Chapter 49- Overstepping?

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Leah's POV

I'm woken up the following morning by the sound of someone lightly tapping on the bedroom door. I sneakily slip out from underneath Jen, who is dead asleep. I go to the door and see Gabriella standing there.

"Sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you." She whispers. "No, no. It's okay." I say and step out into the hall and close the door. "I wanted to ask you if we could go for coffee or something. I want to talk to someone besides Jen." She says shyly. "Yeah.. Of course. Um, let me get a jacket and some shoes and I'll meet you downstairs." I say to her. She nods and smiles.

I go back into my room and get dressed and walk over to Jen and kiss her head. "I'll be right back." I whisper. She mumbles, not fully awake and I'm not even sure she heard what I said.

I go downstairs and Gabriella and I leave and go I a coffee shop that just down the street. "So what's up?" I and and hand her a coffee. "I just- I feel bad if I'm intruding on you and Jennifer and I know she'd never admit to me that I was. I thought a lot about what she said to me last night about not even going home... About staying here... I really think that would be the best thing for me to do because if I went back and he found out I was even considering living here.... It would be hell for me." She says. "But I don't want to take Jennifer up on her offer and move in here with you guys for a few months or whatever and then --- I'm just scared I'm overstepping my boundaries." She says to me.

"No... Not at all. I don't have a problem with you staying here. I really don't... Jennifer and I are looking to move out anyways so It would work out fine." I tell her. She nods and sips her coffee. "Okay... I just wanted to make sure before I set this into action." She says with a smile. I smile back at her and we walk to the park and make conversation.

"So.. How did you and Jen meet?" She asks. I laugh to myself even thinking about it. "We um... Well she was actually talking to someone- a guy when we first met. They weren't official but still... We were at a bar the first time I actually talked to her but the first time I saw her we bumped into eachother on the street." I say and shake my head thinking back to that day. "Wait- was she bisexual or something?" Gabriella asks. I bite my lip and laugh a little. "She was straight.... But um, we'll just say there were a few things that changed her mind about being with a woman." I laugh. Gabriella laughs too. "And you guys have just been together since?" "Well... We had a little incident and broke up I guess but it's fine now." I say. "Oh... What happened? If you don't mind me asking." She says. "There was um- some mistakes were made and lies were told. I'd rather not get into it." I say, truthfully not even wanting to think about that.

No matter how long it's been, how sure I am that Jennifer is mine and only mine-- I still picture them. I can't get the image of them kissing out of my head. I can't let that just go away. It's gonna be burned into my mind forever. And the funniest part about everything that did happen with Ryan... Jennifer and I basically switched roles. She had been cheated on in past relationships and I had cheated before... It's funny how that worked out. I try not to let my mind focus on that too much because it still upsets me.


"Well... You ready to head home?" I ask Gabriella. She nods and we head home and I pass the coffee shop again and buy Jennifer something. We go home and I unlock the door and head upstairs and into the bedroom and see nothing but an empty, messy, slept-in bed. I see stream coming from the bathroom door which is slightly open. I grin and close the bedroom door and then go to the bathroom and put the coffee on the counter. I quietly close the door and pull my jacket and shirt off, then my pants. I open the shower door and Jennifer has her back to me.

I quickly slide my hands around her waist and rub them all over her naked and wet body. She jumps a little when I do this. "You scared me." She says when she realizes it's me. I grin and kiss her shoulder and neck lightly and bring my hands up to her breasts and knead them. "It's just me." I whisper. "Mm." She grumbles and leans her head back on my shoulder. I kiss her wet skin and continue kneading her breasts. I then slide my hands over and down her body and go inbetween her legs and rub her softly. "Huuuh." She bites her lip.

"You have to be quiet." I tell her and she nods. I put her back against the wall and kiss down her stomach while the water runs over her body at the same time. I get low enough to where I'm on my knees and I bring one of her legs and put It over my right shoulder and I begin pleasing her using my tongue. She keeps pretty quiet- which is surprising to me. I do this for maybe 45 seconds and she releases while I'm still going. She sighs and takes her leg off of my shoulder and I stand up. "Your coffee is on the counter." I whisper and kiss her lips softly. She grins and lets out a little giggle. "Thank you." She whispers.

I get out of the shower and go get dressed. I put on some dark wash jeans with tears on the knees and a few on my upper thigh, a white tank top and then a red and black flannel shirt- leaving it unbuttoned. I put on my black heels and then go do my make up. Jennifer comes out of the bathroom with a towel around her body and her coffee in her hand. She smiles at me and walks past me to the closet.

"Leah, I swear these are never going to go away." She yells from the closet. "What?" She comes out of the closet in her bra and panties and I see hickies on her body. "Are all of those from the other night???" "Yes! They haven't gone away!" She says and pouts. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door and without thinking, I say "come in." the door opens and Jennifer bolts back into the closet. I laugh to myself and Gabriella comes in. "I think I'm gonna head to my moms house and get my bags..." She says. "Where is Jennifer?" I put my mascara on and call Jen's name. "What?" She hisses and comes out of the closet with a shirt pressed to her chest and she now has jeans on. "Oh, Goodmorning." She smiles at her sister. "Goodmorning." She smiles back. "I'm going to moms." Jennifer nods and I know she's really wishing her sister would leave the room.

"Gabriella..." I say. "Hmm?" "Do you know how to get rid of hickies? Or at least make them fade?" I ask. Jennifer looks at me with this look that honestly looks like she's trying to take my head off. She laughs and nods. "I've heard of a few things- why?" "Well Jennifer...." I say and look at her. Jennifer rolls her eyes and moves the shirt and Gabriella's mouth drops at the sight of the numerous hickies that line down her sisters body. "That's- holy shit." She says. "Um, I'll see what I can do." Gabriella says. "Don't mention this to mom please." Jennifer says and pulls a shirt on. "I won't. But seriously. That's insane." She laughs at us and leaves the too. 

Jen walks over to me and slaps my arm gently. "You're so stupid!" "Relax." I laugh and look up at her. "I still have this one." I say and pull my tank too down and show her the purple mark that's on my breast. "I can't believe you did that." She says and shakes her head at me. "I'll give you some more tonight... In a place where no one else can see them." I whisper and slap her ass. "Sure." Jen groans and goes to the bathroom to do her hair and make up.

Jennifer's POV

Leah and I are in the car on the way to my father's house. It's gonna be weird being here but I have to do it at some point and I don't feel like crying today so I'm gonna try and hold everything back. We enter the gate and pull up front and I see three cars sitting in the driveway. I shake my head and take the keys and approach the front door and unlock it. Leah and I walk inside and I hear the door close behind me as I look around at the house.

I look back at Leah and she grabs my hand. "Let's just look around babe." She says and smiles. We walk in the kitchen and i see four sets of car keys lined up on the counter. Everything is is perfect condition. Spotless...

This is a lot to take in right now and it's gonna be a huge and difficult decision when we decide if we want to move here or not.

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