Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

// Niall

My head involuntarily jerked itself forward, my mind being torn away from those restless thoughts temporarily, as I realised the car had jolted to an awfully rough stop at my driveway. Both my wrists on either sides of me were clutched firmly, at the instant, causing me to freeze in my position, in utter blankness at their sudden identical actions.

"Apologies sir, something's gone wrong with the brake pedal, I'm very sorry," The chauffeur's string of apologies were a mere nuisance to my ears, as my head rotated to my right, eyes travelling across to those alluring green ones. Her eyes widened, as they caught a glimpse of mine, realisation striking her instantaneously. She was quick to loosen her grip on my hand before completely letting go, hence ridding my hand of the warmth that I could only wish had persisted longer.

"Sorry," Her voice came off in a barely audible whisper, causing my heart to twitch at that word she chose to say to me.

"Brynn you-"

The door was promptly unlocked, allowing her to hop off the vehicle before I finished, thus gifting her success in ignoring me like the many times she had in the past one week.

To my left was a completely different scenario. I turned to witness the 'patient', who absolutely disapproved of being called so, happily unlocking the door to the car, ready to hop off onto the concrete and basically have her already feeble legs further weakened and terribly damaged.

"Whoa! Slow down there impatient missy," A chuckled escaped me as I placed my arm across her knees, preventing her from performing the act she seemed to be dying to.

"Forgot about the wheelchair already, huh?" I poked her nose in a teasing manner, as a playful frown formed onto her eyebrows.

"Are you trying to tell me I'm limp? If you haven't noticed already, my leg muscles are much fitter and healthier than before. See," Her eyes gestured towards her feet, as she stomped them a couple of times, before wiggling her knees repeatedly, in an attempt to add further evidence to her argument.

"Such a blonde," She muttered under her breath, making sure the murmur was loud enough for me to hear.

I dramatically paused my laughter, hearing those rather offensive remarks being made about my type. "FYI, I'm a fake blonde," I defended myself, consciously.

"You wish that removed you from the category," She ridiculed.

"You haven't changed one bit now, have you?" I shook my head, eyeing those very predictable actions of hers, that I was so familiar with.

Those playful activities ceased, as the lively look on her face was replaced by an equally thoughtful and confused one. "One month doesn't change anything Ni...Why would I change?"

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