sorry guys

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Okay so guys i know i keep telling you ill update every authors note but the truth is i honestly don't think i will update again. Id tell my friends that I want to finish the book but i know i wont. And plus im not really a fan of jai anymore.

Im sorry for you all who waited for a new update but i don't think any of you are waiting anymore. Its nearly been a year since my last update and i can tell you that i had always had my ending in my head from day 1.

If you would want to know just comment and ill post a new update to tell you what i wanted to happen. Also i had read through the book keeping it in mind that i was 13 when i first started writing this book and some of the chapters are so embarrassing omg 😂😂😂 also soooooo many spelling mistakes.

So i guess this is it. You guys have been amazing i honestly i never thought i would get this many reads. 12.4 k reads is so amazing i cant begin to thank you all. Thank you all so much for your support And everything

One last time
(^^ is also the name of my new story. If you have time check it out!"
So one last time
-Hayley xx


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