Chapter 55- Be Alright

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Jennifer's POV

We finally get home and Leah parks the car and looks at me. "What?" I ask and laugh. "Nothing babe." She grins and we get out of the car and go inside. We take the elevator up to our floor and walk down the hall. I reach into my purse for the keys but Leah stops me. "Wait one second." She says and grabs my hands and makes me face her. "What?" I laugh nervously. "Close your eyes." She whispers to me. I give her a strange look and hesitantly do what she has asked me. I close my eyes and fold my arms. "Now what?" I ask. She places her hands on either side of my body and unlocks and opens the door. She guides me inside and I hear the door close and the light switch flip on. "Can I open them? What are you fxcking doing?" I giggle. She laughs a little and spins me around to face the opposite direction.

"Open." She commands. I smile to myself and open my eyes. "Leah...." I gasp and bring my hand up to my mouth. I quickly turn and hug her tightly with tears in my eyes after seeing what I do. Our condo literally looks like something that came straight out of a movie. I'm talking candles, rose petals on the fxcking floor... The whole 9. Leah didn't miss a beat on this one.

"Baby." I whisper and I let a tear slip. I lift my head and look at her and she giggles and wipes my face. "Don't cry. And I really hope that's a happy tear." She says to me. I nod my head and smile at her. "I love you so much... you're insane but oh my God I love you." I say and hug her again. She rubs my back and kisses my cheek.

"What is all of this for?" I ask her. "It's for everything I've ever done to piss you off or upset you in any way at all... I just want you to know how much I love you." She tells and and holds my hands. "You're so sweet." I say and kiss her softly. "Come here, I have dinner waiting for us." She grins and pulls me into the kitchen. She walks in ahead of me and hands me what- maybe 2 and 1/2 dozens of roses?? I laugh and shake my head, seriously in awe at all of this. No one has ever done something this elaborate for me. I feel like I'm royalty or something... That's what I love about my relationship with Leah. She truly does make me feel like I'm on top of the world... She makes me so happy I can't even explain it.

"Baby..." I whisper and wipe the tear that slipped from my eye. I set my roses down on the counter and shake my head. I sit down at the table which already has a full meal set out for us and she sits with me. "How did you pull this off?" I ask her and eat. "I can't tell you all my secrets... But I can tell you that your little sister is amazing and I can also tell you that we have the entire place to ourselves tonight." She winks at me. I smile and laugh a little. "Gabriella did all of this?" I ask. "Not by herself. I made a few calls- paid some people to do some things and then bam... Here we are." She giggles. "No one has ever done something like this for me... Nothing close. The most I've gotten from a guy is a dozen roses, a gift card to a spa, and some rough sex afterwards in which I faked my orgasm." I tell her.

She laughs and picks up her wine glass and puts it to her red lips. "Rough sex and fake orgasms... Sounds delightful." "And the thing is- when I say rough sex... There is good rough sex and bad rough sex. This was terrible. I got absolutely no pleasure out of it." She laughs and shakes her head. "Should've called me and I would have helped you out." She whispers. I giggle and give her a look. "I have a question." She says and leans back, "have you ever faked an orgasm with me? Yes or no?" She says and just gives me this look. I pause and laugh to myself. "Never." I say. "Ever?" She grins. "Not once."

"Same question goes to you." I say and sip my wine. She looks away and then back up at me. "....once." She laughs. "LEAH!" I squeal. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I mean come on, I could get off just by looking at you." She says. I shake my head and take another bite of my dinner.

After we eat we sit there for a few minutes, talking and whatnot. Leah stands up and takes both our plates to the sink. "Sit right here and do not move." She hisses and points her finger in my face. "Okay..." She walks into the office and comes back out with both of her hands behind her back. She walks over to me and smiles. "What are you hiding?" I ask and fold my arms. "Close your eyes." She whispers. I close them and then I feel her hands on my shoulders. "Open them." She whispers in my ear.

I open my eyes and I see a little black box... "Leah Marie Remini I'm going to kill you." I glare up at her. She smiles down at me. I open the box and inside I see a ring. It's not a big beautiful diamond ring like the first ring she bought me... It's different. It's a smaller diamond and it's just really simple actually... I look up and her and smile. "It's a promise ring." She whispers to me and takes the ring from me. "I know it's not all that big but it has a lot of meaning... At least to me it does." She whispers and puts it on my finger. I look up at her and kiss her deeply. "It means a lot to me too baby... Thank you for this." I whisper and kiss her again. She smiles and me and nods towards the box again. I look back down and see a piece of paper that's been folded small enough to fit into the box.

"I love notes." I grin. "If you can't read it without getting teary then please don't do it in front of me." She teases. I giggle and stand up and grab her by the hand. I pull her to the couch and make her sit and then I sit beside her and drape my legs over her as I unfold the note carefully. She puts her hand on my thigh and rubs it gently as I start to read it in my head.

I don't know where to start with you to be completely honest.... From the day I met you I fell in love with you. First it was your smile, then that laugh, your eyes, your lips... Everything. It sucked for a minute there knowing you were with some douchebag guy that truly didn't deserve someone as great as you. I got over it pretty quickly I guess... You helped me out with that. I went from crushing on you, to completely giving up on you, to falling in love with you. Everything started changing around me and now... Jennifer- you are my everything. It scares the shit out of me to say that. You are all I have. You became the center of my world and I've never loved anyone like I love you. I have never felt something this deep for anyone... We've truly been to hell and back together and all that did was bring us closer. All the mistakes that both of us made helped us grow. I'm so thankful for that. I'm so thankful for you. You are perfect in every single way and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I have so much more I could say to you but you'd be here for days reading this. So I'll leave it here. I love you unconditionally, you have my heart forever and there is nothing changing that, Jennifer. You're my world.
~ Leah. "

By the time I reach the end of it, I'm bawling my eyes out. Leah knows what to say. She knows exactly the right words. She know how to get into my feels and it drives me insane. I put the note down and I don't say a single word. I just sit up and hug Leah. I cry into her chest and she strokes my back softly. "I love you too." I say back to her through my tears.

After a few minutes of endless crying I sit up and look at Leah with puffy cheeks and a stuffy nose. She looks down at her shirt and it's basically soaked from all of my tears. "I'm glad I wasn't wearing a white shirt..." She teases and tickles my side. I laugh and stand up. "Dammit Leah." I groan and fan my face, still barely able to breathe. "What?" She grins and stands up in front of me. "You made me cry." I laugh and pull her in for a kiss. She kisses me slowly and deeply, gently slipping her tongue into my mouth.

She backs off but leaves her forehead resting on mine. "I meant every last word." She whispers and strokes my cheek with her thumb. I give her a closed smile and pucker my lips up slightly and barely tap hers. "I believe every last word." I whisper.

Things between Leah and I are... a little more than serious. I mean, obviously we've been serious for a while now. But now I'm wearing a promise ring on my finger and the other day we had talked about spending the rest of our lives together... So clearly this is something more than your average relationship.

I love Leah more than anything, but now is when things get scary. Now is when it's either gonna be awesome, or complete hell. This is the point where if something is gonna happen that is going to break us apart- it's gonna happen soon. I'm scared but I have faith in us... We're gonna be alright. We have to.

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