Bones is going to get a punch in the face

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Hope y'all are enjoying the story! Comment any ideas or questions! Sorry if I have some spelling problems. (Again I'm dyslexic) Enjoy!

  My nightmare started in a familiar cave Bones and his skeleton army crawled around.

The room looked somewhat the same, but grosser and darker with no throne. I could tell it was further underground because of the slick dirty water that slid down the walls. Torches dotted the sides of the cave only enough to give the room a creepy lighting and cast monster like shadows across the floor.

   Bones was standing with his back to me. He was wearing a casual version of the armor he wore when he attacked Camp Half-Blood. Well, it was casual if you would call a red armor breastplate and skirt lined with gold and a matching helmet "casual."

I walked closer, curios and nervous to find what he was looking over and my heart sinks.

  Bella was in a heap on the ground at his feet.

She had golden chains attached to her ankles and wrist. They must have been too tight because died blood ran down her arms and had created shallow pools around her.

Her face was smudged with dirt and blood and had paled greatly since I last saw her. She took on more of a pale winter girl than the sunny surfer chick category she always seemed to fall into. She was shivering although the room was humid and warm from the torches and molding watery walls. I noticed a new bruise below her right eye and my jaw clenched when I realized it looked vaguely the size of a hand.

  Bones kicked her in the stomach and Bella let out a small yelp. The sound was weak and pitiful. I feel my face grow hot with anger and red tinges my sight. I want to run to her, but I was frozen and couldn't move despite how much I willed my body to move.

"You worthless demigod! I give you the world and you spit it back at me!" Bones spits at her. His bony fingers curled into fist at his side. Bella could barely lift her head to glare definitely at him.

"I will never join you," Bella declared in a weak whisper. "Austin will never join you," she said stronger, getting to her knees and yanking at her chains in protest. The clink of metal against metal filled the cave as she pulled to try and reach out at him. Bones couldn't hide the nervous expression that briefly crossed his face at Bella's consistent rebellion, and he eyed the thick chains that continued to rattle as Bella resisted. Almost as if he were afraid they could not hold her back.

"You stupid girl," Bones yelled, his fear quickly fleeing and replacing with more anger. "We will get the Warrior of Athena to join us and if he doesn't corporate," he laughs. The sound came out a mixture of a squeak and a cough. "Then we will show him you." He kneeled down and lifting Bella's head up so she had to look straight at him.

  Bella struggled against the chains again and tries to hit him away, but her arms are held back by the restraints and she can only stare at him fiercely while he wrapped his bone fingers around her jaw. He examined her face as if studying a treasure he had recently discovered, and my rage only grew stronger.

"We will show him his precious princess of the sea and show him what we will do to you when he doesn't do as I say." The chains began to glow brighter as Bones talked and Bella's eyes grow wide at the sight.

  Despite the fear in her wide eyes as the chains continued to grow brighter, Bella tried to bite his boney finger with a snap of her jaw. A shock comes out of the chains, electricity coursing up her arms and through her body and she fell to the ground again with a scream.

  Bones jumps back, shaking the hand with the finger Bella had almost bitten and laughing nervously as he watched Bella wither on the ground.

"Feisty aren't you?" He said with another laugh. "No wonder Poseidon has kept you so safe."

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