*FTAC 12: Falling and photographs

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Chapter 7: Falling and Photographs

Today, like every other, we were sitting lazily in the basement. Cam, Clide and I were in a huge argument about which YouTuber were the best. I voted for Lilly Singh, Clide for Troye Sivan and Cameron for Miranda Sings. While I was busy stating the fact that the only reason Cam liked Miranda Sings so much is because he thought she was hot a shriek from upstairs made everyone stare at Alena in shock.

She was tumbling down the stairs at a back breaking pace. I reacted without thinking and jumped up. Leah came running behind her trying to help, but I wouldn't let her touch Alena. She could've won a Grammy for that performance, but I let it was her that pushed Alena down the stairs.

I helped Alena to the couch and asked in panic, "Alena are you okay?!"
She responded with a faint nod as she tried to swallow back the tears. I could see she was trying to keep her right foot as still as possible. I prodded her foot to see if there were any broken bones or something while she talked.

"Yeah I'm fine. " she said blushing so hard that even her ears were red.
"I just lost my... Ouch! " she hissed when I gently pressed on her right ankle bone.
"I think you bruised your ankle because I doesn't feel broken, but I'm not a doctor. " I said to her.

Cam went to get some bandages and my mom while Clide went for some ice leaving me alone with little Miss bitch a lot and a sniffing Alena.
"That was just a warning, honey. " hissed Leah, confirming that she's the daughter of Hades or Satan or all things bad and evil.
"Leave my boyfriend alone! "

Alena just stared at her with big eyes, but I wasn't just gonna sit and watch this in silence. And this is where I snap...
"Listen here, you little shit head, this is my house and I will not allow you to come in here and insult my friends!" I shouted going completely crazy, but she didn't even wince.
She looked me right in the eye and lifted her chin in defiance. I always had a anger problem but damn this girl better be ready for her death.

"You don't deserve someone like Clide, because all you do is manipulate people and hurt them. I'm pretty sure you murder puppies and carry around quite a few sicknesses. Whenever he's not around you act like... " before I could even finish my sentence Clide walked in.

Leah ran into his arms and burst out in tears. Correction fake tears! Clenched my fists and gritted my teeth knowing very well what's coming next.
"Liv! " reprimanded Clide putting his arm around a sobbing Maleah.
"Clide she... " I tried, but he didn't listen.
"No. " he said firmly.

She better watch out, because I will get her back for getting between me and my nest friend. Right now I really wish I had a pair of rusty blunt, scissors, but she's not worth the jail time.
"But she... " I tried again, but guess who interrupted me again.
"No but's Liv, say you're sorry!"

I refused to apologize. He can torture me all he wants, burn down the damn house, take away my powers for life for all that I care, it I'll never say sorry to her. So I turned to Alena for help.
"Alena please, please tell him what just happened. " I pleaded but she just stared at the ground with tears streaming down her cheeks.

I stalked out the room, beyond furious, to the kitchen for something to break. I went to the cupboard, took out a cheap white plate and smashed it to the ground. It was like the flood gates opened and I felt anger taking over and tears flowing freely down my cheeks in rage. The shards of glass on the floor made me smile. I wish I could Leah like that. If it wasn't obvious I have anger management problems.

"I'm going to kill her! " I muttered grabbing another plate and smashing it to shards.
"She doesn't even have a gift and she dares challenge me?!"
There goes another plate... And a another. I didn't notice Cam was in the kitchen until I broke my fourth plate. Guess I was blinded by my anger.

"I'm sorry... " I said taking a deep breath to calm myself.
"I didn't know you were in here. "
"I didn't know you were a plate smasher. "
He sat down at the kitchen table just looking at me.
After a moment of silence he said, "Did you just say that Leah doesn't have a gift? "

"Yes I did? "
I clenched my jaw and balled my fist at this unbearable topic.
"Then why is she in the basement when she isn't you know? " he asked hesitantly sensing my anger.
"She walked in on Clide one day when he was practising and of course he told her. " I said feeling the need to get another plate and smash it, but resisted the urge.

"What really happened in there? " asked Cameron calmly
Finally someone who would believe me or at least hear what I have to say!
"She pushed Alena down the stairs and then said to her to leave her boyfriend alone... " I laughed bitterly when I imagined all the things I could've done if Clide wasn't there.
"I just lost it, but who wouldn't right? Clide doesn't believe though he's too blinded by love to see what's right in front of him. "
He never does when his sweet Maleah is involved! I closed my eyes and erased that thought from my mind. It isn't his fault he got brainwashed by the daughter of Satan.

"I just wish he could see through her like I can. "
Cam just sat there letting me talk. And trust me I talked a lot. He didn't interrupt, didn't comment, just listened until I was done. Until I had no more words left.
"Don't worry I believe you... " he said.
For some reason it made me smile and we just sat like that until my mom said that she was going to take Alena to the doctor.


Three chapter update! Yeah I know you all love me!!!! He he he hope y'all liked it. I know, I know Liv seems crazy and Maleah seems like a total bitch and Alena Looks like a wimp, but just keep on reading it gets pretty interesting from here on forth... So yeah keep on reading my loyal subject.
P.S. added a picture of Clide. Its hard finding someone of his description so if you guys have any suggestion please comment down below!!!

Sorry... I'm still I'm YouTuber mode...
The queen is out.

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