I find a demigod

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"So, you like art?" I ask awkwardly as we start to walk down the hallway to the art room. It was a weak attempt at a conversion, but hey it was something.

Bella shrugs, a smirk on her face. "Only when it's my turn to do signs. I just like picking the different colors," she admits with a laugh. She continued conversation so easily I began to wonder if I would ever have to awkwardly fill in gaps of silence. I hopped not. I always hate doing that on the first day. "I like to sing, only in casual situations of course, and I obviously love cheerleading." she adds with a shake of her hair.

"That's cool," I reply lamely and wince at my own response. "I'm taking engineering and PE for my electives. Thought I might as well try something new y'know? " I say gesturing around the hallway. In reality I had just asked Chiron what classes he thinks will help my demigod training and he recommend those two despite me never taking them at my other schools. I trust him and enrolled in them anyways.

  I opened the door of the art room, a large square room covered from head to toe with paintings and drawings. Almost no wall space was open, and even the tables seemed crowded with different supplies for the new school year. We set the posters on one of the paint covered tables.

"Thanks for the help," Bella says, wiping her hands together as if she had already completed the task of decorating the signs.

   "No problem," I respond, taking in the bright colors of the art room that all screamed for my attention. I look at pictures of multicolored animals and distorted faces as Bella looks through the blank rolled up posters.

She glances up at me, eyes narrowed. "First day?"

I laugh, praying my face doesn't turn as red as it feels, "Is it that obvious I'm new?"

"Well, this is a small school," she replies with a smile.

My heart leaps when she smiles. Her sea green eyes reminded me of a baby seal: playful and fun, but intelligent too.

   "So... Do you like sports?" I asked as I look at the blank posters and wonder what she was going to draw on them.

"Well, I am a cheerleader," she says with a tilt of her head. I had a feeling that if I dared to ask if cheer wasn't a real sport I would get a heated response. I, thank the gods, already knew cheer was as much a sport as any when I had to help my younger half-sister prepare for her elementary try outs. I don't think many people can lift a girl the same weight as them in the air, and so I respect the sport.

"I like watching basketball. I enjoy cheering for it too. Our school has a good team." She responds, and I am thankful she continued talking.

"That's cool." I say for what felt like the millionth time. I really need to learn more complements. "I like basketball too, it's one of my favorite sports. I also play football and baseball," I add as I slide my hands in my uniform pant pockets and lean against the table edge.

   "Awesome, you should try out for the football team. I will be there cheering you on." Bella responds with a grin. The thought of her on the sidelines cheering for me was enough to get me to want to try out even though I mainly focus on basketball and baseball.

   "Yeah, I think I will," I reply as I reach the doorknob. I hadn't realized I had wandered back that way, but with the bell about to ring I know it is wise to dump my things into my locker like I promised Dad I would do.

"That's great! I will see you later," Bella says, rocking on her feet and twirling a strand of dark hair around her finger. "And thanks again for the help."

"It was no problem," I respond with an awkward wave before leaving the room.

I walked in a daze as my thoughts focused on the beautiful girl with princess curls and went to my locker and started to organize it.

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