Chapter 52- Get Out.

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Jennifer's POV

I wake up the following morning- alone. My emotions take over and it destroys me. I'm so mad at her but it hurts so bad because I love her like I do. I just want this to all go away. Get me through the post-break up meltdowns and get her shit out. I can't stand seeing it.

"Jen?" I hear Gabriella. I wipe my tears and look at her. "Yeah?" I ask, my voice not very clear. "You alright?" She asks as she looks around at the broken glass on the floor. "I'm fine." I say to her and sit up. "You're not fine. What's wrong?" She asks, pushing me. I look at her for a second, trying to decide on if I should tell her or not. I decide to let her know what's going on but not give her details.

"Leah and I aren't okay." I say and fight tears as hard as I possibly can. "Oh..." She says. "I'll be fine. It's just another break up." I say and try and brush it off like its nothing. But it's really so much more than that. This is the love of my life we're talking about. It hurts like a bxtch. Gabriella and I talk for a few minutes and then she leaves me. I made the decision when I woke up this morning that I was going to stay in my bed all day... My phone is still on the floor where I left it, dead now and I don't even care.

I just want to watch movies and not be sad about all of this.

Leah's POV

I hate this. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. She refuses to answer my calls and now it's going straight to her voicemail. I'm scared to call Rodrigo because if he doesn't believe me... Then it's really gonna be a bad situation. I'm so lost and confused right now. I wanna go home. I want Jennifer.

I'm in the back of a cab going to my parents house for lunch. I finally arrive and go inside. "Leah!" My mom says my name happily and hugs me. "How are you?" She asks. "I'm fine." I say, not wanting to mention the relationship issues right now. "Your father and Ryan--" I cut her off. "Ryan?" I ask dryly. "Yes." She says. "He knows I'm here?" I ask. "No... I figured it'd be a nice surprise." She says, clearly not knowing the story. "Mom, I'm leaving if he is here." I say and clutch my purse. "Leah." "The shit he said to me... You cannot take it back. I refuse to even sit in the same god damn room as him." I hiss. "Watch your language Leah." She says. "I'll tell your father to take him home." She says, realizing just how serious I am about the situation.

Soon after, my father arrives and hugs me tightly. "There you are." I smile at him and we sit down at the table to eat. "We've missed you. Where is Jennifer??" My mother asks. My heart jumps when I hear her name but I can't show it. "I've missed you too. And she couldn't make this trip." I say, making up something off the top of my head. "You two are still together?" My father asks- seeming a little but surprised. "Yes... Why wouldn't we be?" I ask him, getting a tiny bit offended.

"I just heard some things from your brother that surprised me." He says and shrugs. "Don't believe shit Ryan says." I throw my fork down and things get tense... Yet again. "Leah Remini! Watch your mouth!" My mom raises her voice. "You don't get it." I say and roll my eyes. "Leah!" "Stop. Just stop. You're gonna side with Ryan because he is your sweet little boy but meanwhile... I'm here- struggling to keep my fxcking relationship from falling apart and not to mention the fact that your angel of a son fxcked my girlfriend behind my back and then attempted to steal her away from me all together!" I yell, completely losing it.

Both my parents stare at me in total shock. "Leah...." My mom says. I stand up and drink the last of my wine. "I'm gonna go." I say and walk away from the table. No one even attempts to stop me.

I go back to my hotel and lay on the bed and just stare at the ceiling. I have given up on trying to call Jennifer at this point. This sucks, all I want is her.

I can't stay here and do nothing. I open my MacBook and go to the airline websites and change my flight to the soonest one I can find. I make the changes and pack my bags quickly, not wanting to be apart from her any longer. I go downstairs and check out of my room and get a cab to the airport. As soon as I get there I go to my gate and wait impatiently to board my plane.

They finally board us and we begin our journey back to New York. I can't sleep on the way there... I can't. My mind is too busy trying to figure out what to say to Jennifer once I see her. My thoughts are interrupted by a male flight attendant.

"Traveling alone?" He asks. "Yeah." I respond. "That's never fun. Where is your boyfriend?" He asks, just trying to find a way to figure out of I was single or not. "I don't have a boyfriend." I say to him. He makes a face and I look him dead in the eye. "I don't have a boyfriend. I have a girlfriend whom I'm completely head over heels for. So please... Don't try." I say. I notice his face turn bright red and he walks away quickly.

I close my eyes and wait for the flight to be over.

I wake up and see people getting off the plane. "We're here?" I ask a woman that was sitting behind me. "We are in Chicago. There is a delay due to a huge storm in New York." She says. I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh as I get off the plane.

I walk through the airport checking my phone every two seconds to see if Jennifer has called... But nothing. I come across a Starbucks and I go in and order and then sit down. I sit there for what feels like years even though it's only 2 and 1/2 hours and then I head back to my gate because the storm had lightened up enough for us to continue our flight home.

It's 7:00pm now and I'm anxious to be home. I board the plane and try and get some sleep before I get there knowing that I have a very long night ahead of me.


I'm woken up by a flight attendant telling me we've landed. I smile and get up quickly, grabbing my carry on bag and leaving quickly. I go to baggage claim and thankfully I don't have to wait every long. I grab my suitcase and run outside to catch a cab. I give them the address and I swear it's the longest ride of my life and traffic is not the best tonight. I get more and more anxious the closer we get.

We finally stop out front and I pay, get my things and go inside and take the elevator to our floor. It's 9:00pm and I open the door using my key and quietly close it behind me. It's dark downstairs so I use my phone to guide myself through the hallway and I quietly go upstairs. I push open the bedroom door and it's dark. I take a deep breath and walk over to the bed and sit down.

Jennifer isn't fully asleep but it's dark so she doesn't know it's me. "Gabriella... Please- I want to be left alone." She says without lifting her head from the pillow. "It's me." I whisper. Jennifer sits up quickly and turns the light on. She's obviously furious with me. "You bxtch." She hisses. I stand up and quickly close the door, not wanting this to wake her sister. I have a feeling things are about to get loud. I turn the light on and see glass covering the floor.

"What the hell?" I mutter and glance at Jennifer. "Get your shit and go." She demands and then throws a hoodie at me. "I hope you had a good fxcking time in California." She says, seriously upset. I can't even talk because I know whatever I say will further piss her off.

I finally speak up, "Jennifer." I say. "No. Get the fxck out." She grits at me. "Dammit Jennifer stop!!!" I yell loudly, knowing that getting loud with her is the only way to get her attention. She stops and stares at me with tears in her eyes. "How could you? How could you do that to me?!" She screams at me. "I didn't. I couldn't." I say back to her, lowering my voice now. "Bull shit Leah. You sent me pictures of some naked girl laying on your bed." She says and throws her hands in the air. "I want you out." She says and walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I close my eyes and shake my head.

This is not going to be a fun night.

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