Chapter 66- Drives Me Crazy

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Jennifer's POV

I guess Leah and I ended up falling asleep for a few hours because next thing I know I hear constant knocking on the door- I slip out from under Leah and go to the door. I open it and see her mother standing there.

"What are you two doing? You disappeared!" She says, seeming a little upset. This wakes Leah up, "Mom, I'm sorry. We fell asleep." Leah says. "Why did you come upstairs anyways?!" "Because I didn't want to deal with anyone- I was angry and stressed out." Leah says. "Angry about what? Why were you cursing as you came downstairs? What happened with your brother?" She continuously fires questions at Leah. "Mom, I don't really wanna talk about this." Leah says, still half asleep. "What's wrong?" Her mom turns to me. "Ryan just did and said some things he shouldn't have done earlier." I say. "Such as?" "He just pinned me up against the car and kept touching me and kissing me when I asked him to stop... So Leah got upset." I say, not really lying but not telling the truth either. "Okay..." He mom shrugs and gives me a look. I force a smile and she walks away.

I close the door and turn to Leah. "I've never met anyone as annoying as she is. Damn." she groans and pushes her hands through her messy brown hair. "You're so stressed out." I say and crawl across the bed to her. "Well.... My brother slapped my girlfriend in the face." She says. I take a deep breath and kiss her, "You punched him in the nose babe- he's hurt worse than I am." I remind her. She smirks and I make her lay flat on her stomach. I sit on her ass and massage her back for about 10/15 minutes and then I stop and lean down over her. "Babe." I whisper. "Hmm?" "Take your shirt off please." I whisper and climb off of her to lock the door. She does what I ask and lays flat on her back now.

I straddle her and I begin kissing her neck softly. I lock my fingers inbetween hers and pin her arms above her head as I leave numerous hickies on the side of her neck. "Huhh-" she groans and I feel her body go limp beneath me. "Just relax." I whisper to her and kiss her jaw multiple times before pressing my lips to hers. We kiss slowly and deeply and she wraps her legs around my waist since her arms are pinned. I grin a little and let go of her hands and place my hand on the side of her face as I kiss her deeply.

I look at her and bite my lip as I drag my fingertips over her bra and then down her stomach, sending chills over her body. I take my lips and kiss down the exact path which I made with my fingertips and then remove her jeans along with her panties. I allow my hands to wander over her thighs and then back up to her breasts. I kiss her thighs very softly and listen to her breathing get slower. I use one of my arms to lock around her thigh and hold her still while I start kissing her thigh harder. I look up at her and she's so weak... I love it. She's vulnerable and will happily let me do whatever I want to her at this point. I take my tongue and drag it over her skin and she arches her back a tiny bit.

"Baby..." She whispers. I lick from about mid-inner-thigh all the way to her cl¡t. I move my tongue very slowly over her cl¡t, teasing her and making her breathing patterns become irregular. "Uh-oh..." She moans softly and I continue letting my tongue play with her. "Jennifer." She breathes my name and I slide two fingers into her slowly and deeply. I move my fingers in and out and she bites her lip and arches her back once again- "I'm gonna- oooh- fxck that feels go-good. " she mutters to me. "Jen- ah- right-right there. I'm gonna..." She stops and her back arches sharply as she climaxes. "God." She groans and lays flat on the bed once again. I suck my two fingers off and lay down on the bed beside her.

"I'm impressed that you kept quiet." I tease her. She grins and shakes her head at me. "You know what my favorite sound in the world is?" I whisper to her. "Tell me." "You- moaning my name." I grin and lean over to peck her lips. She puts her hand against my chest and stops me, "for the record... You're the only person that capable of making me moan their name like that." She grins. "Good. Now kiss me." I demand. She gives me a look and shakes her head, "after what you just did inbetween my legs? No way." She teases. I shake my head, "oh you love it." I whisper and kiss her. She giggles and kisses me back, literally sucking my tongue in her mouth. "I love you so fxcking much it drives me crazy." She says to me. "You should." I laugh and slap her thigh playfully.


After several hours Leah and I get dressed and walk downstairs. We walk into the kitchen and her mom looks us up and down, "I know you're not planning on leave the house like that." She says. "We're going to Ash's party." Leah tells her. "Dressed like that...?" "Yes mom..." Leah says. I have to admit Leah and I are dresses a little on the slutty side tonight but it's not a bad thing... Both mine and her make-up is heavy and dark and I'm wearing a black dress and six inch heels to match. Leah's wearing a black dress as well so I guess we're just playing off of eachother tonight. "Leah- get out of here before your father sees you." Her mother says and shakes her head. I grab Leah's hand and we walk out with the keys to her mother's car and climb in.

Leah drives us to the party and she parks the car and we both get out. I hear music and as we approach the house it gets louder and louder. There are a lot of cars parked out front so I'm kinda bracing myself for the ocean of bodies I'm about to walk into.

We walk inside and I was right.... People everywhere. I stay close to Leah and she looks around for a second and then walks towards the back of the house and steps outside. There are several people outside, most of them smoking. She goes and taps on some guys shoulder and he spins around and hugs her tightly. "Hey!!!" Leah smiles. Leah grabs my hand and introduces me to him and I find out that this is her ex fiancé. He's a good looking guy but I could never ever picture Leah with him....

"I'm Jennifer." I say kindly. He smiles and hands me a cigarette. "No- I don't smoke." I say and give it back to him, "okay, drinks are inside. Ashlyn and Ali and some of the other girls are in the basement." He tells leah. Leah nods and takes me straight to the basement. Whoever lives here obviously parties a lot... There is a full bar, black lighting, a small DJ table and a pool table down here. The music is ridiculously loud and almost unbearable. We walk over to a huddle of girls and I recognize some of the faces. "Leah!!" Ashlyn yells and hugs Leah. "Hello, hello." Leah laughs and someone immediately places two drinks in her hand- Leah hands one of them to me and smiles.

"Jennifer hasn't been to one of these parties yet..." Leah says and gives me a look. "Mmm- this is the real test then." One of the other girls teases. "She'll be fine." Leah says and winks at me.

A couple of hours pass and I've had more than a few drinks... I'm feeling it too. I'm kinda here- kinda not and I know Leah is out of it. I'm dancing with Leah and two of her other friends and then Ashlyn comes over to me and places her hand on my back. I spin around and place my hands over her shoulders and I kiss her neck a few times... She laughs and Leah pulls me off. "Body shots." Ashlyn says. I look at Leah and push my hands through her hair. "Come take a shot off of me." I say to her and bite my lip. "Let's go." She agrees.

Next thing I know I'm laying on my back in my bra and panties. People are crowded around me and I don't even care, I'm loving this. I feel Leah's tongue against my skin and I do my best to hold a lime in my mouth without smiling and dropping it. Leah sucks the lime and then backs off just enough for the line to fall out and she kisses me aggressively. People immediately start yelling and screaming and all it does is make us get get crazier.

Before the night is over with- I have complete strangers licking salt from the tops of my breasts & stomach.

I get up off of my back and Leah is no where in sight... I mean my vision isn't the best right now but I don't see Leah. I look around and then I feel someone grab my waist and kiss me. I turn around and see one of Leah's friends that I met the other night. "Where is Leah?" I ask. She smirks and kisses me and I drunkenly kiss her back.

About this time I feel a hand on my ass and I look and see Leah. "Mmm- let's go upstairs." Leah says and pulls the two of us upstairs behind her. Great. This is gonna be interesting.

Authors Note:

• Hi guys! I hope all of you are still enjoying the story... I just wanted to thank everyone for reading it! There are only 4/5 more chapters left to this book, just a heads up! Enjoy☺️

~ g

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