Chapter 26- Jennifer....

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Jennifer's POV

I just told my mom I wanted to see my dad... It's been years. I don't even really remember what he looks like... "Hell no." Rodrigo says and gives me a look. "Rodrigo, it's my decision. You don't have to." I tell him. "Whatever Jennifer." He grunts and flags down a waiter, getting our check. I continue to talk with my mom and Rodrigo pays the bill for all of us.

"You didn't have to-" Leah says and reaches for her wallet to pay Rodrigo back. "Don't worry about it." He tells her and stands up. "I'm gonna get going, I'm meeting someone later." He says and kisses my mother on the cheek and then me even though I can tell Jen's a little mad because I'm choosing to see my father. "Okay, bye sweetie." My mom says and then he is gone.


Hours later Leah and I are back at my condo. We are in the elevator and it's quiet. "You seem tense." She says and places her hands on my back. "I'm nervous as fxck Leah." I tell her and force out a laugh. "You have a reason to be... But I'm here for you." She says and wraps her arms around me. I look at her and kiss her tenderly. She kisses me back and rests her hands at the top of my jeans.

"I love you." I whisper and look at her. "I love you more." She says and pecks my lips again, pulling my hips closer.

About this time, the door opens and Leah and I exit the elevator  and go to my condo and close the door behind us. "I should probably get going." She says and slides her golden iPhone into her back pocket. "I don't want you to." I pout my lip out and walk over to her and put my arms around her waist and my hands fall on her ass. "I have to." She says and plays with my hair. I sigh and look at her, still pouting. She grins and kisses me. "You're kinda cute when you pout." She teases and bites her lip. "Don't do that to me." I tell her and stare at her perfect lips. "Do what?" "Bite your lip like that...." I whisper. "You get turned on by it?" She giggles. I nod and kiss her. I try to deepen it and make it a kiss that leads to something more but it doesn't work, Leah pulls away. "I've got to go baby." She laughs. "Fine." I grunt and let go of her. "Be careful going home." I say to her and slap her ass as she walks towards my front door. "I will, I'll see you tomorrow." She says as the door closes.


Leah's POV

I'm honestly surprised that Jennifer wants to see her father and I'm kind of nervous for her about seeing him... What if it goes bad? What if she finds out something she doesn't like? She's been under enough stress here lately and I don't want her to be even more stressed out.

After we broke up it broke both of us down, it sucked. And now that we are back... Or at least trying to get back to the way we were before- I don't want anything to happen that's gonna make us backtrack at all. So, I'm just kinda hoping that everything with her dad goes smoothly.


The next day


I knock on Jennifer's door again. I've been standing here for 5 minutes just knocking but I don't get an answer. So I finally just pick up the phone and call her. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask her when she picks up the phone. "There is a key on the top of the door frame. I'm in the shower." She mumbles. I laugh and hang up. I open the door and place the key back where I found it. I go inside and put my things down on the kitchen counter and get myself a bottle of water before making my way up the stairs. I go into Jennifer's bathroom and i see the outline of her body through the glass-shower door, which is all fogged up from the hot water. She turns the shower off and opens the door to get her towel. "Hi." She smiles at me. "Hey..." I giggle and make a face. She laughs and steps out of the shower, wrapping the towel around her naked body.

"You look good." She says and glances over my outfit. "Thank you." I smile. "So do you." I grin at her. She bites her lip and giggles. "I'm sure you think so." She whispers and walks past me, going to her bedroom. I follow her out and flop onto her bed. "Where are we meeting him?" I ask, referring to her father. "We're meeting him at his house... Well, his house here in New York because apparently, he has houses here, in Miami, in Malibu, and lord knows where else." Jennifer says and walks into her closet. "He's rich?" I ask and sip my water. "Apparently so, I mean- I don't know how else he could afford houses like that." She says and shrugs her shoulders. I nod and don't say anything else. Jennifer drops her towel, but has he back to me so all I see is ass. "Damn." I hiss. "Shut the fxck up." She laughs and pulls her jeans on. She then puts a bra on and walks over to me. "Come here." She says, standing at the edge of the bed. I sit up and crawl on my hands and knees across the bed and over to her. She puts her hand on my chin and kisses me. "What's that for?" I ask her and smile. "Oh, you didn't want a kiss?" She raises her eyebrows, teasing me. "No, no, no... I just uh-" I pause and kiss her again. She grins while my lips at pressed against hers. I back off of her and she smiles and walks into the bathroom.

About 30 minutes later, she comes out with her hair and make-up done. She goes into the closet and puts a shirt on and then comes back out. "Why didn't you put a shirt on before?" I laugh and sit up, stretching. "Because, I was hot." She says and puts on a pair of black wedges. I shake my head and stand up. She walks over to me and places her hands on my shoulders. I put mine on her ass and peck her lips. "You know what I want?" I whisper and look down her body. "What?" "Another lap dance." I grin and stare at her lips. "Oh yeah? We'll see about it." She says and licks her lips. "Don't do that!" I tease her. "What?" She giggles innocently. "Lick your lips." I tell her. She giggles and kisses me softly. "Come on, let's go." She says as she pulls away, heading out of her room and down the stairs.

"I'll drive." I tell her and grab my keys. "Yay, then I can be the DJ."she smirks and puts her purse on her shoulder. We leave her condo and head down... Once we are outside, Jennifer just stands there. "Where is your car?" She asks. "Oh- I forgot to tell you, I got a new one." I laugh and motion to the white Range Rover that is parked in front of us. She smiles and we get in, she looks around and then at me. "Baby, this is really fxcking nice." "I love it. I wanted something new... So I had been saving up and then... I got it." I say and start the car. "Backseat is pretty decent size too..." She says and gives me a look. I laugh and shake my head. She giggles and we leave her building and follow the GPS to her father's house.

Jennifer's POV

I feel like the only reason I'm not shaking with nerves and freaking out is simply because Leah is here to distract me. It's good to have someone like her, someone I can trust and depend on. I know, regardless of what happens that Leah will always be there if I need her.

We pull up to a huge gate and both mine, and Leah's mouthes drop. "Holy. Shit." She mutters and looks at the house. I'm completely shocked. This place is like a castle. It's huge. What the hell did my dad do for a living?

The guard lets us in the gate and leah drives up the long driveway to the front of the home. She stops the car and I look at the front door and it hits me. "I can't." I say and look at her, getting panicky. "Hey, you can. It's fine.. I'm here and it's gonna be alright." She says and touches my leg. I take a deep breath and nod. I get out and Leah does too. We walk to the door together and I ring the doorbell and hear it echoing throughout the gigantic house. The door opens and I see a man in a pair of slacks and a solid white button-down shirt standing there. His hair is a mix of black and grey and his teeth are blindingly-white. I make eye contact with him and it's kind of quiet. "Jennifer..." He says in a deep voice. "Hi." I respond and force an awkward smile.

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