The Warrior of Athena

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Wat up?! I'm so glad people are reading my story! Hope y'all keep reading! If you haven't noticed I am constantly updating my stories (old and new chapters) to try and get my writing to the best it can be! So if you notice me updating the same chapter several times that's why! Enjoy!

The demigods gathered at the edge of the woods. The mob of orange t-shirts was only separated by the fluffy red or blue plume on the top of their helmets. I look through the crowd at the campers to find familiar faces. It wasn't hard considering how small the camp was to begin with.

  Tonight my cabin is on the blue team. We have the Apollo, Hermes, and Hephesteus cabins. (Since some cabins are really small they just pick which team they want to be on so Bella chose my team.)

   The red team has the Ares, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Dionysis cabins.

  I was getting on my blue war helmet when I remember what Athena had said to me about asking Chiron about the gift she had given me.

  I find Chiron in the crowd. (Which isn't very hard considering he is half horse.)

  "Hello my boy! Are you ready to play capture the flag?" He asked with a competitive smile. He was wearing a helmet of his own over his wild halo of brown hair. "Yeah of course, but I need to tell you about a weird dream I had last night," I say hesitantly. I felt bad for bringing Chiron down from his excited and lighthearted mood, but I needed to tell him.

  His face becomes serious. I have known Chiron long enough for him to know that when I have dreams it's bad.

  "Athena, I mean my mom, visited me in a dream last night. She said that I have a gift called the Blessing of Athena," I explain slowly, looking at him for answers as the silent question creeps into my tone.

   I had gone through all the books in the library and none of them said anything about a Blessing of Athena. I was beginning to wonder if this was some kind of practical joke and Apollo would jump out of the bushes in a cheesy golden suit and yell, "You've just been god-pranked!" (Trust me he hosts a show like that and it is not something you want to see.)

  But instead Chiron's face paled and I knew I was not on the godly show Apollo and the god-Pranks. "I have had a feeling it was you," he admitted with a glance down at his hooves, his voice was barley above a whisper. "You have always been different than your siblings. I should have known!" He said, stomping a hoof and looking angry at himself.

  "Chiron," I say to get his unfocused gaze back on me. "What is the Blessing of Athena?" I ask, just wanting a straight answer for once.

Chiron purses his lips, his arms crossed over his wrinkled "Got Centaur?" t-shirt. He waits a count of ten before finally saying something.

  "Have you ever felt as if something is going to happen? Or you know who is coming up behind you without even looking?" He asked, his chocolate brown eyes staring intensely at me.

  I think for a minute. I wanted to deny that almost immediately. How could that be possible? But the odd thing was, that does happen to me.

  For example, when I was eight I didn't want to go out to the playground because I claimed I was going to hurt myself. The teachers made me go play anyways to try and get energy out of me (I did mention I'm extremely ADHD right?) and that day I broke my wrist falling off the swings.

Recently I've noticed that when I am in my room studying or reading Christy tries to sneak up on me, but every time she is coming I know she is about to jump out. I never get surprised.

  "Yes," I say with a nod. "It happens all the time," I confess.

  "That is the blessing. You have amazing battle instincts, better than any warrior. You know when an attack is coming, and you will soon learn how to see their weakness. You can take their strength, powers, and energy from them."

  I blink. "I have had this all along and Athena is just now telling me?!"

  Chiron smiled sadly. "She knew the moment you found out the monsters will know that you have been claimed the Warrior of Athena and try to destroy you."

  "The Warrior of Athena?" I ask. "Is that what the gift is for? Her chosen warrior?"

  Chiron nods. " She did not want to burden any of her children with the gift, but she had to. . . You were chosen by the gods," Chiron finishes, although his words were serious and slightly sad he looked at me proudly.

  I smile. I can't help it. Even if I am now in even more trouble with monsters. Chiron is proud of me. And my mom, in a way, is proud to call me her chosen warrior.

  "I can steal powers?" I ask excitedly.

  Chiron nods. "It will take time for you to master it, but you have the ability to steal your enemy's powers and much more."

  I smile. "Will you train me?" I ask.

  Chiron laughs lightly. "Of course I will my boy! Now that you and Bella have been claimed as part of the prophecy I bet more will be claimed soon as well! You will all need training," he said with a grin and a pat on my shoulder.

  "Now go and enjoy capture the flag, and tell Bella we will start training tomorrow!" He yells as I start to run off.

  The horn goes off and I start to run with my team to our side to let the other team hide their flag.

  That is the big thing that is going to happen. We will find three demigods tonight.

I know it.

  I run to catch up with Bella.

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