Chapter 14

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Jais pov.

After Haleigh told me what happen I laughed at how immature lily is. All I wanted to do was spend my last night with Haleigh, just the two of us. No problems. No drama. But of course, lily had to ruin it. And just a couple of hours ago lily punched her in the head and landed in a rock.

This lily girl has problems. Big problems. It's like she just try's to ruin mine and Haleigh's life. Well at least I won't see her for a couple of days... Wait yes I will she is going to boot camp. Ugh.

"What you thinking?" Haleigh asked.

"Nothing, just how lily has been a total bitch lately." I say.

"Yeah, true. But she hasn't always been a bitch..." She said not sure if she wanted to finish the story.

"Oh." I say not sure i what to say about that.

"Its true you know. I told you why remember. I just hate it how she just cant let that be what happened happened and no one can change that." She said .

"I kno-" i got interrupted by a buzzing sound in my pocket. It was from an unknown person. Knowing me I read it to see maybe if one of my mates got a new phone number. I read:


"Hi, I'm a huge fan."

Not that I don't love my fans I wanted to spend time with Haleigh. I kept reading~

"I go to your school. And I am at the dance right now. I can't tell you who I am now but you'll know who I am when you meet me at the back of the gym.. Please come alone as it is very private."

"What is this." I think to myself

"What Is it Jai?" Haleigh asked.

"Nothing... Hey do you mind if I just go to the toilet I'll be right back." I ask already sort of walking.

"Yeah sure.... I'll just be inside with Katrina, Hannah and sammy." She said knowing something was strange.

"Ok." I say as I walk off.

I start to get closer to where I was supposed to meet this person. I see a faint body figure in the distance and it comes closer and closer and closer.

I finally meet this person. It took me a minute to recognize who it was. Then it all came back to me.

Haleigh's pov.

I walk I'm to the gym and see hardly anyone around. None if them are dancing, only a few. I see Hannah and Katrina walking the the drink stand.

"Hey guys." I say as I walk closer to them.

"Hey!" They both reply.

"You look stunning Haleigh." Said Hannah.

"Yeah! Drop dead gorgeous." Katrina added to Hannah's compliment.

"Aawwh! Thanks guys. You don't look bad your selves." I say back."Loving the blue and white lace Hannah" I say to Hannah. "And Katrina loving the maxi dress." I compliment.

"Aww. Thanks Haleigh" the both said in sync.

After about 1 minute or so, I see lily come in again. This time with a date. I didn't know his name. But he looked cute. He also looked familiar.

"Who's Lily's date?" I asked Hannah.

"That's Bryce Lakecy. He used to come to our school I'm primary. Remember. You liked him for ages and he liked you." Hannah said.

"I DIDNT LIEK HIM!" I say as I try and hold back. They all ways used to make it so obvious that I liked him.

"And he never liked me." I stated.

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