Just kidding no it's not

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Hey! Enjoy the chapter! Sorry the last chapter was kinda slow hope y'all like this one!

  Sam and I decided to go as a group.

  Since Bella and Kate are good friends and we weren't exactly going on dates we all decided it was a good idea to go together.

  I was glad to have Sam here to, just in case. It's always good to have backup in case a monster viciously attacks or I have to start a conversation with Bella. I'm so nervous I don't even know which would be worse to do on my own.

  We waited by the door for the girls to arrive.

  I messed with my tie and looked at Sam. He looked excited and nervous and fidgeted as he leaned against the gym wall in an attempt to look relaxed.

   I must look the same because he gives me a nervous grin. "I really hope one of my fake feet don't fall off," he said laughing a suspiciously goat-sounding laugh.

I snort. "Now that would be an interesting conversation starter."

    A car pulls up, and we both straighten out ties and smooth out our hair. Kate steps out first. 

She is wearing a short light purple dress with jewels and sparkles encrusted around the strapless top. Her short, chin length, brown hair curled in perfect ringlets and one side was clipped back with a sparkling bobby pin.

  Sam smiled when he saw her. She looked really pretty, and judging by the nervous bleating sound that escaped Sam's lips he thought so too.

Then Bella steps out.

  Her naturally curly hair was in neat princess curls and fell in elegant waves around her shoulders. One side was pinned up elegantly with a pearl bobby pin.

  She wore a pearl ring and a matching necklace that sparkled against her collarbone and slender neck.

  Her long light blue dress was beautiful on her and to my embarrassment I was hypnotized by the curve of her waist and fit of the dress. It had crystals encrusted around the top and the blue swirls hung around her shoulders in beautiful sweeps like ocean waves.

  She and Kate walk towards us, both smirking proudly. To be honest, Sam and I probably looked stupid.

  The girls laughed and Sam slowly offers his arm for Kate so he can escort her in. I do the same with Bella, my mouth still slightly open in shock. "You look really beautiful," I said softly, embarrassed and not at the same time.

  "Thanks, you look good too," she replied, blushing pink.

   After a few minutes the awkwardness disappeared and we all talk as we ate dinner. 

When we finish the guys are supposed to ask the girls to dance. A few people have started dancing already. In the corner I could spot Drue and a girl I don't recognize dancing.

  That's when I realize Drue is glaring at me.


I take Bella's hand and we walk to the dance floor. She really looked stunning, and even after dinner I was still in a daze when I looked at her. Luckily, her attention was not on my drooling face. "What's up with Drue?" She asks looking over my shoulder.

I snap out of my daze at the name. I guess she noticed him watching us too.

Is he growling?

I didn't have time to respond before Mrs. Boring's voice rings over the speaker.

  "We will now be doing a switch dance where while dancing you will spin your partner and switch to another." She said clasping her hands together like this is the most fun she's had since her own school dance.

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