The five demigods of the prophecy

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Hey! Hope y'all are enjoying the book! So happy you have stayed with it until here! I have been thinking about writing a short story in Bella's or another characters point of view... Thoughts? Enjoy the story! <3

"Don't worry we will see him soon," Bella says waving to Sam from inside the infirmary.

"I know," I reply quietly, looking down at my hands.

   I glance up awkwardly at the other demigods. "We will be spending a lot of time together, so I guess we should get to know each other?" The other demigods nod in agreement and look cautiously at each other.

  "Um... Who wants to go first?" I ask running my fingers through my hair.

  Tyler laughs and clears his throat. "I'm Tyler Lee, son of Hermes. I like doing pranks and playing baseball. I live with my mom who owns a candy store nearby," he says with a nod and pulls out another green candy from his pocket.

  We all snort at the formal introduction and turn to Alice who was sitting next to him.

   "I'm Alice Taylor, daughter of Iris. I have the power to change my hair color... obviously!" She said with a giggle as her hair changes to a green-turquoise color. "I love doing anything that has to do with art. I moved here from Britain when I was eight to come to camp," she says with a shrug and turns to Logan to go next.

  We look to Logan who has been quite and looks slightly annoyed, he sighs. "I'm Logan Wood, son of Ares. I like sports," he said shortly and puts his hands in his pockets.

Bella introduces herself next. "I'm Bella Johnson, daughter of Poseidon." Everyone seemed to pay more attention to her when she says who her father was, even Logan looked at her in stunned respect. "I'm a cheerleader for my school," she says with a proud smile.

Everyone turns to me, and I clear my throat and gulp. "I'm Austin Cooper, son of Athena. I play football, basketball, and baseball and I have been at camp since I was seven," I say, trying to sit up better in the infirmary bed.

  After a minute, the tension begins to melt away. Bella and Alice begin to talk and I try to start a conversation with Tyler and Logan.

   First thing I observed about Tyler- he is definitely ADHD. He practically bounced off the walls as he explains pranks he had done on other campers and we eventually got Logan to join us in a conversation about football.

  After May cleared me well enough to leave, the five of us left the infirmary and go to the training arena. Chiron is already waiting for us when we begin to enter the arena.

  "Hello my children! Did you have a nice breakfast?" He asks. A spark of joy comes into his eyes when he sees us laughing at something Tyler said before.

"Yes, it was so delicious!" Bella said in a spot on British accent. "I do not sound like that!" Alice replied with a laugh and playfully pushing her shoulder.

Girls can become friends so fast.

Chiron laughs lightly and tells us to sit down in some chairs sitting in the grass.

  It was a beautiful day and the training arena was empty, reserved for us to practice.

"Today you will begin your training," he says as he began to pace in front of us.

   "You are all very powerful demigods and my job is to help you embrace it. Your unique powers will become stronger and make you more powerful than you would ever believe. Are you ready to begin?" He asks looking at us with a grin.

Austin Cooper 1: Son of AthenaWhere stories live. Discover now