⋆ Life Lessons ⋆

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I cried for about 10 minutes in front of him, with red eyes and a red nose. I didn't look pretty and I knew any other time that would have bothered me but at the moment it truly didn't matter anymore.

He watched me as I cried, and handed me tissues every once in a while. He was waiting for me to speak, to explain myself but I was too embarrassed to tell him. "I guess I should tell you what's going on." I said and he watched me.

"I already know what's going on, I just want to know if you'll be alright. I'm sure what your going through isn't easy." He'd said something along those lines, I was crying too hard to talk so I just nodded my head.

"I didn't even do anything wrong.. Nothing happened, and he told everyone things did happen." I cried and he sighed. I watched him as he looked out the window and as I looked I couldn't look away, he was nice to look at.

He turned his head and caught me starring. I looked away quickly and tried to fight off my massive blush, but failed. I heard a light laugh, and it sent chills up my spine.

"People are always going to test you and put labels on you but how you see yourself is important. If people are calling you those names and you know that you're not what they say, then don't be afraid to show them that you're not what they label you to be. You're better than that, you're strong. Don't let them hurt you."

He'd said those exact words to me. I remember because the moment I got home, I wrote it down in my diary as it was still fresh in my mind as if he'd just spoken a moment ago. The way he spoke was much more complex of course, and with more interesting words which of I didn't know existed then but he said it, and I didn't know how to react.

I just kept crying, but not because I was sad. I was so overwhelmed with emotions which I've tried to conceal and they were all coming out so fast, and so sudden. I knew he was right, and that word of advice is a life lesson I'd used my entire life to get through the labels society tends to throw your way.

He was very wise for his age, and I remember hoping I'd be that wise one day.

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