Chapter 63- New Friends

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Jennifer's POV

Leah and I just landed in California. We're walking through the crowded airport pulling our suitcases behind us. Leah arranged for her mom to come pick us up from the airport so we wouldn't have to take a cab.

We walk outside and Leah scans back and forth for her mom and then she motions in the direction of a white SUV. We walk over Leah's mother jumps out of the car and hugs Leah tightly and kisses her cheek multiple times. "Baby!!" She squeals. Leah laughs and hugs her back, "hi mom." She says and then points to me. "Jennifer, so nice to see you again." Her mother says and gives me an awkward hug. Leah puts our bags in the back and she lets me sit up front while she takes the backseat.

As we ride, her mother is pounding Leah with questions. "Mom, please relax with the interrogation. I just got off of a plane with a screaming baby." Leah says. I laugh and glance back at Leah. "Fine, fine. So Jennifer, how is work? Leah had told us before that you are a magazine editor or something. Correct?" Her mom smiles at me. "I used to be. I sort of got away from it though. I'm taking a breather right now." I tell her. "So you're not working?" She asks, almost disappointed. "I'm not at the moment." I tell her. "Mom- leave it. She doesn't have to have a job if she doesn't want to." Leah chimes in. "Well... It's much easier to live with money..." Her mother fires back- being smart. "She has money." Leah says dryly. "Okay.." Her mom says.


We get to Leah's parents house and take our things inside and to the guest room. Leah looks at me and shakes her head. "Please don't break up with me after putting you through this." She jokes. I laugh and put my arms around her, "nothing's gonna scare me off at this point, stupid." I say to her and kiss her cheek. She giggles and we leave the room and head back downstairs to join her parents.

We all sit in the living room, I'm beside Leah and she has her hand on my thigh and one of her legs draped over mine. Her parents are sitting across from us and we're just talking about random stuff... It's going well.

Of course, nothing is ever easy- her father brings up the one thing I hate talking about. Ryan.

"Jennifer, have you met Ryan?" Her father asks me. Leah looks at him with this look. I put my hand on top of Leah's, realizing that I am going to have to talk about this at some point. "I have met him." I say. "Oh have you?" He asks. I nod my head yes and I feel Leah's body tense up. "Please drop it." Leah says and it gets quiet. Her dad obviously doesn't get it... "What? Leah you need to get over this. I don't know what happened between you and your brother but-" Leah stands up and walks out. I don't chase her, I know it'll make it worse.

"Ridiculous. She behaves like a teenager." Her dad gripes as he too leaves the room, leaving her mother and I. She looks at me and gives me a small smile. "I'm sorry... They've never had the best relationship as it is but it seems like it's getting worse..." Her mom says. "It's okay... I know she doesn't like talking about that subject and neither do I." I say and cross my legs. "Do you mind me asking what happened? Leah- she yelled some things and stormed out last time she was here and I don't really know what she was talking about." Her mother says in the nicest way possible. I pause and nod my head slowly, "I uh- I made a mistake and some things happened between Ryan and I that shouldn't have." I say and look away from her. "Again? He's done this in the past." She tells me. "It was a mistake and I wish I could go back and undo it... But what happened...happened and it's done now." I say. She nods her head and stands up. "I'll try and talk to my husband... I wasn't aware of what exactly went on between the three of you I just knew there was quite a bit of tension there." She says. I stand up and take a deep breath. "Thanks... I'm gonna go check on her..." I say and make my way up the stairs to the guest bedroom.

I go in and see Leah standing in front of the mirror in her skinny jeans and black jacket. I close the door and kick my shoes off and walk over to her. She's fixing her make-up but her cheeks are still red. "You okay?" I ask her and hug her from behind. "Yeah, I'm fine." She says to me. "I'm sorry baby." I whisper to her. "It's fine." She responds and spins around to face me. "I just wanna go get drinks, yeah?" She asks. I nod my head yes and kiss her softly. "Let's go." I say.


Leah and I take her mothers car and drive to some restaurant/bar to meet with a few of her friends. I have to admit, Leah and I look hot.... She's got on really tight jeans, black TOMS wedges, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket on top. Her eye make up is fairly dark and she's got red-lipstick on as well. I'm wearing black skinny jeans, a tanish colored top with a scarf, and black boots/heels.

We walk inside and Leah looks around for a second and then grabs my hand and pulls be with her to a table where four other girls are sitting. "Well hello." One of the girls looks me up and down and then shoots leah a look. We both laugh and I shake her hand and then the other 3 girls. "This is Jennifer." Leah says. "Nice to meet you all." I say and smile. "You guys look hot." One of the blonde girls says. "We are hot..." Leah jokes and pulls out one of the chairs for me. I climb up and sit down at the high-top table and Leah sits beside me.

I chat with them and we slowly get to know eachother and everyone seems to be really nice. They all remind me of Leah in some way, shape, or form. "Are you all going to Ashlyn's party tomorrow night?" Leah asks and grabs a drink from the center of the table. "Yes... We always do. Are you two coming?" One of her friends asks. "Yes. Is anything crazy supposed to be happening this year?" Leah laughs.

"Nothing special... Just a lot of people, lots of alcohol, and probably a lot of dirty drunken hook-ups." The girl sitting beside me says and drinks her beer. "Jennifer do you drink?" One of the girls asks me. I shrug my shoulders, "I do but not very often." I say. "You have to tomorrow night- it's part of it." She teases me. I laugh and nod my head, "we'll see." I say and glance at Leah. "Family dinner should be over by 8:00 so I guess we'll get dressed once they leave and be at Ali's by 10?" Leah says, making plans with people whom I've just met. "Sounds good." They all agree and Leah looks at me.

"You good baby?" She whispers and rubs my thigh. "Perfect..." I smile, "I'm gonna run to the restroom." I say and stand up and walk off.

Leah's POV

Every last one of my friends stares hard at Jennifer's ass as she walks off. I laugh and clear my throat. "Mine." I say. They all laugh at me and shake their heads... "How the hell did you manage to get her?" "I'm smart." I wink. "Let me guess- you got her drunk first and then fxcked her...." Courtney guesses. "Nope. Not even close." I say back to her. "She was actually with some guy when I first met her and things just kinda took off and she realized she liked pu$$y... and yeah. Here we are." I laugh. They all give me this look of amazement and I shrug. "Leah you are ridiculous. You've turned 3 girls." My friend jokes with me. "I can't help it." I say. About this time, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I glance back and see Jennifer. "Speaking of..." I say.

"Oh- you're talking about me?" She a laughs and climbs back up onto her chair. "Yes... She was. She was saying how terrible of a girlfriend you were and that she's going to break up with you so you may as well just date me..." Courtney teases her. I laugh and put my hand on Jen's leg, "she is joking." I say and give her a look. She shakes her head and kisses me softly, "you don't want a drink?" "No, I have to drive us back home." She says. "One drink won't kill you babe." I tell her and hand her my glass. She takes a couple of tiny sips and hands it back to me, "I'm good." She grins.

After a couple of hours I look at Jennifer and ask if she's ready to go and she tells me yes. "We're gonna get going. I'll see you guys tomorrow night." I tell them and place one hand on Jennifer's lower back. She grabs my hand and locks our fingers together. "Nice to meet you Jennifer." They call to her and we walk towards the door.

That went well, everyone who I've introduced her to so far has loved her and she seems to like them as well... So this is great.

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