "Thank you, Haymitch." I pass it back. "For everything." He smiles at me, a real genuine smile, then it fades into his usual sarcastic one. "Yeah,yeah. Just don't let Peeta know I gave this to you. Wouldn't want to ruin this special day for him." I want to tell him that it's okay and Peeta doesn't care, but I don't have time. Before he grabs my hand and pulls me up next to him. "It's time!" I hear Effie say, hopping past me, heading towards where I assume her seat must be. I feel weak. I'm thankful for Haymitch's arm being here. The music starts and we start to walk down the aisle together arm in arm.

I reach Peeta at the end of the aisle and I try to ignore the other people as I stare into Peeta's eyes, doing my best to pretend it's only us here. We say our vows, which thankfully mine are short, Peeta's are a bit longer. I start to wonder why, then I realize he wrote them. We put the rings on each other's fingers and he kisses me, his hands pressed to my back holding me close to him. I feel it again, that hunger for more that never seems to go away when he kisses me. But it can't go on forever. He pulls away and turns back to the faces in the crowd, reminding me that we are not alone.

As we eat from the rows and rows of tables of food lined up against the wall people come up to Peeta and I, and occasionally Prim, wanting pictures or just to greet us. I take a bite of some kind of orangey soup, as someone comes by with another glass of wine. I accept it eagerly and a wave of guilt flows over me. I've already had enough to be drunk. I look to Peeta to make sure it's okay and he nods, going back to paying attention to the food. I know I technically don't need his permission, but I don't want to ruin this day for him anymore than I already have. I've been ignoring him all night unless I know a cameras on us. Obviously more entertained by the food and drinks than anything he has to say to me. I down my glass of wine and feel the buzz kick in instantly. My minds numb and my body feels like it's moving in slow motion from all the drinks I've had tonight. I grab Peeta's hand to stable myself and he looks up at me in shock. He quickly recovers himself as he realizes what's going on and sets down the plate he was eating from. "Why don't we go dance?" He suggests. He smiles but his eyes are filled with concern. "That sounds lovely." The second the words are out of my mouth I laugh. That doesn't sound like something I would say at all. I know he must think I'm going to fall because he tightens his grip on me as we walk to the dance floor. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me against him tightly and I wrap my arms around his neck. He very slowly sways our bodies to the music, and gently turns me in a circle. I laugh at the wave of dizziness it brings and smile brightly at him. I can't tell if it's just the drinks or Peeta but for just a second as he spun me around I felt genuinely happy.

A/N: please comment your thoughts and maybe some ideas on what should happen over there honeymoon? I've got one of the chapters written but the other one I've got nothing so I could really use some inspiration.

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