FTAC 3 | Cloudy with a chance of trouble

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[Edited version]Last edited on: 2020/ 10/ 15

Chapter 3:

Cloudy with the Chance of Trouble

"Hey, give that back!" shrieked Tallulah.
She turned on her heels fuming, to whichever idiot wasn't afraid to commit social suicide. Standing behind her with juice bottle in hand was none other than Nikolai Di, the resident idiot.
Anaelle couldn't express how happy she was to see her brother holding the dreaded bottle.
Although she really hates conflict she's also slightly allergic to carrots. It's nothing hospital worthy, but she's always felt unhinged and ill when she ingests or touches them and the rashes usually last for weeks on end.
"I'm only going to say this once; so open up those satellite dishes you call ears... Give. It. Back." threatened Tallulah in a dangerously low voice.
"Well at least my 'satellite ears' serves a purpose unlike yours, because if I don't remember correctly I told you to leave my sister alone." Spat Nikolai.
"Oh boo hoo, Dumbo, there's no-"

All the while the two were fighting I was happily snapping away- planning on capitalizing on their inability to solve problems peacefully. That is until they noticed my presence and all hell broke loose. When Tallulah noticed me and my flashing camera she lost the last bit of self-control she had left. Her eyes darkened, but at the same time looked more blue than what it was before. It was like something fragile snapped behind those pretty blue gems and was overcome by cold, unrelenting anger. That is the first sign of danger, I'm sure of it.

After a quick searching look over the tables close by she grabbed a packet of tomato drenched chips from a girl to her left and threw it straight at me.
And let's just say that the result was anything but pleasing.
I looked down at my favourite Egyptian Scarub jacket only to see red blobs that will without a doubt be a pain in the ass to get out. I was so ready to show these two what a fight really looked like when Anaelle beat me to the punch.

"Please just stop!" shrieked Anaelle still trying to keep her brother back, but he was too strong.
He was too angry to even think about listening to his sister's command and with one last tug he was free from Anaelle's surprisingly strong hold. The first thing he did was try to take my camera which was a huge mistake on his part.
Like hell am I going to allow him to touch my baby!
Luckily, I'm faster than him and sidestepped him with ease. As I dodged Nikolai he firmly ran smack dab into Tallulah.

The sight was pretty hilarious if I do say so myself

"Get off me, you big bozo!" shrieked Tallulah squirming under Nikolai's crushing weight.
After a huge struggle they finally made it back on their feet ready to continue the fight.
Well, that is until we saw a small figure making its way toward us with determined, angry strides.

"Oh no, it's aunt Go- I mean Principle Heras." said Anaelle worriedly.
She grabbed her brother's hand fearing her aunt's wrath. She always was a very strict, fiery woman even as she stood at a meager 1,51 meters.
When she finally reached us I couldn't help, but notice that she looked like an older version of Anaelle. The only prominent difference being the stern frown tattooed above her delicately shaped eyebrows and her hauntingly pale grey eyes.

Disappointment burned in her fiery, steel eyes as she glowered at her niece and nephew as well as the two other food covered students.
She knew the other two quite well since both were frequent visitors to her office. She knew them better than they might even think...

Tallulah Alagrasi-Ede; the school golden girl.
She usually looks at the girl with pity as her records state that she comes from quite the untraditional upbringing and to be honest she wasn't brought up by the most loving pair of parents in Elizabeth Crescent.
Honestly, she doubts that the girl even knows about the circumstances she's in with the amount of neglect that she expects from Tallulah's caregivers.
Her heated gaze travelled to the other girl covered in sweet, dust and tomato sauce; Olivia Quinne.
A very bright girl, pretty, hard working... a little on the hot-headed side, but that is to be expected of the Quinne-Cicero bloodline. Their family has always been a little odd and Liv really started to keep to herself after her father's mysterious disappearance. Both girls are highly intelligent, highly talented, but today they, along with her own niece and nephew, are the root of her fury.

"What's going on over here?" boomed Gouldaz, her voice a lot louder than you'd think possible for such a tiny woman.
She glared all four of us down with every word she spoke.
Before any of us could answer or even get a word in she continued, "It's the first day and there's already trouble... Detention for all of you!"

She scanned the guilty faces in front of her with discontent. When her eyes landed on Anaelle she was torn between being angry with her and acknowledging that at least she did something other than studying. Still the price for living didn't sit well with her.
"I'm very disappointed in all of you." said Gouldaz crossing her arms over her chest.
"Especially you Anaelle, my own niece!"
After a few minutes of tense silence she angrily stalked off leaving the four of us standing there and the others on the grass to murmur amongst themselves.

Great, detention on the first day... that must be a new record.

As the murmuring stopped, and the bell rang Tallulah stalked away in true catwalk fashion. Well not before pushing me out of her way and making me fall on my butt.
I may be fast, but my balance has never been one of my best attributes, so of course I lost my balance.
I stared at her back angrily cursing her in every language I possibly could.

What, I had to do something to keep myself from pulling her back by her not so perfectly straightened hair.

I concentrated my anger towards my dust covered camera as I continued to sit on the grass trying to rid my poor baby of the specks of dirt that would no doubt gather beneath the lens.
"Are you alright?" asked Anaelle, as she took a step closer to me with a worried look on her face.
"Why aren't you asking me if I'm alright?" asked Nikolai feigning a hurt expression.
"Because a diminutive amount of pasta in your hair won't end you, Mister I'm Made of Steal." Sassed Anaelle pushing her brother away so that she can help me up.
I rolled my eyes at Nikolai's annoying face and turned to his sister to shrug her hand off angrily.
"I'm fine... thanks." I huffed and pushed myself off the ground.
The moment I got to my feet I turned around and stormed off to the peaceful quiet of my next class.
As I retreated I could hear Nikolai's stupid voice saying, "See Engel, the freak is fine."

Word count: 1247

What a chapter!

So now that you've met four out of the five lead characters what do you think? How do you think detention will go and what do you think about the changes I've made?

I just need to say how happy all the insults in this chapter makes me since if you've read the unedited version of the book you'll know that my insults were pretty weak. But now everytime I read them I'm like, "Yay, they finally don't suck!!!" 😂😂 I don't know, it's the smaller things in life I guess. 🤷‍♀️

Now on to the Question of the Chapter:

What's your name and do you like it and why?

My response:
For those who haven't read my bio my name is Gaby Michaela Mc Donald.
Yes, yes my dad owns a farm and he's lovin' it.
I've heard it all!
And yes Gaby is my full name. Everyone keeps asking me if Gaby is short for Gabriella.
Nope its just Gaby and with only ONE 'B'!
The funny thing is my parents named me Gaby since I was a very small child (still am to be honest) and they didn't want to give a small child such a long name. Well the irony is that people love giving me nicknames that are longer than my actual name. I mean Gabers, Gabster, Gabsterina, Gabriella Sabertini, Gabisile? Really? Oh well, I've come to love my name although it can be frustrating at times.

Fact of the Chapter:
Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon. (Obvi!) 'Neil A' backwards spells 'Alien'.

My response:
Well my dad keeps saying that how are we sure that there was anyone on the moon. His theory is that what if it was just like making a movie since how can it only be one guy who went to the moon. Yeah, my dad's weird, but I love him anyway.

Anyways my lovely lieflinge, I hope you had a great day and thank you for making my weird imagination a part of it! 😂💗

The queen is out

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