Chapter 1

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I hate this. I fake a smile as I walk on stage, and the crowd cheers. I carefully and gracefully walk towards our host, Caesar. I glance down at my dress as I sit down. It's dark red and clings to my body making me feel exposed. I think they've been going for a sexy look this year. I look at myself on the big screen, confirming my thoughts. My lips part slightly as I stare at myself. My dress is almost short enough for everyone to see the outline of my black lacy underwear. My makeup is so thick on my eyes it makes them look like they're weighed down. I really do look sexy, I suppose, if you like this sort of thing. Everyone here probably likes this sort of thing.

The couch shifts beneath me and I turn to see Peeta sitting next to me. They've provided us with a small couch only big enough to fit us both. Our bodies are constantly touching, forcing Peeta to come into contact with my bare skin far more than I'd like. I try to ignore it though, it's not his fault, he really does try his best not to touch me, but every now and then he does. Not that it matters much what he does unintentionally, considering all the things he has to do intentionally to keep up this lie. The lie that I have helped perpetuate for almost two and a half years. At least it's with Peeta, he's one of the few people I actually like touching me. "Katniss you look wonderful, you both do." Caesar says, starting up the conversation. Our interviews aren't very long, maybe ten to fifteen minutes, just long enough to remind people that we still exist and are still very much in love, and it usually takes a while to calm the audience down. "Thank you, you look nice too." I compliment him, hoping he won't talk about me too much. "How have you been? It's been far too long since we last had you out here." He continues, looking between Peeta and I. "We've been doing good." Peeta answers for us. I cross my legs and rub my swollen red lips together. "And Katniss, there's been some speculation about how different you look since last time we saw you. A lot of people seem to think you could be pregnant?" Every interview they find some ridiculous way to get onto the subject of children. They hadn't really pushed it much before, but now that I'm eighteen and living with Peeta things are different. I laugh quickly, making myself appear happy about their question, even though i'm not. It's not an entirely unreasonable assumption, considering the circumstances. My body's changed a lot since last time we were here, my breasts and hips have filled out, so I no longer look like an adolescent. My family isn't starving anymore thanks to all the money Peeta and I earn. I need to think of something to say quick, so I go with the first thing I think of. "I guess I should probably lay off the cheese buns." I mutter, making everyone laugh.

Peeta wraps his arm around me and slides his hand right under my breasts. An unexpected warmth runs through my body, on top of my already blush. I know he's probably been instructed to do this by Haymitch as a part of the whole sexy act, but I can't help imagining what his hands would really feel like, if he were doing this for real, somewhere not on live television without the whole world watching. "I think you look gorgeous." Peeta leans in towards my face as if to kiss me, but stops and pulls away making me blush again. "So no kids for now?" Peeta asks, taking me off guard. Why does he have to make it look like I'm the one who doesn't want kids? Because you are the one who doesn't want kids! "No. Not yet. I think we both like to spend our nights doing more than taking care of a crying baby." The crowd goes crazy and I know I must've said something right. I quickly grab his face and pull him in for a kiss, holding him against me. I arch my back, push myself between his legs, and moan quietly as he pulls on my hair. I hear a loud buzzing noise, indicating that our time is up and I quickly pull away, my heart beating a million times a minute.

I find my way to my dressing room and lean up against the counter staring down at the sink. I can't believe I just did that in front of all of Panem. I just couldn't control myself, once he kissed me I knew I wanted more, so much more... I can't help but imagine his hands on me, strong, yet gentle at the same time. His soft hands move down my back, unzipping my dress. He pulls the straps down and kisses my back gently making my skin burn. He pulls my dress off and turns me around-

My legs are shaking and my arms are covered in goosebumps at the thought. The door creaks open, ending my fantasy. I sigh, That's all it is, a fantasy. Nothing like that ever happens at home. Not even close. I see the person who opened the door is Cinna and I feel my face light up immediately. He wraps his arms around me and i feel tears well up in my eyes threatening to spill over at any moment. "You and Peeta did amazing. I'm sure the Capitol loved it." He says, but I know he can't say what he really means. Not here. I breath in his smell deeply, preventing myself from crying. Caesar's words replay in my head, reminding me of what is to come. Soon Peeta and I will have to get married and have children. And there's nothing I can do to stop it.

A/N: I'm making a new Everlark fanfic bc I deleted my last two. The first one was after mockingjay and it was really popular but I felt like it wasn't good enough so I deleted it. Then the other one it was the same thing but I felt like I couldn't write it anymore because I already had written the same kind of thing with the first one so I deleted them both and now I'm making this one so I can do something different while still having an Everlark fanfic.

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