Chapter 20- We Are Not Okay.

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Jennifer's POV

I wake up, my dress is up past my waist, my head is pounding, my hair is a mess, and I'm wearing last nights make up. The strong sun beams down on my face and I rub my eyes and sit up.

"Oh fxck." I mutter to myself as thoughts of last nights events flash back into my brain. I put my hand on my head and close my eyes. "Dammit Jennifer." I say to myself. I stand up and pull my dress down, I then grab my heels and start to head out the door of Ryan's house when I hear Ryan coming down the stairs. "Jen, wait!" He calls. I look back at him but I still proceed towards the door. He beats me there and looks down at me. "Wait..." He whispers.

"This is already bad enough... So please-" I say and roll my eyes. "Believe me. I know how bad it is." He jokes. I just stare at him, letting him know that I don't find his little comment on my situation funny at all. "Geez...." He rolls his eyes at me. "Ryan! I fxcked you! You are my girlfriends brother!!!! Do you not get it?!?" "I get it... I do. I know it was a mistake and it wasn't just your fault... It was both of us. But look- where the hell are you gonna go once you leave here? You don't know yor way around, you look like you got hit by a truck..." He says and raises his eyebrows. "I need to find Leah and talk to her..." I say and try to open the door.

He forces it closed. "Stop. Think." He says. "Take a shower here.... Make yourself look decent, eat breakfast and calm down and then I will take you to Leah." He says in a low voice. I take a deep breath and nod. He shows me upstairs to the bathroom and I take my shower. Once in done I open the bathroom door and see that Ryan has laid out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on the bed....I'm assuming they belong to Leah. I put them on and put my wet hair up into a bun and slowly make my way down the stairs, carrying my dress and heels in my hand.

"Feel better?" Ryan asks as I enter the kitchen. "Yeah... I'm so hungry." I complain. He turns around and hands me a plate and I see two waffles. I smile and take my waffles and he takes his... I walk across the cold, marble floors in my bare feet to the kitchen table and sit across the table from him. "Is she ever going to forgive me?" I ask him. "I don't know..." He responds. "Ryan, I know you don't wanna hear about this sh*t but you're about to-" I say and shovel a bite of waffle into my mouth. "I can't lose her, not like this. She's so good to me and I don't want us to end like this.... It's not fair to her." I say. "Jennifer, I don't know how she's going to respond to all or this but come on... You had sex with her brother." He says and gives me a look. "I know! It was a mistake!" I groan.

It gets quiet for a second or two and then he says something. "Was the sex good?" He laughs. "Too soon to joke about it, Ryan." I roll my eyes. "Please take me to Leah." I beg him. "Alright." He says and stands up.


About 30 minutes later, we pull up in the driveways of Casey's house. I take a deep breath and get out of the car and go up to the door, still carrying my dress and shoes in my hand. I knock on the door and it opens and I see Casey. She just looks at me and I don't know what the fxck to say.... "Um, hi." I stutter. "Leah isn't here." She says. "Where is she?" I ask her and go into the house. "She went out for a run." She tells me. I nod and it gets quiet.

"Why did you have to go and cheat on her?" Casey asks me. "It was a mistake..." I say, knowing how terrible of an excuse that is. "Bullsh*t." She grunts. "Casey, please don't give me hell for this. I just want to speak to Leah." I say and turn my back to her. "She'll be here later and you two can figure it out on your own... If you end up needing a new place to stay, I'll call someone." She says. I don't say anything further.

I go up into the bedroom and put my things away and sit on the edge of the bed, Indian-style and just stare at the floor. I hear my phone and I look and see my brothers name. I don't even answer him.... I don't know what I'm gonna do honestly. I've created such a big mess here.

Leah's POV

I walk into the house, sweating and still upset about last night. I don't see Casey so I just make my way up the stairs and down to the guest bedroom. To my surprise, I open the door and I see Jennifer sitting on the bed, crying.

I don't say a word to her, I actually just ignore her and walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. "Leah, wait." She pleads as I close the bathroom door behind me. I undress and take my shower, letting the tears fall while I do so. After my shower, I wrap a towel around me and console myself. I open the door and Jennifer is still sitting there. I glance at her and then walk across the room in my towel to get some clean clothes. "Just get your shit and go." I grumble and turn my back to her as I put my bra on. "Leah." She says.

I get dressed, and then I walk off and pay her no attention. "Please!" She begs me. "What the fxck do you want, Jennifer?" I snap. "You act like a fxcking baby! I said get your shit and go!" I yell. She just stares at me. "Don't do this Leah." She says and I can see the tears forming in her eyes. "Me?! No, you shouldn't have went and had sex with my brother." I say and give her a smart-aleck smile. "It wasn't like that- I wasn't trying to-"

"You weren't trying to what? You weren't trying to fxck him? You just happened to slip and you conveniently fell right onto his d¡ck?!" "Leah!!!" She screams at me. I walk over to her and get in her face. "Don't fxcking yell at me." I hiss. She just looks at me with these eyes- I can't even explain. "Leah, listen to me." She says in a low voice. "No." I roll my eyes and go to walk away but she grabs my wrist. I look at her and I don't know if I want to punch her or hug her right now... So I don't do either. "You have two minutes." I say and fold my arms. "Leah, I love you." She whispers and touches the side of my face. I turn my head away and she drops her hand down. "I fxcked up, I know. I was a bxtch, I know. If I could go back and change what I did, I would." she says to me, her voice cracking because she is about to start bawling. "Please don't throw this away before it even gets started Leah." She whispers. I look at her, expressionless. "My own fxcking brother?!" I question, staring to get angry again. "I know how bad that is. And I know how sorry isn't even going to be close to what I need to say to you, but Leah I'm so sorry. I was being dumb and I wasn't even thinking about what I was doing and it just sorta happened...." She says and I can tell she's losing her words. "Please Leah, I love you. I know how great we can be together if we can just get through this. I swear, if you ever forgive me for this huge fxck up, I will prove that to you." She says and I see a tear roll off of her face.

"Jennifer. You hurt me. It would be so fxcking much easier if you would have slept with someone other than my brother... Your fxcking brother makes passes at me every single time I see him... But I don't go and fxck him!!!!" I say, trying not to raise my voice. "What?  Rodrigo makes passes at you?" She asks. "Yes, but that's besides the point right now." I say and push my hands through my dark brown hair. "I'm so sorry Leah... I don't know what the fxck to do right now. I can't fxcking lose you." She whispers, her voice fading out because she's starting to cry. "Stop crying. It's not helping the situation. You fxcked my brother, that's all there is to it. You can't take it back." I tell her and take a few steps back and look up, trying to figure out what to do. I squat down and put my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. "Fxck." I groan. I feel Jennifer's hands on my back and I don't push her off. "Think about it, Leah. We could be so good..." She whispers to me as she rubs her hands up and down my back. I don't say anything, I just look up at her and I can see the fear in her eyes. "I love you, Leah." She tells me in the softest, sweetest, most sincere voice.

I take a deep breath and we both stand up. "I love you too, Jennifer. But this isn't okay... We aren't okay right now." I tell her....

We aren't okay.

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