*FTAC 16: Suicide missions and invisible attackers

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Robert up there. He's cute, right?!

Chapter 10: Suicide missions and invisible attackers

I was standing on the edge of an old, disintegrating bridge. The wind softly brushed past my face as the sound of chirping birds fill my ears with thousands of unique anthems. A few miles away from my house there's a forest that no one comes to anymore. Legend has it that it is home to ghosts and evil spirits that possess any trespassers bringing them to their doom. The Forrest has been declared haunted for almost thirteen years now. Of course they didn't notice it was just me practising my gift every weekend. I paused on the edge of the cement railing feeling the bridge slightly crumble under the soles of my purple sneakers. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes; preparing myself to plunge into the faraway dark green of the water below.

"What are you doing?!" said a voice from behind me.
Just I was about to turn around to see who it was I felt myself being lifted off the ledge and placed back onto the green moss of the stone bridge.
Quite irritated and surprised I glared at Cameron's panicked expression and hissed, "What's wrong with you?! "
He looked at me as if I magically grew second or maybe even third head. What was his problem and why would he interrupt me when I was obviously concentrating?

"Don't jump you'll die! " he said his eyes begging me as he shook my shoulders.
What is he talking about? It's not like I'm trying to... Oh. Now I get it!
I stared at him in stunned silence and then started laughing.
"Cam, I'm not suicidal. " I reassured him and laughed at his sigh of relief.

Okay, at least I know he cared enough about me as to not wish death upon me, but that doesn't mean that he's in madly love with me. That doesn't prove Lillian right at all, does it? Yeah, it's just regular humans nature, nothing else, no feeling or strings attached at all. The strings are pretty much non-existent if im being honest.
"This is how I practise. " I explained waving my arm in the general direction of the bridge's ledge.
He looked at me, then the dark waters and then back at me again.
He nodded his head, but his eyes told me a completely different story. Those chocolatey hazel eyes were filled with doubt and question marks. Why does he never believe me?!
"Let me show you. " I said excitingly.

Before he could even register what I was about to do I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my weight push us over the edge of the bridge. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins as we gravity pulled us downwards. I shrieked in pleasure as we plummeted through the air, the wind nipping at any visible skin. Cameron's much louder scream completely surpassed mine and he clenched his eyes shut and refused to open them no matter how many times I told him to. Well isn't he just as brave as a knight. We hit the surface of the river and I felt the satisfying sensation of water hitting my face and moulding its way around my body.

The bubbles blocked my view for a few seconds, but at least I knew where Cam was. I grabbed his hand so that he wouldn't swim away or drown and showed him an abnormally shiny bubble. He looked at me with pure panic in his nutty hazel eyes, but I just kept on smiling reassuringly at him. After a while he shifted his gaze from me to the bubble and stared at it with curiosity.
I caught the bubble between my hands and it started to grow and grow until both of us were completely sealed in. The water was locked out and replaced with pure oxygen. Cameron was still soaking wet staring at the little fresh water fish like a little kid at an aquarium.

To them this was a regular sight since I practise almost every day, but for Cameron it was still shocking. You'd think that by now he would've learned that anything is possible.
"See, this is how I practise. I'm trying to improve my time of how long I can stay underwater. Not how long it takes before I die. " I said when he stopped gaping at the fishes as if they don't belong there. Oh the irony!

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