Bella makes a bad decision

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Hey!!! I am freaking out! Over 200 views!!! So awesome! Hope y'all enjoy this chapter! ;)

   We spent weeks working on mastering our powers. The next thing I know it's Thanksgiving break.

   I decided to go to camp for Thanksgiving. The Reaper has been missing for months with no traces to where he is, and his silence was more unsettling to me than him being in the open. It's like when you see a spider in your room, scream and go get your parents, (not that I do that) and when you come back it's gone. It's more unsettling knowing he's out there and I just can't see him.

  I walk down the stairs tiredly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

  I haven't been sleeping well lately. Chiron has been training me a lot and I have become significantly more strong with my powers, but that also means my dreams have become a lot more intense.

   I can now read people's thoughts. Not in the way you are probably thinking! I don't invade people's personal space.

That's weird, don't do that.

  But I can communicate with them. If anything is going wrong and I need help I can contact them through their minds and they can talk to me only while I am connected to their minds.

It takes a lot of my energy just to find the right section of the brain to connect my powers with, and once I do I'm usually too mentally exhausted to say much more than gibberish.

I slept a whole day after my first connection, but have gotten stronger the longer I practiced. Usually I chose to just read their emotions. As my powers grow, so do my other senses. Not only have my eyesight and hearing increased, but my ability to read emotions have too. It's not mind reading, but it can sometimes be just as accurate.

  Chiron did say that I could read people's thoughts if I wanted to... But I'm not sure I want to know what other people are thinking.

  I have also been having nightmares about the prophecy, and let's just say they aren't about flowers and rainbows.

   "Good morning," my dad greeted me when I entered the living room. He was reading the newspaper on the couch.

He pushes his glasses up and turns to face me, studying my face carefully. "I'm guessing you didn't sleep well?" He asks cocking an eyebrow. "Another nightmare?"

  "Yeah," I respond shortly, rubbing the palm of my hand over my eyes.

I try to tell my dad what I see in my dreams. Sometimes it's hard. I dream of my family in danger, used as a bait for the Reaper's nasty traps. Other times it's of unrecognizable faces in a prison cell, screaming in agony from a glowing torture created by their handcuffs. Then one of the figures transforms into Bella, but she doesn't scream. She only silently cries, staring at me with desperate eyes. It was tonight I realized her silence was due to the fact her tongue is gone.

Her voice taken from her.

I force myself to tell my dad these nightmares. I tell him it's because I need to get it off my chest, but in reality I want him to have some clue or what's going on in my world. Because if he doesn't know what is going on and I disappear... I just don't want him to wonder. This way he may have some hints to what is happening.

I really also need to rant. No, maybe not rant. I just need to talk and I don't need any comments. I just need to voice my thoughts.

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