Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

// Niall

Eyes scrutinised little specks of light protruding out through the flock of clouds in the pinkish sky, as my right arm folded itself against my bare chest, the other propping my elbow up on it, so my fingers could rub at my chin. A whirlpool of absent minded thoughts, that my brain had been inured to host almost all the time, were present once again, obliging me to recall that one day at the beach with Brynn. Reminiscences of every little detail of that beautiful day contained, drifted through my brain, simultaneously reminding me of how much I missed her.

Two weeks, it had been two entire weeks since the last time we talked. I was never going to say goodbye to her just like that; I wasn’t supposed to. I had things to say, things to explain, but then again I had none. It was a relentless battle between what seemed like, two sides of my brain – one that told me to forget about everything and just grab Brynn and tell her what I really felt, what she meant and what she really was to me. But then there was this other side too, constantly having me abstained from doing anything such. It wanted me to focus on the responsibilities I had, the duties I couldn’t afford to give up on, that one person I simply couldn’t leave behind hurt and alone, displaying characteristics imitating one of a traitor’s. I just couldn’t get myself to do that.

My flaccid arm rose up to let my fingers run through my already disheveled morning hair, as I felt cold fingertips gingerly run along my exposed torso, 2 dainty arms wrapping around me from behind, as a warm cheek pressed itself to the nape of my neck.  

“Slept well?” Hot breath reflected off my skin, as I gently pried myself off her arms and rotated around to face her.

“Happy birthday Cath,” The corners of my lips contracted into a sincere smile, hand cupping her cheek into it, as she smiled back brightly. “I didn’t even realise when I dozed off last night. I wanted to stay up to wish you; I should’ve,”

“You were exhausted from work, it was showing, and I got plenty of calls to keep me company, so… it’s alright,” She winked, playfully. “Just one that I ignored though,” She added, causing a plausible silence to fill the air, scenes of a certain fight with a particular asshole coursing through my mind, and perhaps hers too.

“Why don’t you go freshen up, I’ll brew some coffee and we can get going then.. drive’s gonna be a long one,” I suggested affirmatively, utterly unwilling to be involved into any sort of conversations regarding that specific incident, that had left my eye swollen and painted into a horrid shade of purple for 10 whole days. Having gallons of concealer shoved onto that bruised eye every single time we performed shoots wasn’t something to relish. It was frustrating to the point that my desires to crush every bone contained in that scumbag’s body kept heightening every day.

“It’s all good now,” Cath faintly traced her fingers over that eye of mine, clearly having interpreted what all was going through my mind.

With a smile and a light nod, I ushered her out of the room we shared, both heading to separate destinations to get our errands done – the washroom and the kitchen.

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