I have a stupid dream

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The next few days passed in a blur.

Most of the weekend I spent sleeping to be honest. When I was awake I would get visits from my brothers and sisters or Bella and Sam.

Bella told me about how she talked to her mom and she said that she always knew that she would have to go to camp some time.

Our parents picked us up on Sunday and since we are both powerful demigods our parents decided that on weekends we can come to camp to train.

When we came to school the next day everyone was talking about homecoming.

What exactly they saw, I don't know.

Something about a lama... actually, I don't even want to know.

It was Thursday and all Bella, Sam, and I could talk about was going to camp.

Bella has been preparing for her first capture the flag game, and I was preparing to win the game with her.


  I sat on the couch that night with my little sister Christy. "Austin! Tell me a story!" She begged, watching me with her big sky-blue eyes.

I looked cautiously at my dad. I always make sure my parents are okay with me telling Christy stories, just in case she might get scared.

"Well," I start cautiously. "Which one do you want to hear?" I asked, sitting my book down in my lap and turning to face my little sister.

  She looks down for a minute, thinking of a story.

I notice her looking thoughtfully at my shirt. She looks up with a triumphant smile. "How did you get the boo-boo on your side?" She asks, satisfied that she could think of a good story for me to tell.

"Oh, that?" I look cautiously at my parents again. I pull down the athletic t-shirt so my bandage wouldn't show anymore. I hadn't really thought Christy would notice, and even though it was fully healed thanks to ambrosia and nectar it still ached slightly.

The stories I usually told Christy are not really scary. Usually they are about me flying the pegasus across Long Island or playing capture the flag. Something that I know won't scare her, and even though the story of homecoming night may not have been my most dangerous situation it would scare my seven year old sister.

I look at my parents and they give me a nod.

I know what that means.

You can tell her the story as long as you don't give all the graphic details.

No little kid wants to think their older brother is getting in fights with monsters and getting hurt in the process.

"Okay," I say with a sigh. She claps her hands happily and wraps a blanket around herself and snuggles up to me as I begin my story.


"Okay!" I hear mom say at the end of my story. "Time for bed!"

Christy giggles and jumps up with her blanket still draped around her shoulders. "I like your stories Austin!" She announced, hugging me and running upstairs.

My mom smiles. "Thank you for taking out all the details," she said giving me a hug.

"Maybe one day we can take her to camp," she suggested with a glance upstairs where Christy had disappeared.

Austin Cooper 1: Son of AthenaWhere stories live. Discover now