Chapter 50- My Everything

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Jennifer's POV

We've now been at my fathers house- well my house now... For about an hour. We've looked around the entire house... Every thing in to his house is so perfect honestly. I love it. There's a pool, jacuzzi, four cars- a Lamborghini, a range rover, a Mercedes and a Ferrari. That's insane to me.. The cars alone are mind blowing. I've never pictured myself own a fxcking Lambo... But here I am. Along with a giant mansion.

"Babe... We should check out the basement." Leah says. I nod and she opens the door and there is a spiral staircase that goes down to a completely finished basement, marble flooring, completely furnished... Two more bedrooms and a bar. I look around and I'm completely silent.

"This would be quite the place for a party." Leah says and walks around the bar. "Yeah, no kidding." I say and sit down. "Seriously though, I need a drink." I say and look up at her. She giggles and pours me something. "What do I do?" I ask her. "Honestly... I love the place. I think it's beautiful but yeah- it's a lot of house. It's a lot of everything honestly. It's a lot of money." She says and takes my drink and takes a sip of it. "I don't know how to make a decision like this." "It's up to you babe." I say to her. "Well... I want your help." I say to her.

"Leah listen. I'm not trying to rush this or us in any way at all but in all honesty... I want to spend the rest of my life with you... I really do and I am hoping you feel the same way. So I respect your opinion and I care what you have to say about this. " I explain to her. She nods and looks at me. "Keep it." She says. "The house?" "Yeah. Keep the house. It's too good to pass up." She tells me and walks back around the bar and stands beside me. "Okay." I say and smile.

The more I think about this- the more I realize that I don't even care where we are. I just want her. Wherever she is, that's home for me. I've never been this comfortable with someone. She's my everything.


Hours Later, Leah and I are still here. "I have to tell you something." Leah whispers to me. I look up and I get kinda scared. "What???" I ask her. "I'm leaving for a week." She says. "What? Why?" "I have to go to California for some work related stuff... And my parents won't get off my ass about not coming to see them." She says and holds my hand in hers. "I don't want you to leave." I whisper and hug her. "I know but I promise I'll call you and FaceTime you every single day." She says. I hug her tightly, seriously dreading the thought of her being gone for an entire week. I haven't slept alone in a while and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm used to having her to cuddle with every single night but she's gonna be all the way across the fxcking country for an entire week. This is going to be hell.

"When do you leave?" I ask softly. "Tuesday morning." She says and kisses me. I pout out my lips and she smiles a little. "Don't do that. You're gonna take me on a guilt trip." She giggles at me. "Please just hurry home." I say and hug her again. "I will."


Tuesday Morning

It's 6am and I hear Leah in the bathroom getting ready. I lazily get up and put some pants on. She comes out of the bedroom and looks at me like I'm crazy. "Get your ass back into that bed and go to sleep." She says. "I'm taking you to the airport." I say and grab her keys. She shakes her head and grabs her suitcase. "Whatever." She says and leave the bedroom. "Tell Gabriella I said bye when you get back okay?" I nod my head yes and we go get in the car.

The entire ride there I have one hand on the wheel and the other is on top of Leah's which is resting on my thigh. We get to the airport and I put the car in park. And turn my body to face Leah. "I love you. Call me when you land please." I say and peck her lips. "I will, go back home and go to sleep." She teases me. I giggle and bite my lip. "Kiss me again." I say. She kisses me deeply and I kiss back. "Mm- okay. I've got to go." She says and pulls away. "Okay. Bye baby." I say and slowly release her hand. She leaves and I pull off, driving back home.


Leah's POV

I'm sitting in the airport, waiting to board my plane and I hear my name. I turn around and my eyes don't believe who I see standing in front of me.

Shay. As in- Shay the one I used to fxck. "Hi." I say and she sits herself beside me quite comfortably. "How are you?" She asks, as if she doesn't know I'm with Jennifer, which she clearly does know. "I'm great." I say, not making eye contact with her. "Hm, you look good baby." She says and rubs her hand up and down my thigh. "Please stop Shay. You know I'm with someone." I say and give her a look. "I know you were with someone." She says "cut it out." I hiss. "Leah, I miss you baby girl. I miss what we had and... I want you." She says and pouts. I roll my eyes and look the other way. "Righttt...." I say to her.

I get up and move seats and she doesn't follow me. But of course, I can't have an easy flight. As soon as we board she sits beside me on the plane and grins at me. I can't believe this is happening. "Why are you so obsessed with me, Shay?" I face her. "I'm not obsessed with you mami, I just- i miss you. I miss how you used to touch me and kiss me..." She whispers and bite her lip. I can't lie and say that I'm not attracted to Shay physically, she's beyond beautiful but I have no interest in her. I have Jennifer. That's the only person I need.

"You have to admit that baby... You miss me kissing you, touching your body, mmm, eating your pus-" I cut her off. "Enough." I say. "Mami... Come on." She pleads. "Shay, I'm with someone." I say to her. She suddenly gives up and looks the other way, thank god.

I sleep through most of my flight but when we land- my wake up call isn't the best one. I feel a pair of warm lips on my neck and a hand sitting on my thigh. "Wake up baby." Shay whispers. I immediately push her off and give her a look. "Stop!" I snap and unbuckle. She just gives me a look and we get off the plane and she basically follows me all the way to baggage claim even though I ignore her.

"Why are you in California anyways?" I ask her and grab my suitcase. "I'm visiting some friends." she says and she too grabs her bag and we go out the doors and I scan for an empty cab. Shay spots one before me and happens to be the only one. "We can share." She says. I roll my eyes and get into the backseat of the cab with her. I tell the cab driver where I'm going and wait for Shay to tell him where she is going but she doesn't say a word. I stare at her and she winks at me. Fxck.

We pull up in front of my hotel and she climbs out behind me. "What?" I ask her. "I'm staying here too." She says to me with a smirk. I know she's lying and she's only here because I'm here. I go up to he the desk and get my room keys and Shay just happens to book a room right across the hall from mine. I'm never gonna get away from her. I beat her up to the 21st floor and close my door and lock it. I call Jennifer and lay on my bed.

"Hi beautiful!" I say when she answers the phone. "Hey baby." She says back to me. "How was your flight?" "It was good. I slept most of the way though." I laugh. "Of course you did." She teases. "I miss you already." She whispers. "I promise I'll be home soon. Just try and smile okay? I love you." I say. She giggles and say back, "I love you too babe." End call.

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