Chapter 29- Again.

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One Week Later

Jennifer's POV

I've had no contact with my dad since I went to his house, I've been trying to have the least amount of stress as possible in my life right now. At least until I get things straightened out with Leah. I mean, we're good but I want our label back. I wanna be able to say she's mine and only mine but we haven't officially gotten back together I guess??? It's complicated.

Speaking of, I haven't seen her in two days. We've both been busy with work and I had to go to Rodrigo's place after work yesterday so we couldn't work out our schedules. So, I'm on my way to meet her at a bar with some of her friends.

I finally get there and go inside and see a few familiar faces. I walk over to them and make small talk while waiting for Leah. I guess I got into a pretty good conversation because the next thing I know I feel two hands slip around my waist and a pair of warm, soft lips pressed against my neck. I jump a little and turn around and see Leah.

"Hey you." I smile a mile wide when I see her face. I set my beer on the bar and turn around and place my arms around her neck, hugging her extremely tight. She has one of her hands on my lower back and the other-- yep, you guessed it- on my ass. I loosen the hug and peck her lips 3-4 times in a row. "I missed you." I grin. She smiles at me and kisses me again. "Me too, now give me a beer." She says and let's go of my waist. I hand her my beer which is still 3/4 full. I order another for myself.

After two hours of talking, laughing, drinking... All of the usual stuff- I start to get tired. Leah's slightly buzzed but I'm basically sober. I take my phone and check the time 10:27pm I grab Leah's arm. "I'm tired." I whisper in her ear with my chin resting on her shoulder. "Me too, you gonna spend  the night with me?" She asks and puts one arm around my waist. "Mmhmm." "Then come on, let's go." She says.

We say our goodbyes to her friends and walk out of the bar, hand-in-hand. We get back to Leah's apartment and go inside. "I'm gonna change and wash my face and stuff, you know where my t-shirts are." I nod and strip out of my clothes. As I do this, my phone rings. It's Ryan. My heart beats fast but I calm down. I decide not to answer it because- no, I don't have to answer to him. I ignore the call and delete it from my call log just incase Leah wants to snoop. I put on one of Leah's t-shirts and I basically say screw-it to putting on pants or shorts. I go into her living room and sit on the couch with my hair in a bun and find something to watch on TV.

I hear leah from the bedroom, "Jennifer?" "Yeah?" I yell back. "Are you off your period yet?" She asks. I laugh a little, "yes." She doesn't say anything back.

Soon after, she comes into the living room and lays down on the couch. I lay beside her and we watch TV together.


I wake up and the TV is still on and it's dark. Leah's hand is on my boob and I shake my head and laugh. I check my phone and it's 3:00am.

I'm too tired and too lazy to go to the bedroom so I just climb on top of Leah, basically smothering her after turning the tv off and attempt to go back to sleep. Of course, she wakes up because I'm laying on her but she doesn't say anything. She just brings her hand up around my back and scratches it softly until I fall back asleep.


Once I wake up the next morning, I feel Leah's hand touching my back softly. "Good morning." She whispers. I smile and slowly roll off of her. "You know how much I love waking up with you?" I grin. She smiles at me and then stretches her arms above her head. "Shower? Then I am going to meet with my dad again..." I say to her. "You want me to come?" She offers. "No, I think it should just be me." I say to her. She nods her head yes. "So you wanna take a shower with me? I mean, I don't know how to make this sound subtle- but I haven't been fxcked in a week so..." I giggle. "Mm, I'm coming. I'll be right there." She laughs and gets up

I run to the bathroom and strip, I turn my shower on and wait for it to warm up. I step inside and wet my hair. Then I let the water flow down over my body. The door opens and Leah grins at me. She joins me and slowly pushes me up against the wall, trapping me. "Now what?" I tease and bite my lip. She presses her lips to mine and we begin to make-out passionately. I fill my hands with her breasts and allow my fingers to play with and pull at her piercing. She stops kissing my lips and moves to my neck. "N-no hickies," I stutter out. She licks my neck and looks at me. I laugh and shake my head. "You're so stupid." I whisper. She smiles and kisses me again. She eventually goes down and i feel her touch on my inner thigh, then I feel her tongue. I put my hand on the top of her head and lean my head back against the wall. "Oooh-" I let out a deep moan and Leah moves her tongue at a slow pace. I bite my lip and put my leg over her shoulder and she continues what she's doing while I do this. Moments later, I climax and can't help but call her name out when I do.


After our shower, Leah and I get dressed and I turn my phone on and let explicit music blast through the Bluetooth speaker in the bedroom. Leah laughs and shakes her head. She sits on the bed and just watches me as I dance around like an idiot. I spin around and walk over to her. I straddle her waist as she sits on the edge of the bed and I rotate my hips along to the music in her lap. "Fxck you." She grits and places her hands on my ass. I giggle and lean my head on her shoulder. "You're the only person I know that can go from sexy as hell to a giggly little kid in half-a-second." She teases me. I smile and stand up, I spin around and face my ass to her and I push it out against her and she just watches me. I laugh, not capable of being serious about anything I'm doing right now. I stop and face her again. "You're such an idiot." She tells me as I basically attack her by jumping on top of her. I force her down on her back and lay on too if her. "Leah." I whisper. "What?" "Be my girlfriend again. Please." I whisper and bounce my eyes between her lips and her eyes. She just stares at me and then I see a faint smile appear on her face. "I guess that's doable." She smiles. I giggle and kiss her.

About 30-45 minutes later we go back to the kitchen my hair and make-up is done and I'm ready to leave. "I'll be back in an hour or two..." I say to Leah and put my purse on my shoulder. "Okay, please drive careful and text me when you get there." She says and hugs me. I kiss her softly, "I love you." I say. "I love you too."

I go down and get into my car and make the drive to my fathers house, I enter the huge gate and park in the same spot that Leah and I parked last time. My dad told me to be here at 12:30 and it's only 12:10 so I'm early... But I see a car in the driveway so I get out and go knock on the door.

I don't get an immediate answer so I knock again. I hear someone inside, "I'm coming." Seconds later, the door opens and i see a face appear.


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