⋆ Grenade ⋆

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Time seemed to slow down, as I took in my surroundings and let humiliation eat at me. My eyes prickled with tears, but I refused to cry in front of them. I was overcome with anger. I wanted to ruin them. I felt like I was a grenade just waiting to explode, and it was only a matter of time before I did.

I took a deep breath in hopes of calming down but when I finally steadied my breath, I went off.

I exploded.

I completely lost it.

A few moments later I was panting and my knuckles were burning like they were just set on fire. I looked down and saw blood, trickled on my white shoes and then I heard it. The moans of pain, and the panic within the air.

I saw her clutching her jaw and everyone calling for help. I was afraid, not her of her no. I was afraid of myself because I didn't know who I was moments ago when I couldn't seem to stop.

I was afraid of how much I enjoyed beating my tormenter's face in.

It all started out as fun and games, for them but for me? It was personal.

They broke into my gym locker, and rummaged through my bag in hopes of stealing my clean clothes but what eventually found found was much more personal.

My Journal.

The girls read it over and had a laugh. They took photos, and emailed it to their friends and then their friends emailed it to more of their friends. I wanted to pretend that I didn't care, that it didn't bother me but I cared. I cared because I wrote of him.

One of them photocopied the times I'd write of him, and put it on his desk. She hung the papers around the school, and made me a complete laughing stock. I was going to leave school, and five minutes of walking home I realized they were following me and reading my Journal aloud screaming it to the rooftops. They followed me home and read it aloud to me, laughing and clutching at their stomachs.

I stopped walking, and let them catch up to me. I only wanted to talk, and ask her why? I wanted to know what I ever did to her to deserve such humiliation, but then she said it.

"Give it a rest, no one will ever love you and that includes Mr-

That's when I just tuned out. Time slowed down, and my anger bubbled inside of me.

And I'm sure, you can guess the rest.

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