Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

// Brianna

A month of being with him, and I couldn't say they weren't the best four weeks of my life. He's perfect - caring, loving, funny, cute and just the right amount of cheesy. Romantic? Well, Niall is the definition of a hopeless one. Goodnight calls that would always end up turning into late night ones, and hold the reason behind my wicked headache every early morning due to lack of sleep, are a must. Random text messages, updating me on how much he loved me, would pop up on my phone screen occasionally, causing me to blush and smile like a moron for successive hours. The reminder alarms inside my head, that jogged my memory, telling me how lucky I was never stopped, because he'd always do the sweetest of things, when I least expected them, and leave me absolutely stunned and awestruck. Be it bringing me flowers for no particular reason, or singing me to sleep with his melodious voice wafting through the phone speaker, he never failed to leave me speechless.

I didn't mind the cheesiness, or the corniness, as he liked to address his behaviour as, at all though - I admired it. Never in my life, had someone made me feel as special and as loved as Niall did. He was sweet to an extent, that it scared me sometimes. He gave me a fairytale in the middle of my ordinary life, making everything seem so unreal and illusory, I couldn't help but have those disturbing thoughts at the back of my anxious mind, always there to intensify my fears of losing him.

The time that I didn't believe in love, seems so much easier now, because now that I do, and know what it is, trepidations have happily claimed my mind as their home.

"I'm craving a good, fresh salmon sandwich."  The boy, seated on the driver’s seat beside me, expressed his desire.

"I'm not surprised." I bluntly stated, as he turned the car into a lane, closing in on my house.

"One with tomato, extra cheese and yogurt.. oh, and pepper of course," He further informed me, a clever attempt to indicate who was going to be making those sandwiches he was yearning to eat.

"Yeah, we've bought the salmon, you've got the hands, shouldn't be a problem." I stated.

"What about your hands?" He argued.

"It's 2013."

"Huh?" Considering the furrowed eyebrows being flashed at me, as he stole peeks from the road, I concluded he was puzzled at my remark.

"Sexism is so 2000." I scoffed, as he cut the engine at my driveway, and I hopped off the car swiftly, leaving him somewhat dumbfounded behind. I walked back to the boot to get the grocery bags.

"Not blessed enough to have my girlfriend make me a nice sandwich when I'm hungry.." He fake sighed, grabbing the remaining oversized bags that contained the edibles.

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