⋆ His eyes ⋆

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Have you ever stared at someone, just observing them and taking in their features? Perhaps staring at something as small as that awkward small freckle that you can't help but find so adorable. Or maybe starring at the way they smile when someone makes them laugh.

What if they happen to stare back? You know what I'm talking about right? When you're starring at someone and you're so lost in thought about that person wondering silly things like 'I wonder if he also likes eating peanut butter sandwiches with bananas' and when you finally get a sense of realization regarding your surroundings, you're blinking and that person is now looking you straight in the eye. The most equally terrifying and exiting moment you could ever experience. As a young teenage girl, I wanted to experience this.

I thought it was beautiful.

It's an actual thing. I've experienced it before, and it's no doubt your parents have most likely experienced it too. Everyone has experienced 'the connection' at least once in their life. If you haven't experienced it yet, don't worry.

You will.

You might start thinking to yourself how idiotic the connection sounds which is understandable. Although it does seem like the silliest thing, it is the most pleasing thing one can ever experience.

5 seconds turns into minutes, and minutes turn into a lifetime.

That particular intimacy through eye contact, can make anyone's stomach do somersaults. It can be as small as a second glance, and yet you feel so at ease.

You know what they say, the eyes are the window to the soul.

You are infatuated with whomever you're looking at, and that force you feel is slowly building up, and taking control over you. It's so strong, so powerful you can't get yourself to look away.

Or maybe that was just me, what looking in his eyes did to me..

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