Chapter 21

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MASSIVE APOLOGY FOR SUCH A LATE UPDATE! Exams suck bad, but they went quite well, haha :D I hope I haven't lost readers, because ever since I started writing this story, I've been so excited for this particular chapter. Really, I'm anticipating your reactions. This ones 3767 words = HUGE, so it makes up for the long gap of no updates :D


Chapter 21

// Brianna

"Keep pulling! Brynn pull!" Louis instructed, more like, screamed his lungs out at me, as I struggled to keep a hold of the fishing rod, a force tugging at the bait of the rod, suggesting I had finally caught a fish. It may or may not have been my 10th attempt.

Taking Louis' advice a bit too seriously, I reeled and pulled the rod with way more strength than needed. As a couple of more absolutely wrong pulls at the rod followed, the poor thing scampered out of my grip and flew off into the air as I toppled and landed on my butt, my inner inelegance taking possession of the limelight.

"I give up!" I raised my hands in a surrendered gesture, while still on the ground, a few fits of laughter resonating around me. As a pair of familiar hands came into my view, I quickly swatted the dirt off my palms and gladly accepted their assistance in lifting me up from my tumbled position.

"You're terrible," He chuckled at my inept fishing skills.

"Tell me something I don't know," I rolled my eyes, my hands whacking the dust off my dress.

"You look sexy today, but you probably know that too, so I got nothing.." His lips curled at the bottom, his face mirroring a sad emoticon.

"Shut up Niall, will you?" 

"Honesty never gets you the treatment that you deserve, huh?" He complained.

"And what treatment do you deserve?"

"You know," He smirked, taking a few steps forward, closing in the gap between us.

"N-not here," I objected.

He cocked an eyebrow, as I tried to get away from him. "You're my girlfriend."

"And PDA is very disturbing for my innocent eyes." Someone piped in from around us. The look of annoyance on Niall's face was priceless, as he realised it was Harry who had interrupted his moment. Well, curly boy had acquired his sweet revenge.

"Guys, I think we should move. It's almost 9.. Minimum of 2 hours to drive back to London, traffic's gonna be crazy today, Friday night." Zayn reminded all, the the almost setting sun in the summer sky, justifying the information he provided.

"I don't think we're getting to London in any sensible time today, might as well spend the night at a hotel somewhere around a nearby town.." Harry suggested.

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