Chapter 53- Look At Me.

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Leah's POV

I push open the bathroom door and Jen turns her back to me. "I need you to fxcking look at me." I say to her. "No." "Jennifer, this isn't a fxcking game. Look." I say, being demanding. She turns and faces me. "I did not cheat on you." I say. "You expect me to believe that?" She asks me and looks at me like I'm stupid. "Yeah. I expect you to fxcking trust me Jennifer! That bxtch means nothing to me. That's Shay. She fxcking came into my room and tried to tell me all of this bull shit and make me leave you for her. But I told her no. I couldn't do that to you because I fxcking love you. I'm in love with you and I'm honestly amazed that you even think I would do that to you. Let's take a second to remember who cheated on who last time shall we..." I say, bringing up the past which I usually don't do. "You fxcking cheated on me several times and I forgave you. And now this... You're trying to break up with me over something that didn't even fxcking happen?!" I yell.

Jennifer just stares at me and doesn't say a word. "Speak the fxck up." I say to her. "You swear you didn't?" She whispers. "Do you not hear me?! I love you. I would not cheat on you!!!" I yell and get in her face, trying to get through to her. She closes her eyes and a tear rolls down her already red cheeks. I turn my back and put my hands on my head. "Fxck Jen." I mutter and the walk over to her, using my thumb to wipe away her tear. I hate yelling at her, I hate arguing with her at all but I get so damn frustrated when she won't even listen to me... She opens her eyes and just looks at me for a second before letting two more tears escape. "I'm sorry." She whispers and hugs me tighter than she ever has before. She cries on my shoulder and I rub her back softly.

Jennifer's POV

I'm sitting here crying in Leah's arms, feeling terrible for everything I just said to her. I wasn't thinking. I was at fault for this... Leah isn't like that. She wouldn't cheat on me and I don't know why I let myself think that she would. "Leah..." I whisper and look at her. "Shh." She whispers and wipes my face. "I'm sorry. I want thinking and I just- please don't hate me." I whisper, still scared she'll be mad at me for thinking she's do something like that to me. "Baby... I'm not mad at you. Okay? It's alright. You had every reason to think I was cheating when you saw that picture but I didn't. I'm faithful. I'm loyal to you. Okay? Please stop crying." She says and moves my hair out of my face as I try and console myself. She looks at me and forces a little smile. I wipe my face using the sleeves of my shirt and hug her.

"You okay now?" She asks me, laughing a little to lighten the mood. I nod my head yes and sniffle a little as I try and gain my composure again. "Good... I'm sorry I put you through that. I shouldn't have left... And I'm sorry for yelling." She says to me. "No, it's not your fault." I say and shake my head. "It's neither of our faults... Okay?" She says and holds my waist. I nod my head yes and hug her again. "I'm happy you're here." I whisper. "Me too... I couldn't just leave things like that." She says and kisses my neck once. I look at her and flash a closed smile at her.

"Can we go to bed?" I whisper to her. "I think that's a good idea." She says back to me. We walk out of the bathroom and Leah walks through the broken glass with her heels still on and to the closet. She changes clothes and comes back out. "I'll clean it up tomorrow." She tells me. She then sees my phone on the floor and picks it up. "You fxcked it up babe." She says and looks at my shattered phone. I nod and close my eyes. "I was being dumb." I say to her. She puts my phone on the dresser and turns the light off and climbs In bed. She lays on her back and holds her arm out. "Come here." She whispers. I scoot over to her and lay my head on her chest. "I love you Jennifer. Never forget that." She whispers and drags her fingertips over my skin. "I love you too." I saw back and hug her body.

We finally fall asleep.


The next morning I wake up laying on Leah's chest. I don't even want to more right now honestly. I missed her and I feel like such an idiot for getting so mad over something that didn't even happen...

I'm laying on her chest just thinking and I feel her hand move up and down my back. "You awake?" She whispers. "Yeah." I say back to her quietly. It's only 8:00am so I don't really know why either of us are awake. "I kinda blew up on my parents yesterday." She says. I lift my head and look at her. "You did what? Why?" "Because... They wouldn't stop talking about Ryan! I was sick of it... I told my mom how I felt about it and then my dad said something that set me off." She says. "Leah...." "It was a dumb thing to do but I can't sit there and listen to them talk about him like he is some perfect little angel when he is anything but that." She says and turns over and lays on her stomach, propping herself up with her elbows.

"Baby... I'm sorry." I say and sit up. "And I turned down a job in California." She says. "Okay that I am happy about." I giggle. She smiles and then lays her head down on the pillow. "I missed you. Even though it wasn't even a full week." I tell her and straddle her, sitting on her ass. I start massaging her back. "Mmm- you're amazing." She groans. I smile to myself and keep massaging her for a few minutes.

Eventually, we get out of bed and I shake my head as I look at the floor of our room that is still covered in glass. "Don't worry about it. I'll clean it up." Leah says and kisses my cheek. "Get a shower and get dressed- I wanna take you somewhere." She says. I nod and go into the bathroom while she cleans up the huge mess I made. I finish my shower and come out of the bedroom to see a clean floor and a made-up bed. I go into my closet and get dressed.

Leah walks in the closet and smiles at me. "Where are we going?" I ask her. "Don't worry about it." She winks. "Babe, I need to know if we are gonna be outside of inside. It's the middle of October...." I say. "Inside... That's all you're getting." She winks at me. I shake my head and finish getting dressed.


About an hour and a glad later I go downstairs and see Leah and Gabriella sitting in the kitchen talking. Leah is sitting on the counter and she looks at me and smiles. "Hi beautiful." She says. I walk over to her and stand inbetween her legs. "Hey..." Gabriella looks at me and smiles. "I'm glad to see you two have gotten things sorted out." She says. I nod and smile at her and then look up at Leah. "Me too." I whisper. Leah grins and puts her fingertips on my chin, making me tilt my head up. "You ready to go?" She whispers as her lips get closer and closer to mine.

"Mmhmm." I mumble and she kisses me softly. I kiss her back multiple times and then remember we aren't alone... "Let's go." I say and back off of her. "We'll be back in a few hours." I say to my sister. "Okay, I think I'm gonna go out and try and meet some people." She smiles. I nod and grab Leah's hand and we walk out the door and to the elevator.

The elevator door closes and I put my hands on Leah's waist and kiss her. "Mm, your lips are so- perfect." I whisper and kiss her. She giggles and bites her lip. "They have cameras in here?" She asks me. "No... They used to but they kept seeing things they didn't like so they just took them out all together." I tell her and push my hands around to her ass. "I kinda wanna fxck you in an elevator one day." She teases. "Please... You wanna fxck me anywhere you possibly can." I laugh and peck her lips. "That's very very true." She says and I kiss her neck. The door opens and I smile and lock my hands with hers and she takes me to the parking garage.

"I'm really curious as to what exactly you have planned." I say and get into the passenger seat of Leah's range rover. "Just relax, we'll have fun." She says to me happily.

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