FTAC 5 | Well, slap me with a sugared rose petal, why don't ya?

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Chapter 5:
Well, slap me with a sugared rose petal, why don't ya?

Oh, how wonderful is the life of a high school student.

It's Monday... yay!
And I have three assignments due today and only half of it is done... double yay!
And I have to face Nikolai and Anaelle again- for the first time since I declared that all of us have been gifted from above by some random element...
Yeah today's going to be hell on earth.

An entire week has gone past without any of the Di siblings communicating with me in any way, shape or form.
Honestly, I was completely fine with that. No taunting, no pranks or stupid fights that I'm apparently to blame for and most of all no Nikolai.
It was heavenly!

But then again it also wasn't. Although it was a relief to finally have someone to share my secret with, it also came with a lot of doubt and regret. Anaelle or Nikolai could turn on me anytime they want- more so Nikolai. I highly doubt that Anaelle would do anything other than avoid me for the rest of her life, but Nikolai has no problem with throwing me to the wolves- like he always does.

And then there's Tallulah; the queen bitch herself.
She may not have believed me in the spur of the moment but trust me with time it all sank in and she realised I was being honest. The disgusted glares that she gives me from afar gave that away.

The thought of her telling anyone about us being gifted will ultimately be the death of me- Actually no, the wrath of my mother when she finds out about my stupid blabbermouth will be the end of my short lived existence.
I know that if any of the three try to tell anyone else about their newfound 'talents' ninety-nine percent of people would think they're crazy and chalk it down to hormonal teenage hysteria, but the fear is still there.

With a shake of my head I tried to push my annoying thoughts away as I walked through the wooden doorway and into the black marble hall.
And so, the trek to my locker begins... We have a very interesting locker setup here at Donatus Academy; solely because we can.
The lockers are strategically placed over the first five floors of the building each floor being dedicated to a grade. The first floor's lockers are dedicated to the matrics while the fifth floor goes to the constantly misfortunate eight graders.

Since I'm only in grade 10 my locker was on the third floor and so my daily commute three flights of stairs up, is just the perfect way to start my day. My locker was way at the back of the hallway which means I must pass an assortment of cliques and observe their weird existences. Not having friends gives you more than enough time to make unnecessary observations when it comes to your surroundings... unfortunately.
First to my right it's usually the loud drama queens squealing as they jump into the arms of their equally melodramatic counterparts. They act as if they've haven't seen each for months when in actuality it has only been two days!
But luckily I passed them within six steps only to find the music kids humming showtunes and remixes to notify everyone- once again- that they're musically talented. Following up showtunes city to my left is the makeup obsessed pretty girls talking about boys and the miraculous wonder that is Shape Tape. This is the group I try to stay as far away from as physically possible since it's basically the wannabe Tallulah's of my grade. They have a tendency to want to exercise they're 'power' in the school hierarchy by shoving down those deemed 'not cool'- I'm generally the target for this.

After briskly stalking passed with my head bent down, I find myself in the second to last quarter of the hallway before my locker.
Next it is my least favourite group to pass by; the jocks. It is a daily struggle to get passed them since they basically take up three-quarters of the available space in the hallway surrounding Nikolai's stupid locker. Usually their jeering gets louder whenever I walk past as they shout out their opinions on 'the Quinne-freak'.

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