I wake up in the infirmary... Again

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Hey y'all! If you haven't already notice I say y'all so if any of my characters say that... Oops! Hope y'all (see I say it a lot!) enjoy this chapter! If u haven't noticed I have been going back on the chapters and improving my writing (I can't believe people are actually reading my story!) so if u see changes in the chapters that would explain it!

   I hear the galloping of Chiron's hooves from a distance then feel the carful hands of demigods picking me up carefully and bringing me to the flat ground.

  I keep my eyes closed. I felt a sick churning in my stomach and my head pounded like a deep drum.

Three important demigods of the prophecy are going to be chosen.

That was the only thought that ran through my head, over and over and I can't seem to focus on anything else.

  I feel the hands carefully sitting me on the ground. I groan, rolling my head back and trying to open my eyes. My fist clench as a wave of pain rolls from my head through my body and clench my teeth. When I finally open my eyes I find Chiron and the boy who must have gotten him kneeling beside to me.

  Demigods were surrounding where I was laying, watching me with concerned and curious looks.

  I heard people whispering, a murmur of demigod voices flooding the usual quiet of the forest. Actually, I can hear their conversations perfectly, as if they were shouting instead of talking in hushed tones. . . but that's not possible.

They should be too far away for me to hear more than a slight sound.

Chiron kneels down awkwardly next to me. Under different circumstances I would have laughed, his awkward horse legs tucking under his body as he tried to get closer to me, but my head hurt so much I stayed quiet.

  "My boy, what happened?" He asked looking at me concerned.

I could feel shutters racking my body as if I was having some sort of mild seziere. "T-three. . . people for the p-prophecy are. . . going to be chosen," I croak weakly. I felt ridiculous lying on the grass in the middle of a game of capture the flag, and I attempted to sit up but Chiron's firm hand easily pushed me back down.

Good thing he did too, because right after my body racked in painful shutters again and a moan escaped my lips. "I can hear everything," I say in a whisper as if my voice too would be amplified and cause my head to pound harder. I wince at the stomping of footsteps hurriedly coming closer to me.

"Yes, I know," Chiron says with heavy concern in his voice, and I turn my tired gaze back to his eyes. "Your instincts are becoming sharper, you will soon be able to communicate through minds too. That's why you can hear everything," he says, putting a hand under my head to try to make me more comfortable.

  "Austin?" Bella's voice stuck out from the others, as if I could find her like a needle in a haystack.

I try to call out to her. I could calm her by telling her I was fine, but instead another seizure racks my body and I groan loudly. I couldn't force my lips to move into real words so I clamp them shut before I could moan again.

Bella pushes past campers in the large crowd and runs to kneel by me. "Gods of Olympus, what happened?" She asked through heavy breaths, she must have ran here when the word of what happened to me got to her.

I found myself noticing small qualities about her, my vision sharper than it should have been took in every little thing about her. The way a loose hair cow licked behind her right ear, and how the sun caught between her long lashes as she looked down at me.

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