⋆ Consequences ⋆

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He stood there angrily, with his arms crossed and brows furrowed trying to read my emotions.

He was waiting for me to slip up, so he could target me but I refused. I wouldn't let them know what I was really thinking. "This is a very serious situation. Explain yourself, I will not ask again." The principle said angrily and I couldn't stop the smile that plastered itself on my face.

"I taught her a lesson." I said and he shook his head in disbelief. He stood up and paced around the room as if he was still registering the entire situation that played out yesterday afternoon.

"You do know that I could expel you for this right?" He threatened. "I suggest you cut the tough girl act and tell me what's going." He said angrily.

"Is this tough enough for you?" I asked before knocking all his personal belongings off his desk. "Expel me! Go ahead, I don't care!" I said and he stared at me with wide eyes and visible anger. He shook his head again and sat in his desk looking like he was going to burst.

"Cut it out! I know what happened, I don't know why I even tried to get your side of the story! Mr told me everything this morning-

"Mr?" I said my chest clenching. "You don't know anything!" I screamed bitterly before standing up. "So don't pretend like you do. You sit behind that desk all day without a single clue of what's going on around you, and that's why incidents like yesterday happened. You could have prevented it if you only opened your eyes sooner and realized that were was indeed a problem and that problem wasn't me!" I said coldly before grabbing my bag. "Expel me, I don't care! You'd be doing me a favour!" I said before storming out of his office and walking to my locker angrily.

I was grabbing my books angrily when my name was called on the intercom and I swear I felt it. I was losing my god damn mind. My patience was wearing thin.

I slammed my locker and stormed to his room. I walked in angrily without realizing a class was in session. "This is all your fault!" I screamed and I saw his face drain of all its colour. He cleared his throat and put his book down as his class stared dumbfounded.

"Excuse me." He said before grabbing my arm and leading me to the hallway. He shut the door before giving me an angry look. "What the hell was that?" He said and I felt it again, my anger bubbling up inside me. It was different this time through, it was a mixture of anger and sadness and I couldn't control it.

"It's all your fault!" I said pushing him roughly. "Telling the principal on me huh? Getting me in all this shit, this all your idea? How dare you! I hate you!" I screamed again hitting his chest and I could sense the panic in his eyes.

"Stop it! Slow down, what are you talking about! Lydia came to me this morning and told me what happened but I-

"So you took her side then? That's it? You didn't even bother to ask me what happened! You didn't even bother with me! Don't you-" I began to feel light headed as I began to cry. "Don't you even care?" I said my cries falling to a small whimper.

My name was called on the intercom again and I wiped my face and took a deep breath. "God I don't even know why I try." I whispered.

He was about to speak but I just told him to stop. I didn't want to hear it.

"If Lydia's the one you want, then fine." I whispered before sighing. I walked off and made my way to the office ready for what would unravel.

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