*FTAC 2: A bad move to make

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Chapter 2: A bad move to make

So as the rest of the school day dragged on Alena was nervously going from class to class. It was a wonder she survived any of them. First period advance Maths was nothing new to her as well as the France class in second period. The classes were fine, although a little rudimentary for her taste. What she truly feared was the time between classes.Five minutes' walk time may seem like an extremely short period of time, but it seems that the matrices made it their mission to cause as much damage as they possibly can. And trust me they can cause a lot of trouble if they want to. I'd know... I'm not the most loved under the older kids mostly due to the fact that I attend this school under a scholarship. Oh well, if they don't like me then that's their problem. Anyway back to Alena... She has been shoved against lockers, tripped in the hallway and even had to carry one of the older kids' books to their class. The worst though was when one of the cheerleaders commanded her to crawl to her class with her following close behind. Yes, this school truly is a hell-hole at welcoming week.

When the lunch bell finally rang it was like music to Alena's ears. She has never been so thankful to hear a loud screeching bell echoing through the hall until today. She ran to the cafeteria as fast as she possibly could and when she got there the line was fortunately short. Within two minutes she was at the front of the line and got her food without any of the older kids noticing her. Hurriedly Alena walked through the double doors to see if she can spot her brother's familiar mop of brownish-black hair in the throng of kids sitting on the grass. She couldn't see anything with her being the size of a little fairy and ultimately gave up on her search for safety. She felt her chest constricting in panic, but she shook her head in annoyance at her own pitiful fear. She needs to be a big girl now and count on herself instead of her brother. She confidently walked across the cobblestoned path, but the moment she stepped foot on the soft grass she felt all her courage drain from her body.

She took a deep breath ignoring the stares as she walked out onto the big lawn with stone tables and curvy benches placed in little groups. For the log of her she hasn't been able to make any friends with the matrics from he'll on the loose. But she was determined for that to change. Now the question is where to sit... Yup, this definitely has a mean girls feel to it. Don't worry the Regina George is coming soon. Still lost in her thoughts she didn't notice a matric girl walking up to her with a sly smile. Oh look, there she is. Mendon's very own Regina George in the flesh. I present to you the wicked witch of the west has arrived! I give you Lillian Withers... Please refrain from getting in her wa and keep your children close by. We don't want another incident like last year. Let's just say that it involved orange hair dye, two black eyes, a pair of highly violated underwear and a fire breathing Dragon dressed in head-to-toe Prada. Lillian is none other than a Gucci-loving, Olympic swimmer with a barbie doll fifure and popularity to match. Shes one of those 'too gorgeous to be human so my personality lacks in what my looks gained' type of girls. You know what I'm talking about... Dont act all innocent you definitely know what I'm talking about! According to her this is little black haired girl with her big hazel eyes and cream complexion needs some guidance on what to wear and didn't mind showing off her new outfit. And trust me her intentions, let alone her 'guidance', is nowhere near good. She was actually quite pretty if it wasn't for the braces lining her decent looking teeth like rusted train tracks, thought Lillian. Oh well, one man's misfortune is another man's right to tease them... or something along those lines.

For those of you who don't know Lillian likes treating the hallways like her own personal catwalk. Everyday it's a new outfit. Everyday it's more extravagant than the day before, and the day before, and the day before that... Today's creation is a little all-white ensemble. She wore a tight fitting pencil skirt with little slits on both sides. To top the outfit off she added an original cream Calvin Klein leather jacket, red heeled boots and dramatic blood red lipstick. With her chocolate auburn hair softly curled to perfection and effortlessly framing her face she stopped right behind a distracted Alena.
"Hey cry baby!" said Lillian nastily capturing the attention of the students close by.
Still concentrating on finding her brother or a possible place to sit she didn't hear Lillian's call. Let me tell you that this didn't make Lillin happy at all. How dare this little pre-teen midget ignore her when she speaks!
"ARE YOU DEAF?!" shouted Lillian raising her voice enough to catch the rest of the students eating on the grass' attention.

The loud noise made Alena jump and turn around on instinct. As she spun around she lost grip of her lunch tray and her lunch landed right on Lillian's pearly white crop top and leather jacket. The hit wasn't that hard, but Lillian still staggered backwards as if she was hit by a hand grenade and not a pasta salad. She looked down at the mess the little brat made on her new outfit and felt anger boiling through her body.
"What is wrong with you?!" shrieked Lillian loudly.
Alena flinched away at the tone of her voice. Oh no, now she's done it.
"Oh- I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry!" apologized Alena looking at the huge stain and willing it to go away.
Why does she always have to be SO clumsy, whined Alena to herself. She wanted to kick herself for being so stupid.
"Do you know how much this outfit cost me?" continued Lillian her nostrils flaring as she waved her arms in anger.
"A lot..." squeaked Alena and instantly clamped her mouth shut with regret.
Why did she say that?! Now she's really going to get it. Lillian let out a bitter laugh as she took in the brat's answer.
" A lot... a lot... the birch says 'a lot'" mumbled Lillian under her breath and scoffs at the girl's audacity.
"OF COURSE IT COST A LOT, YOU DIPSHIT?!" exploded Lillian making Alena's well up with tears of fear.
The two have not only captured the attention of the student on the grass, but also the kids from inside the cafeteria. Some students were even coming out from inside and were all staring at the scene like they were an addictive reality show.
Lillian took a deep breath to calm herself, but when she opened them the usually pale blue orbs were an electric cerulean that warned Alena that she was nowhere near calm.
"You know what?" said Lillian glaring at the scared girl with a creepily blank expression.
"Its my job to teach you rug rats what it takes to survive at this school... And trust me, I'm planning on making your time here hell on earth." spat the food covered girl.
The venom in her voice was hard to miss and her actions were just as quick as that of a snake. She grabbed the bottle of carrot juice from her tray and unscrewed the cap with force, but before she could empty its carrots contents on Alena's head someone grabbed the bottle from her hand.


What is your favourite book, movie and song?

My answer:
Thats a hard one since I change my mind every time someone in the world sneezes...
My favourite book is between Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian and the whole The Kane Chronicles series by the one and only Rick Riordan. Favourite movie has to be either Bad Moms since it always makes me happy or Lion which is just the saddest yet cutest movie I've ever seen... but I kinda also love Suicide Squad- OH THE INDECISIVENESS?!?!
I have to say that my favourite South African song is and will always be Queen of Hearts by the legendary Taliep Pietersen. I'm not exaggerating when I say that everything he touches turns to gold and that most definitely includes any the musical numbers from Distrix Six the musical. Just believe me when I say that you won't ever be disappointed when you listen to his amazing music!

The word 'slut' was originally used to describe a woman who didnt keep her room clean.

My response:
Then Im most definitely a slut. All my fellow sluts out there let's unite and bond over our mutual artistic approach at organization!

I wish you all the best my loverlies and until next time...

Hocus Pocus
And the queen is out

Fifth time's a Charm《Being Rewritten》 [BOOK*ONE]Where stories live. Discover now