Chapter 36- Over It.

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Leah's POV

We pull up at Jen's brothers and he throws his hands in the air and taps his wrist, teasing us about being late. He then points at me and laughs. He climbs into the backseat and smiles at us. "I though you were gonna be in California." He says. "I came back to surprise your sister." I say and place my hand on Jennifer's leg as she drives off.

"Why the hell were you so late?" He complains and toys with his watch. "Don't worry about it." Jennifer says... She gives me a look and we both laugh quietly. "You guys were fxcking, weren't you?" He says and shakes his head. I laugh and look back at him. He shakes his head and laughs too. "So, why don't you have a girlfriend? I've never seen you with a girl, nor have a heard about any past girlfriends... Are you gay?" I laugh. "Fxck no! I'm not gay!" He snaps and then laughs. "Good, I don't know that mom could handle having a gay son and a bisexual daughter...." Jennifer says. "I just don't like wasting time in relationships that I don't see going anywhere. I mean yeah, I'm a guy so I'll hook up with a girl if I go out with some friends and I won't lie, I have a few friends with benefits but I don't do pointless relationships." He says. "Everyone has friends with benefits... Everyone." I say and make a face. "Do lesbians do that shit too?" He laughs. "Yes." Jennifer looks at me and shakes her head. "I didn't have any friends with benefits! Male or female!" She laughs at us. "That's because you're a good girl who refuses to put out to anyone." I joke with her and rub her thigh.

"I put out to you pretty damn quick." She whispers and gives me a look. "Nope, you guys aren't having this conversation with me in the back." Rodrigo says. Jennifer and I both laugh and we continue to chat about random stuff.


10 minutes later we pull into the gate at their fathers house... "This is his house? He's the only one that lives here?" Rodrigo says as he look on at the huge mansion in front of us. "Yeah, he's loaded. Like... Completely loaded." Jennifer says. "Damn..." Rodrigo says.

It gets quiet and we all three get out of the car. Jennifer goes and knocks on the door and I hear Rodrigo take a deep breath. "This is stressful." He mutters. I  put my hand on his back, "it's okay... I've met him- he is nice. I promise... Just please do this- for Jennifer." I whisper to him. He nods slowly and the front door opens and Jennifer's father greets her with a huge smile and a hug. Rodrigo shakes his hand and remains completely silent. "Rodrigo...." Her father says.

"Please, come in." He says. We all go inside and sit at the table and wait for dinner. "I'm happy you are here." Her father says to Rodrigo. "Yeah." He says and looks away. "Leah, it's nice to see you as well. I though you were going to be out of state?" He says. "I was... But my plans changed." I say and smile. Jennifer's father doesn't know that Jennifer and I are together. I'm assuming he just thinks we are best friends or something. But as far as I know- Jennifer hasn't mentioned anything about her sexuality to him. "How have you been Jennifer?" Her father asks. "I've been good... Finally getting back into the swing of things." She says. "Oh. I meant to ask you last time- how do you know Ryan?" Her father says.

Jennifer's face changes and I can tell she is nervous. What is he talking about? Ryan? How does he know Ryan? Is it my brother?

"What?" I chime in. "I uh- nothing. It's nothing." Jennifer says. "No, Ryan who?" I demand. I look at her father. "My brother Ryan?" I grit and then direct my attention to Jennifer. "Yes Leah... But it's not-" "I'm confused... Ryan is your brother?" Her father says. I can tell Rodrigo is feeling awkward. "He was here for some reason when I came last month! I didn't know he was going to be here Leah!" Jennifer says.

"What happened? You kiss him? Fxck him again?" I grit. Jennifer stares at me. "Leah, I swear on my life. I did not. I couldn't cheat on you like that... I came home afterwards and I was all over you... I swear to God Leah, we didn't have sex!" She says.

It's like we are arguing in private, but in reality her brother and father are siting right there- listening to all of this.

"Leah, nothing happened that night. I swear." She says and just stares at me. I can tell when Jennifer is lying, and right now- she's not lying to me unless she has gotten really good at it. I don't say another word... I just stand up and excuse myself.

"Leah... Wait." Jennifer says and I walk out the front door and get into my car. Jennifer runs after me and jumps into the passenger seat. "Baby..." She whispers. "Why didn't you tell me? Since you say that nothing happened... Why didn't you mention it to me?" I ask her and look at her. "Because I was afraid you would get mad, I was scared you'd think I was lying and... Leah I didn't want anything to mess this up. I didn't want to lose you... Not again. I can't do that." She says, her voice slowly fading out. She reaches out for my hand. I just look at her for a second and I lean over and kiss her.

"You aren't going to lose me." I say and peck her lips again. "It still feels like that sometimes." She whispers. "I promise you, you have nothing to worry about." She says. I rub my thumb on her cheek and smile at her. "I'm sorry for snapping like that, I shouldn't have." I tell her. "It's okay, I should have told you." She says back to me.

"Well um, now your secret is out-" I say and make a face. "I guess so..." She says and shakes her head. "I have to face it eventually so..." She says and opens the door and gets back out of the car. We stop at the door and I grab her waist. I kiss her deeply and slap her ass. "Relax. You're tense." I say to her. She shakes her head and we go back inside and return to the dining room to Rodrigo and her father waiting for us.

Jennifer's POV

"I'm sorry for- that." I say and look at Rodrigo. "What was that about?" My father asks. I look at Leah and then my brother very nervously. "It's just- there have been issues with Ryan in the past... But it's over and done with now... So I would really rather not talk about it." I say quietly. "Issues? I'm confused.... Jennifer, are you-- gay?" He stutters out and waits anxiously for my answer.

I feel like the walls are closing in for some reason, my brother and leah both wait for my answer to him... "I-I'm not gay... I'm bisexual. And Leah and I are together." I say nervously. He looks away from me, and just stares at the ground for a moment. "I see..." He says after again using silence. "Well... I think you should be going." He says and stands up, making it very obvious he wants me out of his home.

"Rodrigo, you're more than welcome to stay for a few drinks if you'd like... We could catch up." My father says. I look at Leah and make a face. I stand up and walk over to her. "No, I'm going to be with Jennifer..." Rodrigo says. I hold Leah's hand and we walk to the door with my father and brother behind us.

"I've gotta know... why do you want me gone? Is it because I'm not straight? Obviously... But wow. You can't even handle me being in your house for another second." I say and face him, still holding a tight grip on Leah's hand. He doesn't say anything. I know though, he doesn't need to say a word. I can tell what he is thinking. "Whatever, I'm over it. It would be different if you'd been in my life at all in these past few years... You had the chance and you didn't take it. So I don't give a flying fxck about what you think." I say and smile afterwards. He folds his arms and just looks at me. "Goodbye." He says. "Fxck off." I whisper and grab Leah's chin and kiss her, making sure that tongue is clearly visible.

"Okay.....We'll be going." Rodrigo says and forces Leah and I out the door. I laugh and glance back at Rodrigo. "Not funny." He grunts. "Come on, it was just a little kiss." I giggle. "Jennifer, that wasn't a little kiss. That was a full-on tongue fest...that was not necessary. It was honestly rude, I know we aren't on great terms with him but have some respect..." Rodrigo says. I roll my eyes and ignore him. "Leah, can I drive?" He asks Leah. She tosses him the keys and we all three get in the car.

"Let's go back to your place and hangout. Leah has yet to see your place." I say and tap Rodrigo on the shoulder. "Okay."

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