Chapter 22- You're What?

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Jennifer's POV

"Wait... What?" Rodrigo asks and takes a step back. "I like girls... I like guys..." I say and shrug my shoulders. "You're not funny Jennifer." He says and shakes his head. "I'm not kidding, the reason I'm crying is because I did something incredibly stupid and my girlfriend and I broke up..." I say and wipe my cheeks. "What?" He seems very confused. "Dammit. Leah. I was with Leah." I say and I can't help but start crying again. "Like- with her as in.... She's gay?" He asks and just stares at me in disbelief. "Yes." I say and look away. "So.... You were- wait... What?" He can't seem to make all of this register.

"Don't worry about the details. All you need to know is that I am bi... And leah and I just broke up." I say and fold my arms. He makes a strange face and hugs me again. "Jennifer, I'm sorry... I just- I don't know how to react right now. I just found out that my sister is bisexual... And I have been flirting and hitting on her girlfriend." He says.

I just push my face into his chest, not even really hearing what he said to me. I cry harder and I start to lose my breath. "Why did you two break up?" He asks. I look at him for a second and cover my mouth. "I cheated." I whisper. He just shakes his head and doesn't say anything. "I'm so fxcking stupid." I groan and pace back and forth in the kitchen. "No, you're not stupid you just made a mistake. It happens..." He says and tries to comfort me.

"Can you please stay here for a while?" I ask him and wipe my face again. "Sure." He tells me. We go into the living room and sit down on the couch. "You're not... I don't know- upset or anything?" I mutter. "About?" "Me..." I say. "You being bi? No... You're my sister and I love you.... So whatever makes you happy- makes me happy." He tells me. I force a closed smile and nod. "I love you too... Even though you're an ass sometimes." I say and let out a small laugh. "Hey, there's that laugh." He teases and reaches over to tickle me. I laugh and end up hugging him again. "I miss her." I whisper. "I'm sure you do... No break up is ever easy." He says and rubs my back. "I love her, Rodrigo." I say and feel a tear slip out of my eye. He doesn't say anything back to me. "I don't know what to do..." I whisper.


Three Days Later


Leah's POV

I just left work and I'm honestly just ready to get home and shower and watch movies for the rest of the night. On my way home I walk past the place where I used to see Jennifer a lot although I haven't seen her at all since we broke up. I haven't reached out to her at all because I need to get over this... If I talk to her I'll never get over this and it's just not healthy.

I get back to my apartment and change into a pair of nike-pros and I put on a pair of sweatpants over it. I wear a shirt that's actually made for working out, even though I have no plans to workout right now. My hair is still down and I'm just bumming for the rest of the night.

7:00pm rolls around and I'm getting hungry... So I slip on my shoes and put my hair up in a messy bun and a light jacket and go. I go to a pizza place that isn't very far from my place.... It's also where Jennifer and I went. I get my pizza and eat it as I'm walking down the sidewalk. I decide to stop by Jennifer's on my way home to get some things that I left at her condo. I walk up the stairs and get to her floor and knock on the door. She opens it and looks shocked to see me.

"Hey." I say. "H-hey." She stumbles. " I can to uh- get my stuff." I say and put my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants. "Yeah, come in." She says and steps back. I enter and close the door behind me and follow her into the living room. "I'll be right back." She says and heads upstairs. I look around and I see where Jennifer has been sitting watching movies and eating junk food on the couch. I shake my head and then I see her coming back down the stairs with a bag of my things. She hands it to me and folds her arms. "Thanks. You alright?" I ask her. She just looks at me for a second and I can see it in her eyes- she's about to cry.

"No Leah, I'm not alright." She says to me- her voice cracking. I don't say anything. I just look down. "I love you. I'm not over you. I'm not getting over you anytime soon." She says to me and her voice gets shakier and shakier with every word. I look up at her and she looks so broken. "Jennifer...." I whisper. "Forget it- just take your stuff and go because you being here isn't gonna make this any better." She says, becoming angry. "Wait." I say. She just holds her hand up and stops me from talking. "Go Leah." She whispers and I see a tear slide off of her face. I can't say anything else... So I just go.

I leave Jennifer's building carrying my black duffle bag on my shoulder. On the walk home I can help but see her face everywhere. Her eyes. She seriously looks so broken and destroyed. I don't know why she does though? She did this to herself. At times I catch myself feeling bad for her and getting mad at myself for doing this to her... But then I come to my senses and remember the pain that she caused me. I always put other people before me and I would say that that is one of the worst things about me... I allow myself to get hurt too often and I need to start watching or for myself more... Which is what I'm doing. I broke up with Jennifer and I'm thinking about myself first.

Jennifer's POV

I'm sitting on the windowsill of my condo and I can see Leah making her way up the street, heading back home. Tears continuously roll down my face and it's out of my control. I can't make it stop. This sucks... So fxcking bad.


I wake up the next morning and get a shower and then get dressed for work. I do my make-up and grab my things and head out the door. Work has been a distraction for me, which I'm extremely grateful for. I need something, anything- to keep my mind off of things with Leah.

I walk into work and go straight to my office and get to work. I sit there for three hours straight, not even moving from my seat. I finally get up and let myself have a break. I exit my office and head to the restroom and I see my co-worker, David in the hall.

"Hi, Jennifer." He smiles. "Hi! How are you?" I ask him with a smile, hiding my pain. "Eh- I'm doing pretty good I guess... As good as can be expected." He says and shrugs his shoulders. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I'm splitting from my wife so... It's just a long process yanno?" He says and puts his hands in his pockets. "Oh... I'm sorry, I had no clue." I say and put my hand on his arm. "Don't worry about it... It is what it is." He says and grins at me. I smile and nod and walk off, headed to the bathroom.

"It is what it is..." Bull. I can't accept that. I don't want to accept that even though I'm gonna have to accept it eventually because she's done with me. But my mind can't seem to stop thinking about her- no matter how distracted I am, she's always in the back of my mind. I can hear her laugh and see her smile and feel her kiss and --- I catch myself start to get teary eyed so I quickly try to stop thinking about her.

I leave the bathroom and go down the hall to the copy room/conference room. I enter the small room and see David standing there in his nice black suit. "Hello again." I laugh and walk over to a machine that's not in use. "Are you going out to Los Angeles next week?" He asks me. "No, I'm not. I just came back from California- I've had my fair share." I laugh and glance back at him. "Why were you in California?" "Long story... Don't really wanna talk about it." I say and make a face. He nods and walks over to me and stands beside me. "Break-ups suck." He whispers. I quickly look up at him and wonder how the hell he knows...

"How did you-" "I can see it in your eyes. My wife, she looked the exact same way." He explains to me. I look away and nod slowly. "Yeah, they do." I say and hold back my emotions. "You're beautiful though, and you're smart, sweet, funny, sexy..." He says and just stares at me. "Thank you but I uh-" "whoever it was... They're stupid. They have no clue what they're missing out on." He whispers and looks down at my lips. I bite my lower lip and just stand there. He leans in and kisses me softly.

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