Chapter 19- Again?

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Jennifer's POV

We just walked into a club.... It's loud, dark, people are everywhere. Leah locks a tight grip on my arm and we push through the crowd to an empty table in the back. There are probably 8 or 9 people in our group... Most of them are couples. But there is one girl that's single.

Ashlyn and Casey are the only two girls here that I know.

"Baby!" Leah yells in my ear over the loud music. I look at her and pull her close so I can hear her. "What??" "You want a drink?" She asks me. "Sure." I smile. She nods and walks off, before she does she looks at Ashlyn and then points at me, telling Ashlyn to look out for me.

"Jennifer, this is Ali." Ashlyn says and introduces me to a beautiful girl in a white dress. I smile and shake her hand and we have a half-ass conversation because the music is so insanely loud.

A few minutes later Leah returns with a tray of shots and four beer bottles. I hear several of the girls in the group yell, excited to see alcohol. I giggle and Leah puts the tray down, grabs two shots, and two beers and comes over to me. "Here." She says. I take it and we both drink. I swallow hard and shake my head. "WHAT THE FXCK?!" I squeal. "Was that tequila?!" She laughs and touches my waist. "Yes it was." She grins. I shake my head and drink my beer. "Don't get me drunk, Leah. I get sloppy." I say and give her a look. "Mmm, you probably get pretty freaky too hmm?" She bites her lip. I make a face and she leans in and starts kissing me.

The kiss gets more intense and next thing I know, Leah's friends are whistling and yelling, teasing Leah and I.  I feel leah start to smile as we kiss and I do too. Leah doesn't break the kiss though, she instead, puts her hand up to our faces, blocking the girls view of our tongues slipping in and out of each others mouthes. This doesn't go on for very long but it was nice while it lasted. I laugh and Leah sits down on the booth. I sit beside her, practically in her lap- watching the other girls.

Suddenly, another one of Leah's friends takes a seat beside me. She's the single one.... She puts her hand on my thigh and smiles at Leah and I. "Leah, you found a hot one." She teases. "Fxck yeah I did." "Mm, come here, I wanna tell you something." The girl says and leans over in front of me to get closer to Leah. Leah leans in and then BAM- The girl kisses Leah!

"OH MY GOD." I yell and separate them. I look at Leah and she just stares at me for about three seconds and then grabs my face and kisses me hard. Then the other girl breaks leah and I apart, she kisses me and it just turns into a mess of Leah kissing me, leah kissing her friend, Leah's friend kissing me, it's a disaster.....

This goes on for a few minutes but is broken apart when a certain song comes on. Leah looks at me and bites her lip. "Babe..." She grins. "Come dance with me." She says. I smile and stand up and we walk over to wear Ali and Ashlyn are dancing. Ali is grinding on Ashlyn. Leah and I start to dance, I get pretty sexual but leah doesn't seem to mind it at all. She lets her hands wander over my body.

Somehow, I get another shot- this time it's straight Vodka. "LEAHHH." I groan. She laughs and puts her hands on my waist. "Come give me a lap dance" I giggle, starting to feel the alcohol a little bit. "Deal." She says and we walk back to the booth.

Leah delivers on my lap dance and again, we end up making out....again.


We've been here at the club for a few hours now and I'm walking to the bar to get more drinks for Leah's friends. I take the drinks and then I feel a hand on my lower back. I spin around and see Ryan. My eyes get wide and I get a strange feeling. "Hey." I say and smile. He smiles and takes my drinks. "I'll carry these." He says. I lead him back over to our table and leah laughs when she sees him.

We all talk and everything is going smoothly so far. I'm a little more than tipsy at this point, but I'm not completely trashed. Leah, Ryan, myself and another couple are sitting there talking. I'm inbetween Ryan and Leah....

"...yeah right!!!" "Sure. Not like you would..." The conversation is about sleeping with guys. "Jennifer would you do him?" A girl asks me, referring to Ryan. I laugh and hang all over him, "Again? Hell yeah...." I laugh. As soon as these words leave my mouth I regret it.

Leah- everyone for that matter just stares at me. "Again?" Leah mutters. "Hmm?" I grumble. "You said again- meaning that you've fxcked him before...." She says, getting angry. I look at Ryan and I feel myself sober up very quickly. "Ryan?" Leah says, shooting him a look. "Leah- it's not like you think...." He starts. "You fxcking bitxh." Leah hisses and gives me and look, she stands up and runs off in the direction of the club exit. I call after her but Ryan grips my arm... Not letting me chase her.

"NO! Get off!" I yell at him. "Stop, Jennifer. She's not gonna talk to you right now." He says. "Fxck you! This is your fault!" I yell at him and push him. "My fault?" He questions. "Yes you! You fxcking came onto me, you seduced me!!!" I yell at him and then pick up a drink and throw it at him, drenching his solid black, button down shirt. He just looks at me and shakes his head. "Whatever Jennifer..." He groans and walks off. I look back at Ashlyn and she just stares at me in disbelief. "You cheated on Lee?" "No!" "Well, you fxcked her brother." Make says, making a face. "Wait-no." I say and start to cry.


About an hour passes and I'm lost and confused as I wander around the club, trying to find someone I know. "RYAN!" I yell when I see him standing there. "What the fxck do you want?" He growls. "Please, take me home. I need to go." I plead with him, I don't have another option. He shakes his head and pulls me out of the club behind him  and we get into a cab and go back to his place.

I get out and take off my heels, walking up his driveway barefooted. "why didn't you take me to Leah?" I ask him, my head pounding. "Because she is not speaking to you." He says to me. I nod and follow him inside.

"Jennifer." He says and closes the door. I go over to him and kiss him hard, he picks me up and holds me by my ass and we start to make-out.

"No, you're drunk." He stops and puts me down. I shake my head. "Fxck this." I moan and start to cry. "Jennifer, drink this and go to bed." He says and hands me a glass of water. I nod and drink it and then go pass out on the couch.

Leah's POV

I can't even believe this.... I'm back at Casey's house crying behind closed doors. She cheated on me.... But not only did she cheat on me- she cheated on me with my own brother.

"Lee... Open up." Casey begs from the opposite side of the door. "I'm fine." I say, trying to stop the tears that are rolling down my cheek. She continues to beg for me to let her in, so I eventually let her in. I dry my face and she looks at me. "Leah...." She says and pulls me in for a hug. I hug her back and I feel another tear slip out. "Why?" I mumble. "I don't know, Leah. It's gonna be okay though." She says and pushes my hair out of my face and wipes my cheek. I just look at her for a second and then I lean into kiss her. She kisses me back but then stops.

"Leah- no." She says. "You don't need sex right now. And I don't need to cheat on my girlfriend.... So, let's just stop this now." She says. "Okay- i'm sorry." I say and shake my head, "-I don't know what the fxck I'm doing." I say and run my fingers through my tangled hair.

"Look, why don't you just try and get some sleep and we can deal with this when everyone is sober and thinking clearly..." She says to me. "Okay..." I take a deep breath. "Goodnight." She says and kisses my head. "Night." I sigh and close the door behind her once she's gone.

It's gonna be long, sleepless night. My mind is too busy thinking about what's gonna happen to even begin to go to sleep.

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