Chapter 61- Beautiful Couple?

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Jennifer's POV

I wake up, completely naked and my body feels sore. I sit up and look around, there are articles of clothing scattered around, my phone is laying in the middle of the floor, the bed is a disaster and Leah is laying there naked as well.

I climb it of bed and grab my phone and then quickly get back into bed and slide under the covers. I check my social media and whatnot and then I cuddle up to Leah and put my head on her bare chest. She starts to wake up but doesn't say anything. She just runs her fingers through my hair. I lay there silently, enjoying little moments like this. The silence is broken by my phone. I see a text from Gabriella, "can I come home yet?" She asks. I grin to myself and click on the camera and hold my phone up to take a picture of us. "What the hell are you thinking?" Leah groans and covers her face. My breasts are covered by the sheets and Leah's are covered by me. I just laugh and send Gabriella the photo.

I look up at Leah and smile. "I love you." I whisper. She smiles back at me and winks, "I love you too.... Kinda nice waking up like this with you." She teases. "You always wake up with me." I giggle. "Yeah, but we're not always naked... Last night was easily one of the best nights we've ever had." She says to me. "You stole my thunder." I tease her and trace my fingertips on her skin. "What? When?" "I was enjoying being in charge but you couldn't stand it so you took over." I laugh. "You've just gotta stand your ground and be demanding." She whispers and scratches my back softly.

"Now, did you seriously go out and buy that damn dild-" "shut up." I say. "No! I'm serious. Why'd you buy it?" She asks me. "Because you knew I used to have one? Is that the only reason?" She asks me. I look up at her and shrug. "You didn't seem very into it when i tried using it on you so clearly you bought it for me." She says, basically reading my mind.

"I just wanted to do something new." I say to her. "New is great... But you don't have to cater to all my wants baby- you satisfy me just fine without it." She whispers and kisses me. I swear she knows what to say to make me feel better. "Thank you for last night." She tells me and slides her hand to my side. "You're welcome." I whisper and peck her lips again.


After about an hour, Leah and I are showered and Gabriella just got home. I run into the bedroom and quickly pick up the clothes laying on the floor and then I strip the sheets off of the bed. Gabriella walks in the room. "Damn... What the hell happened here last night?" She asks and looks at the chair in the middle of the floor and the pair of panties I left sitting on the floor. "Don't worry about it." I tease her. She shakes her head and walks away.

I take all of our dirty laundry and put it in the washing machine and return to our bedroom. "Baby?" I call out. "Yeah?" "You have plans tomorrow?" I ask her. "Not unless you tell me I do..." She jokes. "You wanna start moving?" I ask her hopefully. "Of course... Are they done remodeling the bathrooms and stuff?" She asks and puts on her shoes. "They just finished it. So it's basically ready." I say happily. "Yay!" She grins and sprays herself with perfume. "Where are you going?" I ask her. "Don't worry about it." She teases me and pecks my lips. "I'll be back in a few hours." She tells me and grabs her purse. I nod my head and she leaves.

Well... Now I guess I can start packing up our clothes since i have nothing better to do.

Leah's POV

I leave the condo and go down to my car and pull out of the parking garage. I didn't want to tell Jennifer where I'm going because I'm actually going to look at some rings... not just little silly rings- engagement rings. Jennifer and I are both ready to take the next step but it's just a matter of who is gonna put it into action and I have no problem with it being me.

I get to one of the jewelry shops and park my car and then quickly get out and pay the meter before going inside the store.

"Hello. How may we help you?" One of the ladies working in the store asks me. "Hi! I'm looking for an engagement ring." I say to her. "Alrighty... Do you have any ideas of what you're looking for? Large, small? " she asks and lead me over to a small case. "I'm thinking something on the larger side... Not too obnoxiously large but noticeable." I tell her and look through the glass case. "We have a few here... But if you don't like any of these we can always have one custom-made... of course that'll be much more expensive. What's your budget?" She asks me and I examine each of the rings that are looking up at me.

"I don't really have a budget..." I say without looking up. "Your fiancé must really love you, huh? He tells you to pick out whatever ring you want and that you have no budget?" She teases. I look up and laugh- not because it was funny but just because she thinks that I'm straight.

I change the subject, not in the mood I get into arguments with people about my sexuality today, "so, what's the customizing ring thing?" I ask her. "Well... You have to option to either start from scratch, or you can chose a ring that we have here and build onto it. You're going to be building your own ring." She tells me. I nod my head and try to think... I know I want Jennifer to have a larger ring. I want her to love it. I look down and point at a ring through the glass. "Can I see that one?" I ask her. She unlocks the case and pulls out the ring and hands it to me.

"I like this... But I want to to pop more." I say to her. "Alright- so, if you choose to customize this ring then you can find a larger diamond, more diamonds, less diamonds... Whatever you want." She explains. I bite my lip, thinking hard about this. "Can I go grab some coffee or something and think about this? " I laugh. She nods and smiles. "Sure. It'll be here when you return." She assures me.

I leave the shop and as in walking back to my car I get an idea. I pull out my phone and call Rodrigo. "Rodrigo!" I say through the phone. "Leah!" He teases. "Will you meet me at the coffee shop please? I have to discuss something with you." I say to him. "Yeah, sure. I'll be there in maybe 10 minutes?" He says. "Great." End call.

I walk down maybe a block or so and enter the coffee shop. I order two drinks and then take a seat at the table in the back and just as I sit down Rodrigo walks through the doors. I wave at him and he walks over to me and sits across from me. "Hey." He says. "Hey. How are you?" "I'm good, how about you?" He asks me. "Perfect." "What did you need to discuss?" He laughs and sips his coffee. "Well.... I um- I need your opinion on something for your sister ..." I say to him. "Okay?" "I'm looking for a ring." I say. His eyes get big and he nods slowly. "As in- you're going to get engaged?" He asks. "Yes..." "Alrighty then..." He says.

"It's weird to think that my sister is going to be engaged to another woman. I always imagined myself give the whole protective brother speech to some stuck-up rich guy in a suit." He says and shakes his head. "Things change." I say and shrug my shoulders. "I know there isn't much to worry about with you though. Which is good... " he grins. "Come on. I wanna show you a ring." I say and stand up. He follows me out of the shop and back to the jewelry store. We walk in and that same lady smiles at me. "You must be the lucky guy who gets to marry her..." She smiles confidently at Rodrigo. I try so hard not to laugh at this comment. Rodrigo pauses for a second and looks at me with a straight face... "I sure am." He says and places his hand around my back. I do everything I can to keep from laughing.

Rodrigo is so funny... He always does stuff like this and it's hilarious. "What ring was it you liked baby?" He asks me with a smile. I bite my lip and point to a ring, I'm scared to talk out of fear of laughing. "I love it. It's perfect." He says. "I wanna get a bigger diamond." I say to him. "A bigger diamond would be gorgeous... It'd fit you perfectly." He says.... We're both referring to Jennifer right how which makes this even funnier. I look up at the lady and smile.

"I'll take this one... I can come in tomorrow morning and give you the size, pay, and all of the other things." I say to her. She nods her head with a smile and hold the ring in her hand. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then! You two make a beautiful couple." She says. "Thank you, we love eachother very very much." I say with a smile, playing into Rodrigo's game.

Rodrigo and I leave the store and walk to my car where I bust out laughing. "You're such an idiot!" I laugh. He laughs too and shrugs. "I really like that ring though... Jen's gonna love that." He tells me. "I hope so..." I say. "Thanks for coming." I tell him and hug him. "Anytime." He says to me before I climb into my car and he walks in the other direction.

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