A creepy guy wants to kidnap me

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"Please Chiron?" Bella begged once again, now attempting to sit up in her bed. We were in the infirmary and Chiron had come to see how Bella was doing. She has gotten a lot better, her eyes brighter and her skin regaining color, but she is still really weak and looks like she had a bad cold or strep throat.

  She tried to push herself up on the bed, a determined set to her jaw and a sparkle of defiance in her stunning sea green eyes, but Chiron kept a strong hand on her shoulder and easily guided her back into her pillow. Bella huffed in agitation and crossed her arms like a pouty child.

Chiron smiled at her. "I'm sorry my dear, but you are still weak," he pointed out logically. He leaned down to look at her more closely, feeling her forehead and frowning. "But I feel fine!" Bella insists, though her weak voice and red nose said otherwise.

Chiron laughs. "Of course, but you still must rest." He glanced back at me with a knowing grin.

"I will come check on you again later," he announced with a swish of his tail. He winked to Bella one last time then patted my shoulder before ducking and exiting the infirmary.

   Bella groaned dramatically and leaned back into fluffy pillow so far I could only see curls of hair and her nose. "I don't want to stay in bed all day!" She complained in a muffled voice. She emerged from her pillow hideaway with knitted eyebrows and a frown.

  I sit down in the bed next to hers. "Honestly, this is for the best. If you rest today you will be fine tomorrow," I point out.

"I guess you're right," Bella responded after a moment of thought. Then she sneezes and groans. "I still don't like the idea of staying in bed all day," she complained, grabbing a tissue and rubbing her nose.

I hear a knock on the door that was followed by Alice, Logan, and Tyler entering the infirmary with laid back grins. Alice had changed her hair to a pretty shade of royal blue that popped against the colors of the infirmary.

"Chiron told us that you are still sick and we came to give you some company!" Tyler says, flying across the floor and sitting on the other side of Bella.

   "How are you feeling love?" Alice asked, putting a hand on Bella's forehead. Bella crosses her arms with a defiant tilt of her chin. "I feel fine, but Chiron is making me stay in bed." She said with an annoyed look on her face.

    "That stinks," Logan replied casually, giving her a small smile. Bella smiled back and sighed. "Well, at least I have you guys," she said with a laugh.


  We spent the morning talking and playing card games and around 12:00 I asked Bella if she wanted any lunch.

Her nose wrinkled up and she stuck out her tongue. "I'm not really hungry," she said with a shake of her head. Alice put her hand on Bella's forehead immediately after this and pursed her lips. "You're hot," Alice announced with a concerned look on her face.

"I feel fine. Your hand is cold." Bella replied, squirming as Alice pulled back her hand. Alice smiles kindly, a twinkle of laugher in her multicolored eyes. "My hand isn't cold, you're hot." Alice repeated, sitting back in her chair.

  Bella sighed and laid back into her bed. Now that Alice had pointed it out, I realized Bella had paled. Her eyes had a shadow under them from tiredness despite her amount of sleep, and her cheeks had a pink flush. I felt stupid for not realizing this before.

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