FTAC 6 | Meeting the mother

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Chapter 6: Meeting the mother

This chapter is dedicated to Nadia Hart, want ek sal een of ander tyd uit figure wat jou wattpad naam is... but love yous my satanic penguin!

When we reached the kitchen Anaelle was already introducing herself to my mom, eagerly walking up to her.
Once again, I wished that my two guests weren't so fond of adult company as they always seem to be, I though as I hesitantly walked into the kitchen with Nikolai following close behind.
"Um... hey mother, how's it going? I asked trying to distract her while Nikolai filled Anaelle in on our situation.
Shocked at the abruptness of my voice she quickly turned to face me with a slight wobble from the weight of the grocery bags. It's grocery day today and having two growing boys and a teen daughter that has an empty pit for a stomach means that food doesn't last long in this household, hence why I only had sugared rose petals to offer Anaelle and Nikolai.
"I'm... good?" she said suspiciously eyeing me for any signs of unusual behaviour.
Before she could make her deduction, her foot got stuck on one of the low hanging shopping bags making her lose her balance and preventing her from voicing any concern she may have.

She knows me all too well, I thought trying to keep my smile from wavering as she tried to gage my expression. After a while of staring at me she gave a reluctant sigh and continued with her task of trying not to fall over while struggling to get the bags to the counter. Needless to say, her trip was accompanied by many wobbles and stumbles as she let out a frustrated sigh.
I mean I could always help her carry the bags, but her struggle is keeping her from trying to figure out the situation and my suspicious behaviour... which in the end is a win for me, right?
When she finally caught her balance she turned to face the others who were urgently whispering to each other.
"Who's your friends, Calli?" asked mom her voice sounding a little too surprised and enthusiastic for my liking.
I don't bring home a lot of friends- mostly because I don't have any other than my mom and Morgan. Technically I didn't even bring Morgan home he kind of just stumbled into our household which makes Nikolai and Anaelle the first 'friends' I've ever brought home.
Just to clarify these two are not my friends; Anaelle with time maybe, but not Nikolai.
Never in a million years!
"Oh this is Anaelle and Nikolai, they're both from Donatus." I mumbled as the siblings turned to face us with perfect smiles plastered on their faces.
I have to say from first glance the two are pretty impressive. Anaelle with her intelligent stare, innocent face and bohemian yet still neat smock dress just screamed 'that smart good girl' and Nikolai well... he looked like any mother's dream for their daughter with his perfectly gelled hair, muscly 'jock' figure, laid-back black jeans and dark red denim jacket.

Although the two are worlds apart in both personality and sometimes even looks they both shared the same charming overly peppy smile even if Anaelle's is framed by clear braces.
Excitedly my mom held out her hand for Nikolai to shake but forgot about the bags currently occupying them. With a nervous laugh she quickly put the bags on the counter so that she could shake his hand. My mom was ditzy and spaces out a lot, which is where I got it from, but that only means that I love her even more... just don't tell her I said that. I'd never hear the end of it!
"Hi there darling, I'm Eden and you must be the Nikolai I've heard so much about." she smiled widely, looking at Nikolai with approval shining in her bright blue eyes.
Excuse me? When have I ever mentioned Nikolai to her, I thought as I took in her mischievous smile and overly happy face.
She's making it up... only my mother would go out of her way to make something up just to embarrass me. Well either that or she's buttering him up for something. You know what they say about Iaheira Fluidum's being manipulative...

"All good I hope." replied Nikolai with his usual sickeningly charming grin as he gently shook my mother's hand.
Oh for goodness sake!
"One, I never mentioned you to my mother or anyone for that matter and two, if I did it definitely wouldn't have been good." I growled, angrily starting to pack away a few of the groceries from a bag she put down near me.
"Olivia, don't be rude to this kind young man." reprimanded my mom with disapproval as she turned to face Anaelle again.
If only she knew...
"And you must be Anaelle, right?" asked my mom.
"Yes mam, it's wonderful to make your aquintance."
"Oh rose petal, there's no need for formalities just call me Eden." said mom, surprising Anaelle by pulling her into a friendly hug.
My mom has no concept of personal space especially if she's happy like right now. I really hope Anaelle's a hugger..
"Well, I hope that Calli has been a good host so far."
"Well..." started Nikolai with a smirk.
I glared at him as if saying, don't even think about it.
He just shrugged innocently at my glare and turned to face my mother with another charming smile.
"By the way you have a beautiful home, Eden." grovelled the smart ass.
"Oh thank you we've decorated it ourselves."
Whilst my mother ranted on about the handmade mosaic wall that we did last summer Nikolai went to grab the bags next to her and started packing out the groceries attentively listening to her like the perfect gentlemen he definitely isn't.
Can someone hand me a bag so that I can chuck up the non-existent breakfast that I haven't eaten yet?
He's acting like every overly cliché male character from the world's most notorious rom coms and there is no doubt in my mind that my mom is eating it up as if its Krismis trifle, I thought bitterly.

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