*FTAC 3: Cloudy with the chance of a foodfight

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Chapter 3: Cloudy with the chance of a food fight

"Hey, give that back!"
Lillian turned on her her heel fuming, to whichever idiot wasn't afraid to commit social suicide. Standing behind her with juice bottle in hand was non other then Cameran. Alena couldn't express how happy she was to see her brother. From the look on Cameron's face you could clearly see that he doesn't appreciate Lillian's jabs at his little sister. It was obviously an accident! There's no need to go to such an extent as to embarrass the girl on her first day, ranted Cameron in his mind still staring at a fuming Lillian.
"I'm only going to say this once so open up those satellite dishes you call ears... Give.It.Back." threathened Lillian in a dangerously low voice.
"Leave my little sister alone!" demanded Cameron towering over Alena protectively.
These two siblings were getting on her very last nerve and his time she couldn't control her temper. Many times she woul want to lash out at someone if they annoy her, but keeps herself in check. If people expect her to be perfect then that's what she'll give them, but today that mantra flew from her he add faster then she imagined she could kill Cameron Belle.
"Fine..." hissed Lillian, realising she was outnumnered as Cameron's friends started getting up from their now bent seats.
The prospect of fighting him with the whole rugby team at Cameron's advantage made Lillian withdrew reluctantly. With her head held high she walked to Alena and bent down till they were practically nose to nose.
"Just wait until your dim-witted brother isn't here to protect you." hissed Lillian dangerously, making Alena flinch away from the older girl's poisonous glare.
"Thats it!" said Cameron, losing his temper and tipped the juice bottle over Lillian's head. The contents of the container hit its target and profoundly made Lillian resemble the likes of a very fancy all-you-can-eat buffet.

Lillian's scream could be heard all the way to the prinicipal's office that was on the other side of the huge five hectare school ground. Cameron smiled down at his handy work with a proud smirk while Alena stared on in horror. She was doomed! She can kiss any type of social life or peace at school goodbye. Keep calm, Lilly, don't freak out. Remember they'd always watching you... Don't. Freak. Out! Lillian tried to contain her temper, but when she opened her eyes and saw the damage done to her new outfit she saw red. No, not just red she saw blood. The blood of the bastard that made her look like oddly shaped Oros man!
"You did not just do that?!" shrieked Lillian in shock.
Her chocolaty brown curls were a wet mess and the only part of her that wasn't orange was her cheeks turning violent shade of red and her shockingly blue eyes. She glared at the two through the eert strands of her once perfect hair and felt the anger pulse through her veins. Damon, if looks could kill they'd be eighty feet under by now!
"I think you and I both know the answer to that question." said Cameron mocking the fuming girl.
It was actually great fun putting the rich brat in her place. Who could've thought pouring sugar free, organic carrot juice over Lillian Withers' perfectly white outfit could be so exhilarating, thought Cameron as he stared down at her with satisfaction.
"I mean you're not that dumb are you? Or are the rumours about you giving up half your brain cells for plastic surgery true?"

Alena really wished her brother would stop talking or maybe just choke on the foot he has already shoved so far up his mouth! He's just making everything worse and Alena's already struggling o think of a way to do damage control.
There were a few distant giggling from the audience on the grass, but one warning glare from Lillian was enough to silence them quick enough. The whole school ground was quite with the exception of cars unknowingly driving past. Oh how Alena wish she could be in one of those cars and as far away from this situation as she possibly could be.

"Oh, I'm going to..m I'm going to..." stammered Lillian scanning her surroundings for some inspiration.
She always got the last laugh and screw what everyone else thought. Her body was purely responding on instinct and right now her instinct is screaming 'KILL THE MOTHER FRENCHER?!'
She wasn't going to give up her pride to this idiot. Her eyes lit up as she saw something that would do just fine for her revenge. She picked up a bowl of tomato soup from a nearby table and with unexpectedly fast speed dumped it all on Cameron's head.
"Two can play this game, bitch." She said smiling vengefully as she shook off the little bit of tomato that got on her hands.
Cameron's usually flawless dark hair was now stuck to his head with big chunks of red tomato sticking out at random angles. For a secon there was silence until that silence was broken by the two lunging at each other. Alena tried to separate the two, but it was harder than it looks. Especially if you've barely hit puberty and you have to seperate an angry rugby player and passed off queen bee.

At that moment of vigorous drama you'd think nothing could get worse, right? Wrong! While the three were struggling in came a reporter frantically snapping pictures of the whole debacle. Her blonde and pale blue hair flew up and down as she jumped around to get pictures from different angles. Her bright green eyes were big with excitement even though you can't see it behind the humongous camera in her hands. That's me by the way! Olivia Cartridge, at your service for all your news and journalism needs... You might think I'm crazy for intruding on this violently heated moment, but to be a good journalist a person should be willing to put their lie on the line for a good story. This is definitely the most exciting thing that has happened in all of the three years I've attended this boring school. And who would want to miss the opportunity of writing 'SPORT STAR vs QUEEN BEE: cafeteria edition'?! Thats front page in the school newspaper right there! It can also be a change to prove to Mr Berwick that I'm the perfect candidate to become the newspaper's editor. When Lillian noticed me and my flashing camera she lost the last bit of self-control that she had. Her eyes darkened, but at the same time looked even more blue then what it was before. She grabbed a mini-cream tart from a girl sitting nearby and threw it at me. It landed right on target and my favourite lilac, mock lace top was now filled with white mush.

Before I could do or say anything Alena's voice broke the fight apart.
"Please, just stop!" shrieked Alena still trying to keep her brother back, but he was too strong.
He was too angry to even think about listening to his sister's command. With one last tug he was free from Alena's surprisingly strong hold. He instantly tried to take my camera. Like he'll am I going to allow him to touch my baby! Luckily I moved faster then him and sidestepped him with ease. As I dodged Cameron he firmly ran smack dab into Lillian. The sight was pretty hilarious if I do say so myself.
"Get off me, you big bozo!" shrieked Lillian squirming under Cameron's crushing weight.

After a huge struggle they finally made it back on their feet and all four of us directed our attention to a small figure making her way to us with determined, angry strides.
"Oh no, it's aunt Ari ... I mean Principal Belle." said Alena worriedly.
She grabbed her brother's hand fearing her aunt's wrath. She always was a very strict, fiery woman even if she stood at a measly 1.45 meters. When she finally reached us I couldn't help but notice that she looked like an older version of Alena, but with a stern frown playing on her eyebrows that Alena doesn't have. Dissapointment burned in her fiery hazel eyes as she glared at her niece and nephew as well as the other two food covered students. She knew the other pretty well. Better than they might think...

Lillian Withers; the school golden girl. She usually looks at the girl with pity as her record states that she's adopted and not by the most loving pair of parents in Acaciaville. Her gaze travelled to the other girl, Olivia Cartridge. A very bright girl, pretty, hardworking... a little on the peculiar side, but that is to be expected of the Cartridge bloodline. Their family has always been a little odd and Liv really started to keep to herself after her father's mysterious disappearance. Both girls highly smart, highly talented, but today they, along with her own niece and nephew, are the runt of her fury.
"What's going on over here?!" boomed Ariel's voice a lot louder than you'd think possible for such a tiny lady.
She glared all four of us down with every word she spoke. Before any of us could answer or even get a word in she continued, "Its the first day and there's already trouble... Detention for all of you!"
She scanned the guilty faces in front of her.
"I'm very disappointed in all of you." said Ariel crossing her arms over her chest.
Her eyes lingered on Alena's lowered head and she couldnt help, but huff in anger.
"Especially you Alena... My own niece!"
After a few minutes of tense silence she angrily stalked off leaving the four of us standing there and the others on the grass to murmur amongst themselves.


What's your name and do you like it and why?

My response:
For those who haven't read my bio my name is Gaby Michaela Mc Donald. Yes, yes my dad owns a farm and he's lovin' it. I've heard it all! And yes Gaby is my full name. Everyone keeps asking me if Gaby is short Gabriella. Nope its just Gaby and with only ONE 'B'! The funny thing is my parents named me Gaby since I was a very small child and they didn't want to give a small child such a long name. Well the irony is that people love giving me nicknames that are longer than my actual name. I mean Gabers, Gabster, Gabsterina, Gabriella Sabertini, Gabisile? Really? Oh well, I've come to love my name although it can be frustrating at times.

Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon. (Obvi!) 'Neil A' backwards spells 'Alien'.

My response:
Well my dad keeps saying that how are we sure that there was anyone on the moon. His teory is that what if it was just like making a movie since how can it only be one guy who went to the moon. Yeah, my dad's weird, but I love him anyway.

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