The Reaper's move

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When my vision focuses, I realize I am drenched with sweat. I was shaking from the power I had held and controlled and then suddenly lost all at once. It was like being on an extreme sugar rush then suddenly crashing. I felt as if everything was drained out of me.

   I look up and see Chiron's worried face above me.

   "I'm so sorry my boy," he said, tears welding in his eyes. "I knew you could do it but..." He glanced over to where Bella was laying on the ground. I lift my head which felt like a hundred pounds.

Alice, Logan, and Tyler were standing over her. Alice was shaking her shoulders to wake her up, and Logan was squeezing her hand. Tyler could only stand in stunned silence with a slack jaw.

   "I didn't know how much power you had... and what it could do," Chiron finishes slowly.

   "Go get an Apollo camper!" I hear Alice yell at Tyler. I unsteadily get up and run to Bella. The world tester tottered as I walked and I crumbled to my knees by her side and looked down at her.

   Her eyes were closed and her face was as white as a sheet. She was shaking as if it was freezing cold, but the sun was making the rest of us sweat. When I put my hand on her forehead she was burning with fever.

  I hold one of her limp hands in mine, rubbing my thumb in circles on her palm. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," is all I could say over and over.

   The next things happened in a blur.

Three Apollo campers and Tyler hurried to us. They carefully lifted Bella and put her on a bed and carried her away. I wanted to run after her, but Chiron placed a strong hand on my shoulder.

I pulled against his hold.

    "I want to go with her," I demand through clenched teeth, tears threatened to run down my face from my fear and confusion. "Austin, you need to come with me. Tyler, Alice, Logan, you need to come too," Chiron instructed grimly.

   Tyler's face was green like he was about to throw up, Alice had tears running down her cheeks, and Logan just stood in shock at what had happened, but we all obeyed Chiron and followed.

  He led us to the Big House where we all trailed to his office. The four of us sat down with unsteady legs in chairs around his desk. Chiron sat in his wheelchair and rolled around to the other side of the desk.

   A few minutes later, Mr. D casually walked in with a Coke in his hand.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Mr. D when I first came to camp. Let's just say we didn't see eye to eye on everything (most campers don't.)

  He sat next to Chiron, looking at us differently then he usually does. I'm not It sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

  "So, it's finally happening," he said, looking at me and circling his Coke can as if it were a wine glass.

  "The Reaper is out and the powerful demigods of the prophecy are here." He held up his arms in fake praise then snorted and casually sipped his Coke.

  That's when I explode. "Are you kidding me? I almost killed my best friend and you just sit there! Like all Olympian gods you don't help at all!" I stand up. "I can't control my powers! And- and my best friend is hurt... because of me..." I look down and sit in my chair slowly. My face burned from my outburst and I waited for Mr.D to turn me into a sining dolphin or something, but when I looked back up he was smirking at me. His eyes had a dangerous purple glow to them.

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