We make a plan

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Hey! Hope y'all enjoying my story and it's not to cheesy! Enjoy this chapter!

My eyelids felt like bricks as I began to wake.

I am laying in my bed and still wearing a dirty camp shirt and jeans. My body felt stiff and sore from exercising.

Did I sleep in or something? I glance around the empty cabin in general confusion to what might have happened with the memories and emotions flooded back like a ginormous wave.

The battle.

I close my eyes tightly and try to forget.


That didn't happen. Bella is going to walk in my cabin, call me a Owl Brain, and ask me why I slept in. I am going to run to the training arena and meet Tyler, Alice, and Logan and we will practice just like we did only a few days ago when everything was normal. Or at least as normal as it can be for a demigod.

I would hang with my friends and we would complain that we don't have enough free time, and I would be happy. I was always happy when I was with my friends.

Hot tears start to slip down my face and I don't even attempt to stop them. My hands reach for the necklace Bella gave me before the battle and I rub the cool coin between my fingers.

A noise from the front door caught my attention and tightly shut my eyes and pull my covers back up to my chin.

My ears easily pick up the quiet squeak of Chiron's wheelchair and two pairs feet. The two other voices belonged to girls and even when they whispered I could slightly hear what they were talking about.

"Let me take his temperature." It was definitely May's voice. The back of a hand brushed against my forehead. Her fingers were cool as if she were a actual doctor. I fought to not wiggle under he touch. "I already know he doesn't have a temperature." Kat's voice spoke up. "His forehead is cool."

Slowly, I open my eyes. Chiron sat next to me with a quiet, a concerned look on his face. He had his head rested in his hands.

  May was turned around and in search of the thermometer that was lost in a bag full of medical supplies. Kat was standing closest to me, her hands nervously playing with the ends of her twin braids.

"Austin!" Kat exclaimed with a slightly forced smile when she sees my eyes open. "Um... Hi," I croak. I push myself up to a sitting position with shaking arms and lean heavily against the headrest of my bed.

Kat pulls her hands from her braids only to mess with a silver ring on her left hand. "How are you feeling?" She asks with raised eyebrows.

  "I-" My voice died before I could continue talking and I look down at my hands folded in my lap.

"T-they took Bella. It's all my fault. I promised we would be okay..." My voice cracked when I remember the broken promise I had given her before the battle. A promise that I broke.

"Austin, my boy." Chiron said, speaking up for the first time. I look up and meet his pair of determined brown eyes. They looked sad, and I realized suddenly he must be used to seeing his demigods in pain. I could never take his job and handle the loss as he does.

"I promise we will get her back." He patted my hands with his, and his jaw set in determination. "I promise."


I sat in the infirmary next to Tyler's bed. The sound of shuffling feet and light breathing were the only sounds disrupting the quiet atmosphere. Tyler was still out cold. Only moved up and down when he breathed shallow breaths. Other wise I wouldn't be able to tell if he were still alive. He had remained pale even after the small portion of ambrosia.

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