Chapter 62- Right Here.

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Jennifer's POV

Leah walks in the door while Gabriella and I are in the kitchen packing up some of my things. I'm leaving most of it for Gabriella since she's gonna be living here but I have to take some of it.

I'm standing on the countertop to reach the top shelf and Gabriella stands below me holding a box.

"Please do not fall." Leah says and puts her hands on her hips. "I won't." I laugh and stand on my tip toes. "Jennifer-" Leah says. I look at her and give her a look. "I don't need my girlfriend to break every single bone in her body today please." She says to me. I roll my eyes and sit down on the counter. "There." I say and fold my arms. Leah grins and walks over to me, "thank you." She says and kisses me.

"When are we flying out to California?" I ask her. "Next Wednesday." She tells me. "California? Why?" Gabriella chimes in. "We're going to Leah's parents house for Thanksgiving." I tell my sister. "I think I'm going to Zac's parents." Gabriella says. "That's good... You won't be alone." I smile at her. "Yeah. What about Rodrigo?" She asks. "I don't know... I haven't really talked to him." I say. "I'm gonna call him and ask for him to help us move tomorrow." I say and place my hands on Leah's shoulders. "I'll call him." Leah says and steps away with her phone.

"Are you sure about this? Like the whole me living here...." Gabriella says. "Yeah... Why wouldn't I be?" "Jennifer. That's expensive." She says. I haven't really told people that my dad left me with everything. The only people that know I have the money are Leah and Rodrigo... It's not something I want to brag about or anything.

"Gabriella." I say and give her a look. "What?! I know you told me to my worry about the money but Jen that's really expensive." She says. I look at her for a second and decide to tell her about the situation.

"I need to tell you something." I say. She looks at me and waits. "Rodrigo and I's father died...." I say. "Jen- I'm sorry I didn't kno-" "No, no, it's fine." I say. "I just wanted you to know that when he died... He left Rodrigo and I with a lot of his things. His houses, cars, all of it. Including the money he had in the bank..." I say. She looks at me, not understanding what I'm saying. "He was really really well off to say the least Gabriella... So don't worry about money." I say to her and smile. she nods her head.


Now it's 9:52pm and Leah walks into the bedroom and closes the door behind her. "There you are." I grin. "here I am." She teases and climbs onto the bed. She takes her bra off and pulls it from under her shirt and tosses it to the floor. I smile at her and pucker my lips, wanting her to kiss me. She laughs and leans over me. "I love you." She whispers to me and tucks my hair behind my ear. "I love you more." I say back to her and trace my thumb over her perfect lips.

"I um- I wanna mention something to you before we go to California." She says and lays on her side, facing me. "Oh shit. What?" "It's nothing to worry about.... But remember how I said that I was engaged to a man at one point?" She says. "Yeah...." "Well... You're probably going to meet him." She says. "What? Why? When?" I ask. "Relax. You have nothing to worry about. He's a really nice guy and we're on good terms." She assures me. "You're sure you only like pu$$y now..?" I ask her. She laughs and gives me a look. "I'm positive."

"So why am I meeting him?" I ask her. "One of my good friends... Her birthday is the same day as thanksgiving and she always throws parties... Every. Single. Year. And they happen to be friends so..." She tells me. "So we are going to a party too?" I question. "As long as you're okay with it. You don't have to come but I would like to see some of my friends babe." Leah tells me. "I'll come... I don't mind at all." I grin back at her.

"I wanna ask something." I say after a brief pause. "Anything." Leah responds. "Is Ryan going to be there?" I bravely ask. Leah pauses and I hear her take a deep breath. "Yes." She says. I nod my head and pause for a second.

"Leah." I say her name and my voice cracks, she looks down at me and I let a tear slip out of my eye. "I'm sorry." I whisper. She doesn't say anything back, instead she grabs me and pulls my head into her chest and holds me there with one hand on the back or my head. I squeeze her tightly and cry softly into her chest.

This is something that we both hate talking about and no matter how much time passes- it never stings any less. I hate myself for being such an idiot....

We remain quiet for a few minutes and I end up just laying there with my head on her chest and my arms around her waist. She stokes my back softly and then there is a light knock on the door. "Come in." I say and clear my throat. It's not noticeable that I was crying... My cheeks are just a little red.

"What are you guys doing?" Gabriella asks and makes herself comfortable on my bed. "Sleeping." I laugh and let go of Leah. "Looks like it...." My sister laughs. I face Gabriella but Leah clearly wants to cuddle so she drapes her arm over my side and I feel her lips pressed against my shoulder. "Are you hanging out with Zac tomorrow?" Leah asks. "Yeah. We're going to one of his friends houses for something." Gabriella responds. "So you're not helping us move?" I ask. "Nope." She responds. "You're such a brat." I tease her. "I learned from you." She grunts.

Leah laughs and slides her hand down to my thigh. "She's not wrong." Leah says. "I know she's not." I say and roll my eyes. "Go to bed." I tell Gabriella.

She rolls her eyes at me and climbs off of our bed and leaves the bedroom, pulling the door closed behind her. Once she's gone, Leah sighs and strokes my thigh and then I feel her start kissing my neck. "What are you doing?" I ask her. "Nothing..." She mutters inbetween kisses. I then feel her hand slip inbetween my legs and I laugh a little, "that doesn't feel like nothing..." I tease Leah. "You talk way too much." She says and literally licks my neck. "Baby...." I mutter, loving and hating this at the same time. "Leah." I say her name softly and she keeps going. "Leah." I'm more stern this time and she looks at me. "What?" "Not tonight, okay mama?" I say and face her. "I don't think you've ever turned me down. You okay?" She asks me. "I'm good. I'm just tired and I wanna go to sleep." I tell her and peck her lips. She nods and leans over to turn her lamp off before cuddling up to me and going to sleep.


Leah's POV

"NO LEAH! ITS OVER- WE ARE DONE!" These are the words I am woken up to. I jump and sit up quickly, panicking and scared. I'm almost in tears. After about 5 seconds, I realize that I'm sitting in our bed and it's 3:00am. It was just a dream.

I get up and go into the bathroom and close the door behind me. I splash water on my face and shake my head. That was the worst feeling in the world honestly. I come out of the bathroom and go downstairs, leaving Jennifer sleeping in bed. I go into the kitchen and turn the light on and grab a bottle of wine that Zac had brought over. I open it up and pour myself half a glass and sip some.

I lean over the countertop, using my elbows to hold me up. I'm still freaked out by that dream- it felt so real. I close my eyes and drink another sip of wine. Then, out of no where I hear Jen.

"Leah?" She mutters and walks into the kitchen with nothing but a t-shirt and panties on. "Yeah?" I spin around and look at her. "Why are you awake?" She asks me and squints her eyes. "I'm fine, just a dream." I say and take a deep breath, "go back to sleep baby." I tell her. She yawns and walks over to me and grabs my hand. "Come with me." She says. I put my glass down and Jen leads me up the stairs and back to our dark bedroom. We climb into the bed and Jen just lays beside me with her back to me. "What was the dream about?" She mutters, I can tell she's really tired and she's just trying to be a good girlfriend right now. "I lost you." I whisper. It gets quiet for a few moments and then Jennifer flips over and comes closer to me, wrapping her arms around my body and her head lays on my chest. "I'm right here." She whispers to me.

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