*FTAC 8: Revealing secrets and movie talk

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Chapter 5: Revealing secrets and movie talk

After the whole Marcel's fiasco we walked to my house in silence. Lilian and Robert walked in the opposite direction and vanished into thin air when I turned back again.
"So..." I said when I reached my house.
"Do you guys want to come in? " I suggested.
The offer seemed to cheer everyone up a bit. Dean and Tom ran into the house with Cam and Clide behind them.
When we were alone Alena asked, "What happened to Clide.

I knew exactly what she was referring to, but I just couldn't tell her. I couldn't bring myself to recall those dreadful memories without bursting out in tears.
After a while of silence I sighed and said, " He made some bad decisions when he was little. "
Alena's eyes widened at my words. I knew that if I said something she would want to know more, but like the idiot I am I can't keep my mouth shut.
"Like what? "

I looked around the corner to make sure that no one was listening and said, "When he was little he didn't really... agree with his parents. Especially his father. " I explained.
"So he ran away when he was six years old. "
I felt my voice break and the tears coming, but I didn't let my emotions get the best of me.
"For years he lived with us in foster care. I was the only one he would talk to. He didn't even talk to my mom or dad, just to me, but... Then one day I got mad at him."

A thick wet tear streamed down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away with the back of my hand. I wasn't going to cry about the past. I promised myself that I'm never going to do that again and I tend to keep that promise.

"I didn't talk to him for weeks on end which led to us growing apart and he got quieter and when he was 11 he went to Tenebrarum."
I kept my face blank and expression less, but Alena's sympathetic eyes made me want to cry all over again.
"He came back after two months of nonstop searching for any trace of him, but he was hurt badly. Who am I kidding he was practically on death's door! You don't want to see the sight for... I just... I just can't." I said pinching the bridge of my nose to stop myself from crying.

The memory of Clide half dead falling at my feet begging for help mortified me. The sight of your best friend dying in front of your very own eyes is... It's just something no one can be prepared for. The agony of knowing that someone you care about so deeply is in excruciating pain, but you can't do anything because your literally frozen to the spot is overwhelming even now. It's the most terrifying thing for anyone to experience ever. I wanted to help him, but all my mind could comprehend was that it was my entire fault. Because of my stupid anger I indirectly caused harm to Clide. I sniffled a few times before I continued.

"But it was all my fault. " I managed to choke out.
"I can't even remember why I got mad at him in the first place." I got out before the lump in my throat made it impossible for me to go further.
"I do. " Clide's kind voice startled me.
"I didn't know how much it would affect you..." I tried to apologise once again.

Alena stood silently watching as the story unfolds. I somehow forgot that I was actually telling the story to her and not just dreaming about it. Not that it can be considered a dreaming matter, but nights on end after the incident, months actually, my sweet night rest was overtaken by nightmares of Clide dying or me even in the same situation.
"You don't have to apologize... We both made bad decisions. I was insecure and stupid and you were a spoiled brat. Still are aren't ya. " he said teasing me.
"But my mistakes brought me closer to my mother, brother, sisters and you guys." he said with a stern voice.

His face was suddenly very serious. When I looked back at Alena her face was stained with tears and her eyes were puffy. I wrapped my arm around her slim shoulders to comfort her.
"Don't cry Alena." murmured Clide.
"I'm fine now. " she sniffed a few times and then straightened up.
"I didn't mean to cry sorry. " she apologized with a soft laugh.

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