My first day

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A/N: Hey y'all! This is my first story so be easy on me! I'm dyslexic so sorry about my spelling and grammar. Peace out! Hope y'all like it!

"Have a good day," Dad said as we pulled into my new school. "Thanks Dad, I will see you later," I reply as I jumped out of the car, I resisted the urge to add a sarcastic "or possibly sooner because I obviously can't stay at one school for too long."

  I stood in front of the tall blue building, my confidence dimming at the view of the daunting new environment that waits for me.

Tanned brick walls, a blue tin roof, and a small courtyard for outdoor lunch seemed pretty similar to every other private school I've been to.

I really hope I don't get kicked out.

First day at a new school... Though, this is the fourth school I have been to and I know I probably won't be here for long.

I'm Austin Cooper. I'm thirteen years old and today is my first day at my new school. Or, I guess you could say the fourth new school. After so many schools it becomes the norm to be the new kid, and I was starting to loose track of small differences between the schools.

  I am a demigod son of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and battle strategies, so I am always moving schools even when I don't cause some disaster resulting in my being kicked out. My Dad says that this is a school I will be staying at for awhile so he dropped me off early so I can get my locker ready (I may be a son of Athena, but I am also an 8th grade boy so I guess he was questioning how organized I am.)

I run my fingers through my unruly blond hair like I always do when I'm nervous. For some odd reason I felt that this school was the beginning of something big for me, but how I knew this I have no idea. It was probably just first day nerves, despite how may times I have gone through this I can't help but get slightly on edge.

  To calm my nerves, I pulled out a book. Reading makes everything better. It's like a emergency back up plan for children of Athena, and I certainly needed the calming feeling reading always brings me.

I walk down the hallway with my nose in my book. Looking back, it was probably not the best idea to read while I stroll aimlessly down an unknown hallway, but oh well. My intense stormy gray eyes study each word carefully so my dyslexia wouldn't mess me up, and I have to pause every now and then to sound out a hard word or focus on the letters until the stopped moving so I could make out a sentence. Despite this, my reading skills have become significantly better through the years and some days I hardly struggle with my learning conditions.

I hear a door open and close, but assuming it's a teacher getting last minute things prepared for class, I don't look up. Hurried footsteps followed the door sound and became increasingly louder as they approached me.

  Suddenly, I run into something and find myself falling towards the floor.

"Hey!" I exclaim in surprise as I fall. I didn't have time to see who had run into me, and I sit up to find myself surround by rolled up posters and paper.

  I find my book turned upside down on the floor and grab it in a hurry. I frown, realizing I had lost my page number and dust it off as I search for the reason I am now sitting on my butt.

A girl lays across from me laughing. The only reason I could even tell she was a girl was because of the uniformed skirt fanning around her. Otherwise, she was unrecognizable because of a poster paper that had fallen across her face. She giggled and brushed the paper away. "So sorry!" she says as she sits up, still giggling slightly. She was obviously quite amused by the little incident.

When she is sitting, I notice the girl was around my age. Her long dark brown princess curls framed her face, and even though it's against school rules I could spot a turquoise streak of hair behind her left ear. Her sea green eyes are bright and full of mischief and excitement and her tanned skin made it obvious that she spent her whole summer enjoying the outdoors.

Her face is beautiful... ok, that's a lame way to describe her face but I'm not quite sure what else to say. She is beautiful. With full pink lips and flawless skin. Even though our uniforms were the most unattractive clothing in the world, she somehow made it seem like the silk of a European princess.

She had a crooked smile on her face that lit up the whole room and almost made me feel obligated to smile back. It was mischievous, like she was waiting for a prank to set off at any moment, but sweet at the same time. I feel like she could snap her fingers and I would jump off a cliff if she told me to.

  I put my book into my backpack that had fallen next to me and blink, almost too stunned to say anything.

The girl stands up, brushing off her skirt and offers a hand to help me as well. "I'm sorry," she repeats in a more sincere tone as she helps me up. "I was so focused on trying to hold all my signs I didn't see you!" She laughed a gentle chuckle, like a summer breeze on a warm day.

Her hand was soft against mine and when we were close I noticed how she smelled of roses and ocean salt.

"It's okay, I wasn't really paying attention either." I stumble over my words as I watch her blush and tuck her dark hair behind her ear.

   I start to help pick up her posters as a way to busy my fidgeting hands. "What are these?" I ask, unrolling one and finding it blank.

"I'm a cheerleader for our school," she replies, confidently straightening her uniform and showing off the special cheer jacket. "This week I was put in charge of posters for the Friday game." She sighs, making it obvious she didn't sign herself up for the job and wasn't exactly excited to be doing it on the first day of school.

"Cool," I reply as casually as I can. The girl was so stunning I felt nervous around her. I only thought this was something from books or movies, but I am totally at a loss for words. "Um, do you want me to help carry these to-"

"to the art room."

"Yeah, to the art room." I finish sheepishly.

"Actually, that would be a lot of help." she replies, blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes as she shifts the posters in her arms. "Oh, and my name's Bella. Bella Johnson," she says as she tucks a poster under her arm and offered a hand.

"I'm Austin Cooper." I say, and we shake hands.

A/N: Sorry for such a short first chapter! I really just need some filler stuff at the beginning but I promise it will pick up! I can't believe this chapter alone has had more than 100 views!!! I would never even imagine Austin and his friends would get so many readers! I'm so thankful for each and every one of you! Enjoy the story and keep hitting that little star!

Austin Cooper 1: Son of AthenaWhere stories live. Discover now