Chapter 11

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Sammy's pov

I walked with my parents to the car. They said nothing. When I got to the car they started talking to me. "We know the principle didn't see the whole thing but can you tell us the side of your story?" My mum said. "Ok" i say. " i saw lily punch Haleigh and she fell to the ground......" I say but then i get interrupted. "Wait hold on. You punched lily? The principle just told us you punched a girl." My dad says. "Yeah! She fricken punched Haleigh. I wasn't just going to stand there let her feel all cool." I said.

"WOAH!! You go girl. Ugh i really do not like lily.....oh uhh i mean she is a bad influence on you but you still shouldn't of punched her." My mum said happily till my dad glared at her to shut up. My mum didn't care if i punched lily because she had never liked her. She said she is too up in your face and if she wants some attention and you don't give it to her then she goes and bitches about you to everyone.

Haleigh's pov.

My mum raced through the door panicked as anything. She thought I was gone she was crying so much. " Hunny!!! Are you ok?!" Mum asked. "Yes I'm fine. Just got punched in the face by lily then I fell to the ground and hit my head and went unconscious for a bit. But now I'm fine." I say getting up off the bed. "I'm ready to go now." I say as the doctor just checked to see everything was ok. "Thats good and i see jai was here looking after you, yes?" Mum said. I nodded. " you've got a keeper" mum winked at jai. Jai blushed.

"Oh no!" I say. "What!" Jai and mum say. "The dance, its tonight." I say. "Its fine Hun you can still go but just let me fix your makeup and just don't dance a lot. " mum said.

It was the last day i get to see jai till he went to boot camp. After boot camp if he makes it( which he will) he goes basically straight to the over seas destination.

We all hoped in the car. My mum dropped jai off at his home considering school nearly finished and that he was with me his mum was totally cool about it. "Mum?" I say. "Yes" she replies. Can jai come over tonight considering its his last night for a while." I say."sure! He's a good one you know, i like him :)" i mum said. "Mum back off he's mine." I say.

We hopped out of the car. My mum used to be a part time makeup artist but then she had me so she got a job that would be more able to help me with school and stuff. So she was gong to be dong my make up. We went to the hairdresser to do my hair. We took my dress and stuff to show the hair dresser so she had an idea.

She sat me down in a chair. She looked at my dress(the one jai got me) and figured out a style of hair and make up for me. She curled my hair, put it in a low bun, some strains of curly parts are out but it looks nice. She put some more strains out near my face and then she was done. She put a few clips in and sprayed it with some hairspray.

We went home to get the make up happening. She got a chair for me to sit on and got all her old makeup and stuff for me I had a few bruises in my forehead so she covered it up with foundation. She put mascara on and eyeliner and eye shadow and like skin colour with like a little bit if peach in colour in it lipstick. I put my dress on then my shoes. Then some accessories.

I wonder what jai is doing.

Jai's pov.

Haleigh's mum had dropped me off and she told my mum everything. My mum was totally cool about it. Like that was a first. I had to start to get ready. I fixed my hair and out on a not to formal tuxedo and and my school shoes on. I was waiting a while till it was time to go pick Haleigh up. I got mum to take us and pick Haleigh up and take pictures.

I knocked on the door. Haleigh's mum answered Haleigh was ready. She walked down the stairs and the dress i bought her fitted abosulutly perfect and she looked like she was out if this world. She was to perfect to describe.

I grabbed her hand and our mums took pictures soon it was time to go and she followed us to the car. She had something in her hand. " what you got there?"i ask. "Oh nothing. You'll see." She said. We got to the school it was so dark but the school looked good. For once.

We saw Sammy. She was with her boyfriend well i dont even know if they were a thing or not anymore but i wont ask. "OMG Sammy. Thank you so much for what you did. Are you ok" Haleigh asked. "Of course im fine. You look a million bucks." Sammy said to haleigh. "Thank you jai bought it for me." She said looking at me.

We walked into the gym and thats when Haleigh pulled out the envelope.

Hey guys... Im sorry its been for ever. I told you id do more during the holidays but u guess i was wrong. I'll try to do more, ok! I love you guys so much. And thank you so much for 3k

I hope you like it its sort of long i guess. :)

-hayley Xx

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