Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

// Niall

"I'm not a good fiancé, am I? Leaving you alone in this condition.. Cath, I'm sorry.." I breathed, as the moisture building inside my eyes caused a blur to appear over them.

"Hey... look at me," She cupped my face into her palms, lovingly. "You don't have to be sorry, okay? Not like you're going on holiday, it's your work.." She consoled me.

"I'll miss you baby,"

"I'll miss you too, Ni.. Call me as soon as you land, okay?" She forced a smile onto her face. I didn't have to be a mind reader to know how much emotion she was concealing behind that painful smile. I could clearly notice the glisten her eyes showed, tears threatening to erupt out of them any moment.

"C'mere," I pulled her into me, arms wrapping tightly around her. A few tear streams rolled freely down my cheeks into her hair, as I felt her sniffling on my chest. "I'm sorry Cath.. I love you, I love you two."

The reply given to me was silence, as she held onto me tighter.

"This is the final call for British Airways flight-35 to Los Angeles. Passengers are requested to proceed to Gate-12." The announcer voice rang through the speakers, my heart cringing simultaneously at the thought of letting go of her.

"Niall, we gotta move." I felt Paul pat on my back.

"I have to go Cath," I pulled away in the slowest of ways possible. She nodded her head, wiping away the tear tracks on her cheeks, as a few stray strands of her hair got neatly tucked behind her ears.

I didn't want to leave her -- it felt wrong. I didn't want her to be alone; I wanted to be with both of them, but I couldn't. Despair and an only mounting guilt grew inside me as I held her chin up, and pressed my lips onto hers, trying to pour in as much love as I could in that one kiss.

"I'll call everyday, okay? And we'll Skype as much as possible." I whispered, resting my forehead against hers. "Take care of yourself, eat properly and keep me updated on the little one." I smiled through tear brimmed eyes.

"And don't jump around like a kid! You have to be careful now, you're pregnant." I added.

She let out a small chuckle. "I will be careful, I'll eat, I'll take care of both of us. Don't worry Ni.. We'll be fine. And remember my cousin from Birmingham? Kayla?" She questioned, earning a not from me. "She'll be staying with me from next week so I'm not by myself anymore.. don't worry." She assured me.

"I'll try not to," I bent down and kissed her stomach. There wasn't a bump yet, but I knew there would be one very soon, so we could constantly be reminded of the little angel who was all set to become part of our lives soon. The fact that I was going to miss one whole month of being without them, made me feel terrible, just the thought of it causing my heart twitch every time I reminded myself.

"Daddy loves you, okay?" I whispered against her stomach.

I kissed her one last time before separating from them. The boys each hugged her and we headed towards the gate.

As I walked away, a lump of agony constructed itself inside my chest. Leaving Cath and our baby alone like this was hurting me too much. I didn't want to be without them, I didn't want them to be alone, yet I was helpless enough to not be able to do anything about it.

I turned around and blew a kiss to her from the distance, as she waved one hand, whilst wiping her tears with the other. A few slow steps later, my feet had dragged me into the gate, and my Cath was no longer in sight.

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